Leigh said:
that the dirtier the hair the faster it grows. So if you really want that hair to grow you have to stop washing the hair.

[/ QUOTE ]
Whoa.,..I heard that craziness one too many times before from friends and family. But for a stylist to say that, that is just CRAZY!

WTF is that about, if you want curls grow out a relaxer?
I would never ever ever go back to her.
WTF!!! See stuff like this burns me up. We need a LHCF salon!---I agree! I was thinking it would be cute if we had LHCF T-shirts and Mugs and stuff...just a taught.
ayeshia said:
OMG this is why I hate going to a white school. Today I was at lunch with some of the people from my dorm and one girl was talking about her frizz because it was raining today.and I told her that maybe she shouldnt brush it while its dry and only while wet and use only conditioner to wash on humid days...dont you know this ***** was like "You dont have long hair so you dont understand"
These fools think that this is the longest my hair will ever get
Whew I cant wait to show these suckers!!!

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Now she did not have to go there. How rude!
foxybrown, I just looked at your album, and your hair looks healthy, nice, and long. Those people don't know any better, so you shouldn't keep explaining yourself to them. You can show them better than you can tell them. I'm going through the same thing with my bf. He doesn't think that I can grow my hair any longer. I've told him all that I can. I guess now it's time to show him by keeping my healthy and letting him and any other doubters watch it grow.
MissJ said:
foxybrown, I just looked at your album, and your hair looks healthy, nice, and long. Those people don't know any better, so you shouldn't keep explaining yourself to them. You can show them better than you can tell them. I'm going through the same thing with my bf. He doesn't think that I can grow my hair any longer. I've told him all that I can. I guess now it's time to show him by keeping my healthy and letting him and any other doubters watch it grow.

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You grow Miss J!

Thanks for the compliment btw
Foxybronx, YOU are my hair idol! I love your hair, and I'm hoping and working on my hair being like yours one year from now
swannie said:
Foxybronx, YOU are my hair idol! I love your hair, and I'm hoping and working on my hair being like yours one year from now

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Girl you got me all emotional here! That is just too sweet of you. Thanks for the compliment. You will be at your goal before you know it.
Very interesting and I know exactly how you feel. The problem is there is a lot of ignorance about African hair, I read in several books that black hair grows very slowly, the longest that they can achieve is 10 inches, also black people have different ethnic groups have longer hair. This has always been used as a beating stick, 'why our hair can't grow long. I remember when I was 21 and I was obsessed with growing my hair, my mother always had longer hair than mine, it would be longer than shoulder length, so she told me to visit my cousin, because she may know how to grow my hair longer, when I visited my cousin Barbara and she said, that because her father was half chinese, she had long hair. So I there get a slap in my face. And as a result, I honestly believed my hair wouldn't grow. Then I came across JF Lazartique products and Wanakee products and they both suggested washing your hair once a week, then I notice my hair was able to retain length. After being on many websites, I realise that black hair is very fragile, so too many perms, relaxers, colour treatments, heat treatments leave our hair breaking and broken, so it can never reach long lengths, also people who are type two hair, have stronger, hence it would be that it grows longer, it does not break so easily. I have also likened African texturised hair to grass, if you want to see fast growth of grass, you water it regular, or have you ever observed that you have cut your lawn one week, after a heavy rainfull, the grass grows so fast, that is how our hair is, if you moisturise regular, daily, or as often as possible, you will be surprised how much growth, you have achieved, plus protein treatments for strength, also shrinkage is a major factor, there are many ladies who hair, especially 4b would reach below ear length, once the hair is stretched, past collarbone length, people whose hair is touching shoulder length, once the hair is stretched it is almost touching their waist. That is one of the amazing things about African hair. Once people see you with your thick long hair, they talk all types of rubbish, even black people refuse to believe long hair growth. People don't bother to find out information, they don't read. Even when I was speaking to someone about rinsing my hair daily, she said, that I want to be a white person, I had to tell her, rinsing my hair daily is about me giving my hair moisturise, nothing to do with being white, a white hairdresser told me that black people can wet their hair daily, but if she mentioned that it would cause a lot of problems, so they don't say anything, another woman who was giving my the JF Lazartique treatment, said the products are ideal for black hair, but black people automatically think it is for white people so they don't use it. I use products in the supermarket, I used products, which are rich, usually the dry and damaged products or coloured, permed and dry products. I was told that if I wet my hair to often, my hair would drop out. Yet my hair is the thickest and longest it has ever been. I have never had this long hair, ever I was not born with or ever had long hair as a child. I honestly believe that there is a conspiracy to pick black women ignorant about looking after their hair, so that lots of black can make billions, billions of money off our hair. If a lot of black people knew how to look after their hair property, a lot and and I mean a lot of hair companies, owners of black beauty stores, will close immediately and a lot of shares will be lost overnight. Thank Mother Father God, that we have the knowledge and each day our gathering is getting bigger and eventually we will be able to reach other people who want to learn and as for the others. They will be left in their ignorance. FoxyBronx, your hair is looking good, get up your good work and leave those fools to the foot of the cross.
Valerie said:
Very interesting and I know exactly how you feel. The problem is there is a lot of ignorance about African hair, I read in several books that black hair grows very slowly, the longest that they can achieve is 10 inches, also black people have different ethnic groups have longer hair. This has always been used as a beating stick, 'why our hair can't grow long. I remember when I was 21 and I was obsessed with growing my hair, my mother always had longer hair than mine, it would be longer than shoulder length, so she told me to visit my cousin, because she may know how to grow my hair longer, when I visited my cousin Barbara and she said, that because her father was half chinese, she had long hair. So I there get a slap in my face. And as a result, I honestly believed my hair wouldn't grow. Then I came across JF Lazartique products and Wanakee products and they both suggested washing your hair once a week, then I notice my hair was able to retain length. After being on many websites, I realise that black hair is very fragile, so too many perms, relaxers, colour treatments, heat treatments leave our hair breaking and broken, so it can never reach long lengths, also people who are type two hair, have stronger, hence it would be that it grows longer, it does not break so easily. I have also likened African texturised hair to grass, if you want to see fast growth of grass, you water it regular, or have you ever observed that you have cut your lawn one week, after a heavy rainfull, the grass grows so fast, that is how our hair is, if you moisturise regular, daily, or as often as possible, you will be surprised how much growth, you have achieved, plus protein treatments for strength, also shrinkage is a major factor, there are many ladies who hair, especially 4b would reach below ear length, once the hair is stretched, past collarbone length, people whose hair is touching shoulder length, once the hair is stretched it is almost touching their waist. That is one of the amazing things about African hair. Once people see you with your thick long hair, they talk all types of rubbish, even black people refuse to believe long hair growth. People don't bother to find out information, they don't read. Even when I was speaking to someone about rinsing my hair daily, she said, that I want to be a white person, I had to tell her, rinsing my hair daily is about me giving my hair moisturise, nothing to do with being white, a white hairdresser told me that black people can wet their hair daily, but if she mentioned that it would cause a lot of problems, so they don't say anything, another woman who was giving my the JF Lazartique treatment, said the products are ideal for black hair, but black people automatically think it is for white people so they don't use it. I use products in the supermarket, I used products, which are rich, usually the dry and damaged products or coloured, permed and dry products. I was told that if I wet my hair to often, my hair would drop out. Yet my hair is the thickest and longest it has ever been. I have never had this long hair, ever I was not born with or ever had long hair as a child. I honestly believe that there is a conspiracy to pick black women ignorant about looking after their hair, so that lots of black can make billions, billions of money off our hair. If a lot of black people knew how to look after their hair property, a lot and and I mean a lot of hair companies, owners of black beauty stores, will close immediately and a lot of shares will be lost overnight. Thank Mother Father God, that we have the knowledge and each day our gathering is getting bigger and eventually we will be able to reach other people who want to learn and as for the others. They will be left in their ignorance. FoxyBronx, your hair is looking good, get up your good work and leave those fools to the foot of the cross.

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Very well said
foxybronx said:
I’m fighting a hair war right now. I am going to grow my hair ridiculously long for all those who doubt that black hair can grow.

Situation 1:
I was hanging out with one of my friends, and her Puerto Rican boyfriend.
My friend’s hair is neck length. Her boyfriend had shaved off all his hair a couple of months ago, and now his hair is very long (not the top, just the nape). They have been having this ongoing battle on whose hair is going to be longer. He says that in less than 4 months, his hair will be past hers. She says to him “Of course your hair is going to past mine, remember I am only HALF spanish”. Meaning because she is half-black her hair won’t grow as fast as his.

First of all, she isn’t Spanish at all. Her mother is 25% spanish IF THAT (The father was pure jamaican, and her mother was not even half dominican)…, And My friend’s father is 100% jamaican. So she is not even ¼ dominican. But she always claims to be half-dominican. Anywhoo..

I say, “It doesn’t matter if your half spanish or not, because every one’s hair generally grows ½” a month” They both shook their heads at me, like I was clueless and they both said I DONT BELIEVE THAT! I explained to him and HER that the reason why his hair is growing faster than her’s is because his hair is natural and that he doesn’t process it, perm, color, blowdry or do any other things that would break his hair off. All he does it wash it and get it braided. And she does damaging stuff to her hair. (This girl thinks that perm is a conditioning, so she perms her hair every 4 weeks from root to tips, blowdrys it every wash, and colors it often)

He says, Well I don’t take care of my hair either and my hair still grows faster. I said REGARDLESS your not damaging your hair with harsh chemicals” so your hair is not really breaking. He says “yeah it is breaking when I comb it I see hair in the comb” (I wanted to say its probably shedding from you wearing braids for a while ya dumb a$$) But I was keeping my cool. So after arguing back and forth (with her siding with him) I realized I wasn’t getting anywhere so I just said “NEVERMIND” and left it alone. He smirked like he won.

Side note: She spent the night at my house yesterday and wanted to wash her hair so I gave her a shampoo, conditioner and then I handed her a plastic cap for her to do a deep conditioning with, and she asks me “what is it for?”

She TELLS people all the time, her hair is not like “other” peoples hair. That she has that “Good” hair. But as long as I can remember her hair has been neck length for all the years I have known her for. Yet I’m 100% african american and my hair is the longest it has ever been (with the exception of childhood)
AND GET THIS she tries to tell me what to do with MY hair. That I wash it often, that I need to use the relaxed and natural line, YADDA YADDA.

Situation #2:
I have Puerto Rican neighbors who btw are like family to me, and all my life I had to fight with them because they swore black people’s hair does not grow. As soon as they saw that my hair was shooting off, and getting really long they said “Oh wow you have long hair for a black girl cause you know their hair can’t grow”.

One day she looked in the mirror while doing her hair, and she says boy am I so glad that I don’t have your type of hair that I need perms and stuff. (Meanwhile, this b&%$* had a perm back in the day because her hair was SUPER curly, thick and unmanageable)
I seen her last weekend, and I had my hair in a phoneytail. You know this itch had the nerve to say oh I see your wearing weaves now, I thought your hair grew!!!

SO my hair goal now is however long it can grow, and still be thick and healthy. SO if I that means waist length/butt length I am going to DO IT
No disrespect but why do you consider these people friends & not ASSOCIATES?? Either way these people seem really jealous & toxic to one's self esteem, especially when hair is concerned.... :nono:
I'm feelng your photo & the hat shots! Does the Instant Weave feel comfortable under the hat? :look:
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I agree let your hair speak for itself. After reading this I am definitely going to stop with the heat and chemicals. I'll be wearing my natural hair braided and in twistouts, braidouts and deep condition every week. Hopefully my hair will grow.