Hair Texture Change Throughout Life


Active Member
Today I cowashed and I noticed that my hair texture has really changed. Over the past month or so I've seen the kinky wave that I've had since transitioning (and that I remember from childhood/pre relaxed days) slowly turn into thick kinky ringlets.

Its like my hair is getting curlier...I thought I was losing it but then I found this article...

Have any of you ladies experienced this?
Mine changed when I hit puberty. I think that's why I started having so many problems with it around that time. The hormones did something to it. My cousin said the same thing happened to her. It doesn't look how it looked when I was younger texture wise. Even my mom said the same thing. She said she wouldn't have permed it if it looked like it did now back then. My cousin's mom said the same thing. We both got relaxers around 5 or 6.
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I somewhat noticed this, when I was younger my curls seemed a little looser and as I got older they got more kinky, some strands more course. Not to mention I think I have split ends a lot more often, but maybe that's due to manipulation....