good ways to reduce tangles after washing?


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies,

I have still been experiencing a good deal of shedding after washing my hair. I have consistenly been using a detangler my motions- even though it is targeted towards children. It really bothers me to combout clumps of hair after washing it. Now, I do tend to wear my hair in a chignon most of the time and attribute part of the breakage due to this. However, the tangling has not let up and I fear possible thinning of the hair after time. What products/ regime have you found to be effective for this problem?


New Member
Here's what I posted in the other thread...same holds true for me today:

What helps me with tangles is to wash my hair in sections - I do two. Some people do 4. It helps tremendously with the tangles.
Also, are you combing through the conditioner with a wide tooth comb? And then as you're rinsing the conditioner, comb through again as the water flows through your hair. It should cut down on the tangles tremendously!