Good picture of my beginning length- shameful.

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
Good picture of my beginning length

Found this old pic in a program book- 2002-2003.
You can see my progress in my LHCF album...The front length says it all.

This was around the time I started going to DR salons. It got longer when I went more consistently. At this point I was back and forth between braids, AA salons and DR salons. The longest my hair looked going to DR salons is in my avatar taken in 2006.

Progress pic taken in 2010.


  • Pic of hair in 2002-03.jpg
    Pic of hair in 2002-03.jpg
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  • Front length.jpg
    Front length.jpg
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girl please that doesnt look bad! alot of us got some jacked up pre LHCF pics including me! :lol: but you've definitely come a long way. your hair is beautiful
Your hair didn't look bad! LOL But I definitely see a difference in thickness. You've done a great job taking care of your hair
Maybe not so 'bad' but there's nothing special about it.
It reminds me hair I see around the way...plastered down to the scalp cuz it's wrapped so darn tight, no flow no movement, just sits there, like a helmet. lol
I don't see anything wrong with it. Different look, shorter length than what you have now, but not bad or shameful. You'll make ppl with hair that's actually in bad shape feel really bad.
LOL this is another case of how LHCF has turned us into hair snobs...girl...your hair was fine. I mean it's beautiful now, but I'm sure no one was looking at you like, "Oooh girl, I need to let her know about LHCF..."
Your hair definitely looks thicker, but you say its shameful? Some people aren't at this point after 2, 3 or 4 years into their journeys.
Your hair was fine!!!! Cute actually!!! Now, your hair is lusher and thicker and definitely, I can see your progress!!! Way to grow girl!
As a young adult since I've been living in the US, yes. Back home, as a teenager it was a lil' longer I think, but I was relaxed then. I'll take a pic of the layered haircut I had when I remember having the longest hair. It's not much longer than my avatar though. I'll post a pic when I was a child so you can see.

Today is a sad day for me...I have come to the conclusion that I, Fine4s is a hairsnob. Thanks a lot Elle Pixie :)

However ladies, I looked at the first pic mad times and I just can't see what you all see. Maybe this is why no one IRL is really impressed with my hair progress lol
I remember seeing some of Kinikakes pre-LHCF hair and I thought the same as you all so I guess it's all about how the individual feels about her/himself vs. what others think and since you can't compare hair journeys or debate likes or dislikes I'll just say...thank you :)
Fine 4s - What styles have you worn consistently to grow out your hair? And do you style on wet, damp, or dry hair? And do you comb out your hair before styling it?
I don't see anything wrong with it. Different look, shorter length than what you have now, but not bad or shameful. You'll make ppl with hair that's actually in bad shape feel really bad.

Ditto:ohwell: It kinda did make me feel bad but I'm sensitive. But congrats on your progress OP.
I would've thought I was the bit-niss if I started out with your "shameful" starting picture...

You know that's right, I would be on here talking 'bout "Ladies come celebrate with me". :lol:

OP, you had a beautiful head of hair then but it is stunning now. :yep:
Ditto:ohwell: It kinda did make me feel bad but I'm sensitive. But congrats on your progress OP.

No way locabouthair!
I'ma change the wording some...
BTW, I thought I was cute it's just NOW in comparison...

What styles have you worn consistently to grow out your hair?
I wore twists and buns, cornrows, box braids and twists outs on special occasions a lot at the beginning.
I blowdried my hair for the first time in 2009 which was 2 years after I went hard.
And do you style on wet, damp, or dry hair? And do you comb out your hair before styling it?
At the beginning I styled on wet hair, set it and forget it for the week. I washed and detangled with DC in my hair as I washed it out. I also used to pre-poo every time time. Now, I detangle before I wash, blowdry more (not regularly but I've done it once this year so far) and plan to do more styles that are not so protective for my hair.

No way locabouthair!
I'ma change the wording some...
BTW, I thought I was cute it's just NOW in comparison...

What styles have you worn consistently to grow out your hair?
I wore twists and buns, cornrows, box braids and twists outs on special occasions a lot at the beginning.
I blowdried my hair for the first time in 2009 which was 2 years after I went hard.
And do you style on wet, damp, or dry hair? And do you comb out your hair before styling it?
At the beginning I styled on wet hair, set it and forget it for the week. I washed and detangled with DC in my hair as I washed it out. I also used to pre-poo every time time. Now, I detangle before I wash, blowdry more (not regularly but I've done it once this year so far) and plan to do more styles that are not so protective for my hair.


Fine 4s - thanks for your answers. But how do you get your hair to look so stretched out when in twists without blowdrying or combing it out before twisting? I'm just thinking about your signature picture. Do you band your hair or something to get it stretched out? Or does your hair not have a lot of shrinkage?
Some "Yay my hair is so loooonnnnng and thick, woohoooo!!!!! :banana:" posts, are not even close to your starting out pic. Real talk. So your hair wasn't really bad or shameful. I think once you can see the difference it's like "wow, my hair really wasn't all that". Still there are some, on this very forum in fact, whose hair goals are not that far from your beginning pic.

I know I've gotten hairsnobish since joining LHCF without even realizing it. APL isn't that long to me anymore and without fail I tend to have the longest hair of any black woman I see in most settings (mind you, I'm only just now closing in on BSL). You've made progress, so nothing wrong with being proud of it :grin:
That siggy pic is for SURE blow dried. That was the one time I did it this year.
I read your other thread regarding what that YT'er said about leaving her hair alone,
and for me Poohbear that's what did it.

Most people don't agree with this but I focused on what was best for my hair more so than what a cute style looked like. I knew the cuteness would come later so I stayed motivated (plus I don't go out much.) Not saying that the styles were H.A.M.s but that was NOT my focus for the first 2-3 years or until I reached my goal. Only my twist-outs were my cute, club hairstyles. Other than than, I'm in twists, buns etc. which to me are 'every day hairstyles.' To this day I haven't done a WNG because I'm pretty sure the tangles and dryness would not be worth it FOR ME.
Some "Yay my hair is so loooonnnnng and thick, woohoooo!!!!! :banana:" posts, are not even close to your starting out pic. Real talk. So your hair wasn't really bad or shameful. I think once you can see the difference it's like "wow, my hair really wasn't all that". Still there are some, on this very forum in fact, whose hair goals are not that far from your beginning pic.

I know I've gotten hairsnobish since joining LHCF without even realizing it. APL isn't that long to me anymore and without fail I tend to have the longest hair of any black woman I see in most settings (mind you, I'm only just now closing in on BSL). You've made progress, so nothing wrong with being proud of it :grin:

The boldest is THE truth! I have gotten some "Your hair is so long!!!" comments as of late that I respond to with rolled eyes and say, "It's not even BSL..." Then I realize I'm not on LHCF and have to check myself!!! :look:
Some of yall super sensitive! lol Well all started in different places on our hair journey, who cares when you have supple, sexy, thick, hair today! OP your hair looks beautiful before and after
That penny covering your face made me laugh.

Your hair looks nice though. I would not even call it 'shameful'.
Some "Yay my hair is so loooonnnnng and thick, woohoooo!!!!! :banana:" posts, are not even close to your starting out pic. Real talk. So your hair wasn't really bad or shameful. I think once you can see the difference it's like "wow, my hair really wasn't all that". Still there are some, on this very forum in fact, whose hair goals are not that far from your beginning pic.

I know I've gotten hairsnobish since joining LHCF without even realizing it. APL isn't that long to me anymore and without fail I tend to have the longest hair of any black woman I see in most settings (mind you, I'm only just now closing in on BSL). You've made progress, so nothing wrong with being proud of it :grin:

You're not alone! I get the "oooh your hair is soooo long!" comments all the time. I force a smile and say thanks. In my mind I'm like...meh, it's not even BSL yet.

That siggy pic is for SURE blow dried. That was the one time I did it this year.
I read your other thread regarding what that YT'er said about leaving her hair alone,
and for me Poohbear that's what did it.

Most people don't agree with this but I focused on what was best for my hair more so than what a cute style looked like. I knew the cuteness would come later so I stayed motivated (plus I don't go out much.) Not saying that the styles were H.A.M.s but that was NOT my focus for the first 2-3 years or until I reached my goal. Only my twist-outs were my cute, club hairstyles. Other than than, I'm in twists, buns etc. which to me are 'every day hairstyles.' To this day I haven't done a WNG because I'm pretty sure the tangles and dryness would not be worth it FOR ME.

This is me. I wore a bun 98% of the time in 2009 because I knew it was best for my damaged SL hair. I've never really cared about a "style". I just want the healthy hair.

Your hair is gorgeously thick!
Most people don't agree with this but I focused on what was best for my hair more so than what a cute style looked like. I knew the cuteness would come later so I stayed motivated (plus I don't go out much.) Not saying that the styles were H.A.M.s but that was NOT my focus for the first 2-3 years or until I reached my goal. Only my twist-outs were my cute, club hairstyles. Other than than, I'm in twists, buns etc. which to me are 'every day hairstyles.' To this day I haven't done a WNG because I'm pretty sure the tangles and dryness would not be worth it FOR ME.

^^^ITA with this way of thinking! I'm right there with you on all these points. I'll worry about cute when I have hair down to my behind! For now though, it's all about the no-nonsense protective stylin'! :grin:

BTW: Your progress is awesome and motivates me to keep going hard on this HHJ. :yep: