Giving meaning to popular scriptures and sayings...


New Member
Hello Ladies,

In my years of being a child of God there are some popular sayings and scriptures that I've never FULLY understood and therefore have trouble applying. For instance, "Giving it to God" and "Be still.." I know what these scriptures mean on a literal and spiritual level but when I try to apply it spiritually I sometimes hit a wall and don't know if I'm really walking in the principle.

So how do you take your hands off of a situation and lay to rest your own plans and agendas so that God can have full control?

Ladies, can you think of other popular scriptures and sayings that you would like clarification on?

So how do you take your hands off of a situation and lay to rest your own plans and agendas so that God can have full control?

Excellent question. For me it took years of praying and frustration (at myself largely cause I knew God was waiting on me) before I felt like I got a revelation of what those things meant. You know, I've said it once and I'll have to say again here. Time is a believer's friend. It really doesn't feel like it but it is:ohwell:. For me it is a combination of things. I literally had to realize that everything I was actively trying was not producing any tangible good/change. I had to recall that old but true saying, "Doing the same things over and over again but expecting different results is the very definition of insanity." I just got tired of spinning my wheels and going nowhere:spinning:. Then I did what a lot of us do. I decided since I tried everything else I may as well pray. Yeah:rolleyes:, what was my last resort should've been my first one all along. I had to learn to renew my mind. To seriously interrogate:detective: every thought I had from the time I woke up until I went to bed at night. Tedious but effective let me tell you. By doing this I started to see the roots of a long line of wrong thinking patterns I had. I learned that I'd been deceived by a lot of intelligent and well established ppl:blush:. They can tell you all about quantum physics and the like but are spiritually/morally deceased. I cried out to God and asked Him, "What does it mean to lay my cares down?" It means that I TRUST him. Knowing that many times his ways will not make a bit of sense to me:huh: and will go against all logic and reasoning. Sometimes I understand later but for many things I will not know the whys until I trade this earth suit for my permanent one. I am still looking through that dark mirror the word talks about. Sometimes I have to be obedient with fully gritted teeth. I talk to God. I tell him I don't feel like doing 'x'. I don't like 'x'. In the end, b/c I believe and I know he loves me and has my best interest at heart, I disregard my feelings and intellect if need be in an act of total obedience to an all knowing God and just do it:look:. He has never let me down. Ppl have. When you deny your flesh (ie lay your plans down that may not line up w/ God's plans for you) you honor your Father. He is then able to work in your life. He puts his super on our natural and BIG things happen. RT: He only wants for us what we would want if we were smart enough to know to ask for it.

Ok to recap:
1.Realize I'm not getting it done.
2. Ask God for help
3.Renew mind (read bible, think about what I read, talk about what I read repeat)
4. Know that I know, that I know, in all things God loves me and will cause things to work together for my good (even the things that are not His perfect will) Perfect love gets rid of my fears.
5.TRUST God especially when you don't feel like it and know that stuff makes no sense at all. That trust is your security. When you are secure in whose you are, you can be bold in your dealings. You can stand still when you learn to trust. You no longer feel the need to do it yourself or to be doing anything other than trusting and reminding yourself of the goodness of God from previous times in your life.
6. Then when God has shown up in your life and moved on your behalf. You glorify Him openly. Brag on the goodness of your God.
7. Hunker down. Get ready for your next test and level in life. Because they never stop coming as long as you are breathing and walking in his ways...