Frizzy hair


New Member
Ok, I am fed up with my hair. After I wash my hair it is a loose S shaped curl. But as it dries, the curl tightens up and gets very, VERY frizzy. It's embarrassing because I can't wear it loose. I have to wear it in a poofy,frizzy ponytail. I work in a dusty stockroom all day so I have to wash my hair every other day because I get dust and God only knows what else in my hair. But even if I didn't, I have to wash my hair at least twice a week. And my hair frizzes out in the humid air.What product can I use to put on my hair to get rid of the frizz? I am at the end of my rope.


Member, Dumbledore's Army
BAfan2 have you ever thought of using a scarf or something to protect your hair in the stock room? Try a search for BSM or Black Strap Molasses. I know several people had success keeping the frizz in check using this in their deep conditioner. This topic has come up often so I know there is help on the way.....


Well-Known Member
Buffyangelfan2, have you tried any of the frizz ease serums by say, John Frieda and L'Oreal? They work best for me when I apply them on wet hair, sealing in the moisture.

When I wore my hair out (relaxer days - the last time I had my hair out of braids) serums seemed to act as an armor for my hair against humidity and helped keep frizz at bay. I still use them on my micros because I love how they make my braids look nice and shiny. Plus I like the idea that they lock in moisture.


New Member
I was thinking about maybe trying the Frizz Ease. But when I see the commercials they show white women and I thought maybe it wouldn't work on 4A hair. So now I think I will try it.


Well-Known Member
Buffyangelfan2, I used to get small one-use packets (satchets) of John Frieda's Frizz Ease from CVS. They had a picture of a black girl and some had a picture of a white girl. It was the black girl that assured me that it was OK to use. Otherwise I might've been as dubious as you.
If you can find the satchets, perhaps you should get a couple and try them first, before investing in the bottle. They aren't cheap (99c each if I remember correctly), but it's better than paying the $10 or so price for the bottle and then finding you don't like it.


old head
I love frizz ease serums.
I also encourage you to try one of the sample sizes and see how it works on your hair. I have 4a relaxed hair and it works well for me. I used the quarter-sized amount suggested on the bottle when I was blowdrying. Now that I'm airdrying, I use less.


New Member
Hi dear

I agree with Brook... a silk/satin scarf should really help (some) to keep the debris & dust out of ur hair. Also, try some Hot 6 Oil. After ur leave in conditioner, apply this oil throughout ur hair. Then air dry, rollerset, etc. I airdry & I'm able to keep frizzies away with no problems
. Hopefully this'll work for u