Free Onenote Hair Care Notebook: Your Comments?


On break

Recently I've been using a OneNote notebook to document my regimen changes, my hair journey (with photos), favorite YouTube videos and tutorials, favorite hairstyles, favorite longhaircare posts/info, my product reviews, my wish lists, etc.

Hair care definitely IS NOT so serious as to REQUIRE a notebook, but I'm finding using the notebook beneficial and fun:
  • It has REALLY made a difference to be able to go back and look at a dated page with pictures of my hair next to the regimen steps that created it, along with my impressions of my hair.
  • Looking at photos of my hair over time is encouraging and informative and works better than my memory sometimes does! :laugh:
  • YouTube tutorials and product reviews are embedded right on the notebook page.
  • Keeping the notebook has enabled me to purchase products and tools more strategically.
I am in the process of creating a blank such digital OneNote notebook to share freely. OneNote is a program available for Windows, Apple, etc.

I am looking for feedback about how to improve it. Below is a link to the notebook that I hope is viewable and downloadable. If you have the time and don't mind, please let me know if it's viewable and downloadable for you, and please let me know how you would improve it.

What would add? What would you delete? What would you rearrange?

Thank you in advance. Take care!

Link to the OneNote Hair Care Notebook:!Ait-gOsX75EFh6V6PviU4p0l91bKZg
P.S. If you use the OneNote notebook or create your own, you can share the link with others. In this way, it can function kind of like Fokti used to, when it was free. ;)
I was able to view yours. Thanks for sharing - this is such a good idea. I'm currently in braids for the rest of the summer but will also create one for me and DD's hair journey at the end of the summer.