For Those Who Use Flat Irons...


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
I've seen several hair albums with nice results after using a flat iron.
How do u get that nice slight curl/curve at the ends of your hair??? When I flat iron, (I started flat ironing around the end of 2003) my hair looks bone straight, stringy, and it's not flexible at all.
So I have stopped using my flat iron and would like to start using it again if I want my hair straight. How can I make my hair flexible and flowing with nice looking slightly curled ends???
You should be able to use the flat irons to turn it under. Do it almost as if you were curling your hair with a curling iron. That's what worked for me when I used to flat iron my hair. Be sure to use a heat protectant of some sort. Also, try to use flat irons in which you control the temp.
patience said:
You should be able to use the flat irons to turn it under. Do it almost as if you were curling your hair with a curling iron. That's what worked for me when I used to flat iron my hair. Be sure to use a heat protectant of some sort. Also, try to use flat irons in which you control the temp.

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Bend the flat iron under when you get close to the end of your hair, smiliar to what you do with a curling iron. You can also flip your ends by bending the flat iron upwards. I flat ironed my hair in a cute litte flip style last week. Also, make sure you put a good heat protectant on your hair, especially the ends.
It is hard to acheive the smooth, sleek look while living in a humid environment. I have tried to flip my hair and it come out frizzy looking, even with a serum and heat protectant. Do any of you use styling wax to make it last in humidity?
SoniT said:
Also, make sure you put a good heat protectant on your hair, especially the ends.

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Can a regular moisturizer be used as a heat protectant??? If not, What is a good heat protectant for someone who is transitioning without the big chop??? I've never used one.
The flat iron I use allows me to bend, curl, and straighten.
It is a Farouk CHI .7 Turbo Mini Ceramic Flatiron.

SoniT said:
Bend the flat iron under when you get close to the end of your hair, smiliar to what you do with a curling iron. You can also flip your ends by bending the flat iron upwards. I flat ironed my hair in a cute litte flip style last week. Also, make sure you put a good heat protectant on your hair, especially the ends.

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That's what I do. I'm the proud owner of a CHI Turbo 2", and I use silk therapy, IC hair polisher, or mango butter as a heat protectant.
i didn't think those products were considered heat protectants. i have the mango butter. maybe i can use that next time. which if their ingredients protect the hair?
Thanks CEC.
Adrienne there have been two or 3 posts lately about heat protectants and their ingredients. Personally I think some products are straight out lying about their heat-protecting properties.
I just started to flat iron my hair and it turn out great I use the Redken Heat Glide it is a good product.
LOL, umsumayyah! i haven't been around lately so i missed those threads. i think the best thing for me is to just continue to not use heat. but you know i was REALLY tryna find a way, right? lol!