For The Ladies Who Have Used Hairesthetics Kinky Straight Hair...


Well-Known Member
I want to use 4oz of 14 inch Indian Remy Kinky Straight hair. I have a small head, will have perimeter leave out and I don't want a ton of hair on my head. Do you think the 4oz will be enough to cover my head. Do you think it's necessary for me to split the tracks?
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Hmmmmm.... well I typically use like 1.5 and it isn't too full at all. I always have a perimeter as well. If you split the tracks then it may work. (I also have a large head lol)
Hmmmmm.... well I typically use like 1.5 and it isn't too full at all. I always have a perimeter as well. If you split the tracks then it may work. (I also have a large head lol)

Thanks for replying. My own hair is below average in density so I'm not used to having a whole bunch of hair on my head. Well, I take that back. I'm ok when it's a kinky/curly style but I don't like a lot of hair when it's straight.

From past threads here and on BHM I know that people have used one 4oz bundle. Those who used more were saying it was too much hair. I actually have two bundles so if the stylist needed more hair I have it. I just really, really want that one bundle to cover my head. I would prefer not to split the weft.

Anyway, thanks again.