For the ladies that went natural.. did you hair get thicker/healthier?


New Member
For the ladies that went natural.. did your hair get thicker/healthier?

Relaxers as we all know can thin the hair out if abused and I wanted to hear from the naturals.. did you hair become thicker and healthier the instant you were 100% natural? Or was it just like your relaxed hair but with texture?
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Well-Known Member
Yes, my hair thickened up tremendously once I went natural. I had never stretched relaxers and got them every 6 weeks, so I now know I was overprocessed resulting in thinner hair. I now get compliments on the thickness.


New Member
Re: For the ladies that went natural.. did your hair get thicker/healthier?

Relaxers as we all know can thin the hair out if abused and I wanted to hear from the naturals.. did you hair become thicker and healthier the instant you were 100% natural? Or was it just like your relaxed hair but with texture?

yes indeed!


Well-Known Member
Yep my hair is thicker. not by alot since my realxed hair for the most part was not damaged or thinned out. ETA: Actually I may as well say it was the same but with some texture. I left the relaxer in no more than 6 minutes so it really didnt do much, only made my straightened hair last longer.


Well-Known Member
My hair has always been thick, but it did get thicker and it is much healthier. The main thing is my scalp is in much better shape. No more bald spots.


New Member
My hair is always thick relaxed or natural. But the STRENGTH came back. The kind that my friends and family joked/stold stories about. I'm so glad.


New Member
Yep. Thicker and healthier. My hair now as a natural looks ten times better even when it's straightened out, than when I was textlaxed and would straighten.


New Member
thicker for sure and i am transitioning. when i am fully natural i hope i can notice a difference in the health of my hair.


Well-Known Member
My hair is naturally pretty thick, but it was thinner when it was relaxed. My relaxed hair was also much more fragile and prone to breakage and keeping it moisturized was a losing battle. (All this was before hair boards, so if I were relaxed now I'd clearly have more knowledge,but I still think my hair would be more fragile.)


New Member
like my relaxed hair but with texture. but then, my relaxed hair was always underprocessed (not by choice) and i abused the hell outta heat appliances. so... my natural hair is healthier because i take the time to make SURE it's healthier. had i stayed relaxed and focused on healthy hair, it wouldn't have made a difference in the thickness (i don't think).


Well-Known Member
My hair is much thicker natural, I don't even like to flat-iron my hair as a natural because it gets so thin. And, as a result, my hair is also a lot healthier natural because I didn't airdry, and I hot-curled almost daily.


Well-Known Member
Healthier? Yes... Thicker? No... My hair is still fine. I was assuming the relaxer was thinning it out but I guess not. My hair is just fine due to genes.


New Member
Well i am transitioning and dealing with both textures.My natural hair is 3X thicker and already a little more challenging to deal with, but it may just be b/c of the two textures together.


New Member
For me I noticed instant thickness or fullness and health. I grew out my relaxer b/c I was sick of having thin limp hair. I have fine hair but to me it appears to be fuller, almost like there are double the strands on my head or something. :perplexed My hair isn't uber thick but it's waay thicker than it had ever been relaxed. I get less shedding and breakage is almost down to zero.


New Member
My hair has always been thick with or without a relaxer. The difference now is my hair is in much healthier shape chemical free.


New Member
I'm still transitioning, but if you take a look at the comparison shots in my fotki, you'll see that there is a HUGE difference between the thickness in my hair. It was really thin while it was 100% relaxed. I can't believe how thick it's gotten. I don't remember having this much hair when I was younger.


Well-Known Member
I don't think my hair got thicker. It was thick even when it was relaxed. I just don't suffer from breakage and shedding like I used to.