Finding a NEW Church home...


Well-Known Member
This is the first time posting in this forum, well not really but I wanted to share something and wanted to go another route rather than my blog...

So I go to this church, some would consider a mega church, because there are well over 100,000 members, but I dont think they alll come to church, iunno...

I must preface this that I am new in my walk with God, my thing it that my church seems more about worship than praise... Like service will last from 11 am till 1/1:30/2pm, with just 30-45 mins of the word... My pastor talks about church is for worship because you should be doing other things to gain the word of the Lord... Ok understandable, but just today some random chick was on stage preaching, all I could think was who was she... Albeit I was late, last sunday the same random chick got on stage to say some words in a prayer for pastor, who just got out hosiptal day before...
But today, she was up there preaching, and all the while I just kept thinking just listen to the word... But I kept going back to why is she on stage and not the pastor... There are three actually, but this newbie was on stage, her sermon lasted about 20 mins... :perplexed...

For some time now I have been thinking about finding a new church home, because I don't feel my heart there... When I first joined, no one contacted me I didn't know what my next step should be, even though I was reaching out... I was suppose to be going thru the new life ministry but found out about 6mnths in...

I just sometimes feel like I can sit at home and watch tv sermons or something, but I thought going to church was about fellowshiping, but even then... It is rather clicky, when you go out to events... Iunno...

Thanks for letting me rant off in this thread, any words of advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated...

Okay maybe I should have done a blog... I have decided to begin a search for a new church home that is smaller in size...
The only thing I can tell you is when you find the right church, something in your spirit will jump. You will just know it. I can't really describe it but this is what happened to me. I went to church(es) all of my life. Stopped as a young 20 something adult. But when I got to my current church I just knew. Didn't want (and absolutely refused) to go anywhere else even through the trials and offenses I experienced/am experiencing. Hope that helps.
I'm curious, I see you are in NYC, what church is this? You can PM me if you feel like it.

Yeah, mega churches can be difficult when you are a new member. I really hope you find a church that you enjoy.
Have you asked the Lord?
I am going through something similar. New in town and the Lord sent me to a wonderful church of 4,0000. It has a very small church feel but I didn't know if it was me or them but it seemed superfical . Everyones super nice and talkative, just like they have known you for years, but I was just not connecting with them and yet I knew the Lord told me this was the church. It seemed like I wasn't in the clique or out of the loop. I wasn't developing any kind of true friendships. I wanted to run but I knew this was the place He selected for me. I miserable and confused.
I asked the Lord about it. Finally it was revealed He had given me this wonderful gift. The gift of loneliness. A gift....I love gifts. Gifts are a good thing. So I read up on it and became quite excited because I was to use this time to seek Him and draw closer to Him. When I went to church I could now see and appreciate the efforts others were making to make me feel welcome. Now when others are chatting it up about meeting up with each outside church or their last activity together I just smile knowing I'm in His Perfect Will.
Seek His will and allow Him to direct your steps.
It sounds like a smaller church is a good idea. You may also want to consider a non denominational church. I'm not knocking anyone's faith but there are certain churches that are known for their rituals and they can take away from your experience if you aren't on the same page. I've found that non denominational churches focus more on the Word than the Sunday morning/afternoon experience.
The only thing I can tell you is when you find the right church, something in your spirit will jump. You will just know it. I can't really describe it but this is what happened to me. I went to church(es) all of my life. Stopped as a young 20 something adult. But when I got to my current church I just knew. Didn't want (and absolutely refused) to go anywhere else even through the trials and offenses I experienced/am experiencing. Hope that helps.

I agree.

Luke 1:41
When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Yes I would most definitelty pray about it and keep on going to different ones until you've found the one. Yah will lead you in the right direction.:yep:
If your in nyc you can visit my church. Its a small church and we focus more on the word.

Mt sinai SDA church
217-10 83rd avenue
Queens village, ny 11421