finally posting pics!!


New Member
so i finally figured out how to work the camera and posted pics...there arent a lot jus a few shots of my hairline which was receded due to the cornrows that i had put in a month ago
i'm still mad at myself coz i shud have known better but thats all done now so i cant do anything but continue takin my supplements and pray for quick growth

here's the link
Hi ngaa,

Your braids look really nice! Your hairline is not that bad. Because your hair is in cornrows it probably looks worst than it really it is. Try rubbing some vitamin e oil on your hairline too. That should help.
My hairline bugged out too when I wore micros. It's back to normal now though. I see that you have braids now... I'm curious are braids helping or hurting the situation?

ANd in your inspiratins album who is the third pic of? I'd like hair like that.
Well Ngaa!
Aren't you a cutie. Striking a pose in the doorway! Your braids do look really cute; I like the color on the ends!
I don't think your hairline is that bad either. When you do the vitamin E try misting your hairline first with some bottled water mixed with jojoba oil and/or the vitamin E. The constant moisture will help your hairline grow back in and stay moisturized so it won't break off. The braids you are wearing are very pretty....
Crystal, that is the woman from wanakee's site. I think she's still on the site.

Ngaa you have lovely braids and I like your cousin too (well um, if like means laugh at
thanks for the nice compliments pebbles and i will definatly try rubbing some vitamin e on it coz the whole receed hairline look does not work for me

jen jen thanks got me blushin coz of yo kindness but i really need to gain some weight, get me a badoogadunk (u kno??

crystal my hairline was pulled out by the cornrows i had done tightly (so they wud last)
i kno sometimes i act soooooooo stupid

the braids that i have now are because i cut my relaxed hair in february and currently have 4inch hair natural 4b hair that i cant really do anythign wit so having braids is kinda lik the only solution i have rite now. and this time i made sure that they aint tight and they are quite thick and i am purposefulingly not tieing them back so i dont put no tension on my already stressed hairline.

londongirl u're a trip girl!! seriously he wont be able to get girls if that pic ever got seen coz he looks totally different wen in guy clothes, u kno minus the make up and dress
((((NGAA)))) You are so cute.

I always enjoy reading your posts "coz" I can just sense your accent.

Your braids are nice I think I like that color too. My screen is actin weird I don't think the colors are right.

Is it blonde or darker?
Girl, you're "working" that doorway...go on with your cute self.

I agree with everyone else, your ends are not that bad. Sweetcocoa's solution sounds good, give it a try.
Crystal, that is the woman from wanakee's site. I think she's still on the site.

[/ QUOTE ]

What's wanakee's website? thanks.
((((NGAA)))) You are so cute.

I always enjoy reading your posts "coz" I can just sense your accent.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here

BTW, my hair line was thinning also due to overuse of hardening gels. I kept my hairline moisturized with *water*, followed by oil, sometimes twice daily. It has really made a difference. It's still thin, but not nearly as much as it used to be. So, definitely take SweetCocoa's advice
Nice braids and bod ya got there girlie
I agree with the others that your hairline is not that bad. I'd also like to suggest a mixture of vit e oil, castor oil and rosemary oil for rubbing along the hairline. Your hair will be back in about a month
. Thanks for sharing your pics.
ngaa your pics look good and you're a pretty woman.
Just give your hairline lots of tlc and it will grow back quickly. Last year a friend of mine did my cornrows too tight and that happened to me too. Needless to say I never let her put her hand in my hair again. Vitamin E oil is very good, massage it gently around the hairline
My hair did the same thing when I wore cornrows a few times. Your's doesn't look bad. Your braids and your hair is soooo pretty!
keep up the good work!
<font color="purple">Ngga, you go, girl! I love those braids and the color of them is like, WOW ! I especially love the photo of you in the doorway. Work it, work it, girl! Make sure you're moisturizing your hairline along with the rest of the braids. Believe, and your hairline will grow more gracefully. God Bless. </font>
you're a cutie! i love the color of the braids as well! i don't think your hairline is that bad either, but please keep an eye on it in the future. try doing vitamin E massages. they helped me.
What a sweet face,lovely smile.
Looks like you and your fam have lots of fun.I can see where your sense of humor comes from.
Your cousin is gonna choke you if that pic ever gets out!So funny.I am having the worst time with my hairline you are not alone.
Sending good hairline growing vibes your way.

i really enjoyed your fotos!, pretty hair, pretty girl. the alopecia at the edges shouldnt be permanent. i think the ladies have already given gret advice about that.
Ngaa sweetie

Nice pictures.

follow the advice given here for the edges, especially with the oils, it really helps cos when in braids or cornrows you need to pay extra care with your hairline
aww finally get to put a face to the name and the post. your braids look awesome.

also i was in the drugstore looking at vitamin E and saw there was more than one kind of vitamin e. meaning there are different I.U.s I have one that has 28,000 I.U. Mine is 100% pure vitamin E and its really thick. Which kind is everyone else using? God bless you all.
You are very pretty and your braids look good. Your hairline didn't look too bad to me. I enjoyed your pictures.
aww ya'll ladies are too sweet!! thanks for the compliments every1 they made me feel better about my hairline coz i gess i was jus gettin paranoid coz my aunt braided her hair till her hairline was gone and now it wont grow back

thank u for the advice on the vitamin e massages, i'll see on saturday what iu's i can find for the vitamin e coz i cant wait to get started on them

mindymouse the braids aint blonde they r somewhere in between ashanti's new colour and tamia's hair back in the day but i cant really describe it

ms kenesha the lady who did my hair took 2.5 hrs but wud have taken much shorter if her baby was actin up the whole time she did it. I really lik her coz she dont do it tight at all and yet it last for the time i keep it in for

armyqt i'll definatly post pics one month from now to show how well the vitamin e is doin.

collen i kno what u mean bout them kind of hairdressers and its for this reason that i aint never callin her agen

positive thinkin is definatly the way to go wish u all the luck in dealin wit yo hairline and jus in case i dont post a follow up to the massages and i'm gone for a while then it means that my cousin's seen that pic