Fast from wrong thinking day 14


Well-Known Member
Appologies to all... I started a new job:yep:and got behind on posting:blush:.


Revolution Day 14: "It just doesn't pay to do right or to serve God."

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “It just doesn’t pay to do right or to serve God."
This thinking discourages many people from continuing to be faithful; continuing the race; and truly giving of themselves. We see others get ahead who aren’t even serving God, and it can discourage us.

1. Due season always comes. Galatians 6:7 says, “Don’t grow weary in doing good, IN DUE SEASON YOU SHALL REAP, if you don’t faint”. Don’t give up, even when it doesn’t look like it's coming. It will. Believe it.
2. God pays for your trust and work in Him. Ruth 2:11-12 says, ‘You will be richly rewarded for forsaking your past and following the Lord.'

3. Expect GREAT reward for keeping God’s Word. (Psalm 19:11) Be confident.(Hebrews 10:35) Your labor is not in vain, in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
4. Discover ‘waiting on the Lord’. Psalm 37:9 says those who “wait” on the Lord shall inherit the land. It means to silence all other thoughts, and have unswerving expectancy that God will answer and repay.
5. Don’t be discouraged when you don’t see immediate results for doing right, serving God or sowing the right seed. The stranger you’re kind to may be a king! Jesus said, ‘what you do for the least of these, you do unto Me’. And He repays. (Proverbs 19:17)

6. Renew your mind to ‘vengeance is mine; I will repay’. (Rom. 12:19) We’ve always thought this is judgment; but look at it new: “I will repay you for the good you have done, even when others have hurt or taken advantage of you!”

My due season is coming. I will reap from the GOOD seeds I have sown. God pays for trusting Him; I will not throw away my confidence when others get ahead. I wait on the Lord and expect a great reward in this life and the life to come. God will repay me for the good I’ve done. My labor is NOT in vain, in Jesus’ Name.

This is a great post series, somehow I missed it and you're up to day 14 already. How many days are you doing fast from wrong thinking for? I'd like to follow along for the remainder of days.
This is a great post series, somehow I missed it and you're up to day 14 already. How many days are you doing fast from wrong thinking for? I'd like to follow along for the remainder of days.

Me, too! I soooo need this, especially since I'm fasting from negative thinking during Lent. (Didn't do so well with it today, though :lol:) Not to make extra work for you, but would you mind posting it in blogs? Or, if you don't mind, could I repost them as blogs? I definitely want to make sure I see these going forward (and catch up on the old ones) :yep:

Me, too! I soooo need this, especially since I'm fasting from negative thinking during Lent. (Didn't do so well with it today, though :lol:) Not to make extra work for you, but would you mind posting it in blogs? Or, if you don't mind, could I repost them as blogs? I definitely want to make sure I see these going forward (and catch up on the old ones) :yep:

Glad you ladies are enjoying/receiving from Pastor Dickow's ministry.:yep: Thanks again to 1star for posting these last year.:grin:

Glib, I thought about posting as blogs originally but questioned how much traffic they might receive. I decided to post here in CF instead. Our minds are constantly under attack. Unless a person is aware of it we don't usually put up much of a fight to protect out minds. Consequently, Satan has almost free reign in this vital area.:wallbash: There are all sorts of fasts, electronic, mental, words, attitudes, shopping, and of course food.:lick:

The point as you ladies know, is to show God that nothing in our lives comes before him- period.:ohwell: We press on. I might still post but of course you all can search within the thread until then. He really shares several excellent points each day.