Ex Salon DIYers, have you seen your old stylists?


Well-Known Member
I was reading the thread on why some of of us stopped going to the salon, and was wondering if anyone else has ever seen their old stylist? I stopped going to the salon before I went natural, but when I decided to go for a "treat", she was openly shocked that my natural hair was longer than my relaxed hair ever was.

I went to a loc salon a few months back to get my hair dyed and the stylist blatantly kept other people away from me because I told him I maintain my hair myself. It was hilarious :lachen::lachen:
Good question. I'll be following this thread for the responses.

I have not.
While I'm interested in possibly allowing someone to press my hair, I wouldn't see my last stylist. While not seeing her, she'd e-mailed me at one point saying,"...so I guess you have dreadlocks by now." As if to say, I couldn't possibly do my own hair....and as if locs aren't a viable (and attractive) option for some. I didn't respond to her rude e-mail.
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I have not and I'm shocked because we don't live very far from each other. I don't wanna see her because I owe her monies anyways. Hahahaha............. 2005 I guess I'd have to add some hellva interest on that. I was kinda pissed at her though.
Nah...And I agree with most of the Posters. I hope I don't.:rolleyes:

She's sent me Cards, Left me Voicemails etc......was lightweight "stalking" me for a minute. SMH:blush:.....
I've run across my old stylist a bunch of times. The first time I saw him after going natural he actually complimented my hair, then he went on to say that I never needed a relaxer in the first place. :look: At the time he was wearing twist extensions. Fast forward about a year & he was wering his hair in two strand twists & boasting about how carefree natural hair can be.

He currently has a beautiful set of locs & is still an accomplished stylist in the same salon; sometimes I miss him, he's such a sweetheart, but I'm perfectly content self styling right now.
I havent seen my old stylist ever since I joined this forum and decided to do things myself. She was scissor happy. She was known for doing the same type of hair style on everyone who went into her shop. I think if I do go back to her it would be for trims.
I went to her once after I went natural and she seemed a bit scissor happy although she said my hair was really healthy and tried to tell me I needed to shampoo my hair more often(guess she didn't understand co-washing). I've seen her around after that because she lives close and she compliments my hair. I feel a little guilty because she's nice and we used to hang out, but whatever it's my hair.
i would love to see mine....but i want it to be on a day when my hair is done and flowing so i can flaunt all the success she tried to "cut" me out of.

she told me i couldn't grow my hair and that weaves would break my hair off and i would end up bald......NOPE!
I saw her outside of my workplace, one day. Good thing I was rocking a sickening twist-out that day. Anyway, when she saw me, she complimented my hair and inquired about the products I use. "You take care of yourself.", she said. Then, we hugged and parted ways. I felt like an ex-girlfriend. :lol:
I saw them yesterday, they cut my hair after my botch job :)

She was concerned as to what happened to my hair.... the horror on her face :giggle:
I have not and I'm shocked because we don't live very far from each other. I don't wanna see her because I owe her monies anyways. Hahahaha............. 2005 I guess I'd have to add some hellva interest on that. I was kinda pissed at her though.

I see her every now and then, since her shop is just down the block. She keeps giving me the "Baby come back to me!!" eye, but I'm not with it. It's over!...I've moved on! :lachen:
I haven't seen her but she called and informed me she has moved and gave me her new address. I said, "Okay...thanks...???" (Awkward silence). Then ended the call. :look:
i have ran into mine several times, but she knows how i am. i really want to wait to run into someone by the end of the year or next year when i meet my hair goal. she used to make fun of some of things i would ask about concerning my hair. i remember she laughed at me when i asked her to just dust my ends. that i wanted the very ends trimmed. she told me to go back to Fantastic Sams with that mess.
When she last saw me, she looked in awe(the last time she styled me was 3 years ago at EL) LOL :). I am now grazing BSL and she says "Oh I can get you a smoothing treatment for 150 dollars or 2strand twists for 170" GIRL BYE! I will stick to my LHCF for 6.50 a year:lachen: She is still my homie tho:grin: