Employment Support Thread


New Member
I just want to encourage you ladies..I know I will or may be in the same spot in 6months so I will keep a eye out for you ladies..I know the Lord won't forsake those who love him and in all things good and bad God will bring it out for our good and his glory/


New Member
Praise the Lord! O Lord you are worthy to be praised! I got a job offer today! And I accepted... :D It's out of state, so I'm going to need help moving...I talked to my dad after receiving the news, and it turns out he already took off work (unrelated to me) the week I need help moving! I was like wow! Look at God work! I'm soooooo grateful and so excited about the opportunity God has granted me! Thanks for standing with me. I will be standing will you all on your job hunts, quests, interviews, and decisions!


New Member
Praise the Lord! O Lord you are worthy to be praised! I got a job offer today! And I accepted... :D It's out of state, so I'm going to need help moving...I talked to my dad after receiving the news, and it turns out he already took off work (unrelated to me) the week I need help moving! I was like wow! Look at God work! I'm soooooo grateful and so excited about the opportunity God has granted me! Thanks for standing with me. I will be standing will you all on your job hunts, quests, interviews, and decisions!

God is so faithful...and just when it seems like things are over and he's left our side, he shows up right on time...unfortunately I'm on the other side of the stick, right now it seems like there's no way out or in...but like previous posters said, things have to be impossible in order for a miracle to happen.

Keep me in your prayers please ladies, and I'll definitely keep all of you in mine. This forum is such a wonderful blessing. To be able to fellowship and connect with people who seek God...:yep::yep:


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
How to Thrive from 9 to 5 - Friday, August 13th, 2010
As written and presented by Mary Whelchel

Are you worried about losing your job? In this economy, lots of people have a legitimate concern as to whether their job will be here next month or next year. There's no question that we are going through an unusual transition period, where levels of management are being eliminated and every business is searching for ways to reduce costs and overhead in order to stay competitive. Morale is at all-time low levels in many organizations.

If you're worried about losing your job, it puts you right into survival mode, doesn't it? It's hard to concentrate, do your work, keep a good attitude, much less go the extra mile when you wonder if you'll have a job next week. What can you do if you're worried about losing your job? Well, of course the main thing is prayer. Keep learning that your source is the Lord, not a company or an income. We learn more about trusting God when our income is threatened than we do at most any other time in our lives.

Then, get creative and pro-active about your future. Learn new skills to prepare you for a possible lay-off. Find out what industries are likely to be hiring and prepare yourself to be qualified for that kind of work. Workers in the future are going to have to be more versatile and flexible in order to thrive in the job market. Perhaps you can think of ways to be self-employed. That's going to be more and more viable in our service-oriented economy.

Don't just sit back and wait for someone to dictate your future. Pray much about it, seek God's guidance and that of trusted friends, and act before you're acted upon. That's how you'll thrive, not just survive, in this new climate which is much more uncertain and changing than what we've been used to.

I know there are many things you're dealing with that you can do nothing about. But remember what I've told you before: If you will control the controllable, you can cope with the uncontrollable. Do what you can to make yourself into a thriver, and then let go of the rest.

I'm convinced that we cannot be good witnesses for Jesus Christ if we are simply in survival mode on our jobs. Because many of us find ourselves in difficult job environments, we have an unusual opportunity to demonstrate the power of Christ in our lives. Anybody can thrive in easy times. But it takes an unusual power to thrive in tough times.


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
How to Thrive from 9 to 5 - Thursday, August 12th, 2010
As written and presented by Mary Whelchel

Why is it so hard to get up and go to work each morning? Maybe you've asked yourself that question lately. If so, you may be simply surviving on your job, instead of thriving.

Another roadblock to thriving is when you feel you're in a dead-end job that's going nowhere. If you feel trapped in your job, let me ask you: Have you ever asked for more responsibility? Have you ever suggested a better system? If you really want to thrive, stop blaming others and see if you can turn the job you have into a more challenging one. Think of something you can do and simply do it without being told. Re-write your job description and see if there's a possibility for change. Ask for training opportunities. Learn new skills. Don't just talk about it; do it!

In James 4:2 he says, 'You do not have because you do not ask God.' Have you prayed about that job and asked God to open up some new doors or possibilities for you? And perhaps you need to also ask your boss or your company for what you want. You don't want to be a pest, but if you don't express an interest or desire, how are they going to know? They're not mind readers, so go for what you'd like. If you do it in the right way and spirit, it will not be viewed as a negative, even if they can't do exactly what you want. You may be able to sell a new idea that would work to everyone's benefit.

I've noticed that often our biggest roadblock to really thriving on our jobs is lack of discipline and dependability. For example, do you:

- return phone calls promptly?

- keep track and follow-up on every commitment and promise you have made, and every responsibility that you have?

- turn your work in on time regularly?

- take care of your responsibilities without having to be reminded?

- arrive on time for work and meetings?

- tie up the loose ends and make certain the details are covered?

In other words, are you dependable? It's easy to identify the problems that other people have, but first we need to check out our own behavior. Jesus said 'Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?'

These are the kinds of things you expect and appreciate from others, so make sure you're not guilty of some of the bad habits which irritate you in others. That will go a long way to making you a thriver, not just a survivor.


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
How to Thrive from 9 to 5 - Wednesday, August 11th, 2010
As written and presented by Mary Whelchel

It seems that often we run into brick walls that put us into survival mode. For example: Do you have a coworker that drives you crazy? Maybe it's a personality clash or the way he or she works-or doesn't work. Perhaps it's the attitude that person has toward you or just some irritating habit. Is a difficult coworker the reason you're simply surviving instead of thriving on your job?

If so, you need to put a plan of action in place. It begins with daily prayer, asking God to help you see that person as he does. Then get to know that person better. Take him or her to lunch or coffee. Usually that helps. Go out of your way to be accommodating. If that proves unsuccessful in improving the relationship, you may need to be more confrontational. Or you may have to learn to live with it. But you don't want to keep allowing that person to make you just a survivor when you want to be thriving.

Do you feel you have adequate support from your management or that you are treated fairly? Certainly an important element in liking your job and thriving in it is the relationship you have with your boss.

If your grievances about your manager or management are valid, do something pro-active to try to change that situation. Set up a time to talk with your boss and give him or her an explanation of what you feel you need in order to work effectively for the company. It may be a simple misunderstanding that can be cleared up much easier than you ever thought.

If the situation doesn't change, you must either find an alternative for the support you need or learn how to operate without it or find another job. But it doesn't make sense to keep on in the survival mode you're in now.

Maybe your roadblock to surviving is that you haven't found the job that uses your gifts and talents. We all recognize that work is work, and there are inevitably some unpleasant aspects we all must deal with. But if you really don't like anything about your job content, then either your attitude is in very bad shape or you need to find out what kind of a job is best for you.

If you would like to order Mary’s book How to Thrive from 9 to 5 please call us at 1-800-292-1218 or order online at www.christianworkingwoman.org.

Would you consider sending a donation to help us? Any amount is appreciated. Click here to donate or call us at 1-800-292-1218.


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
How to Thrive from 9 to 5 - Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
As written and presented by Mary Whelchel

Can you identify anything you've done on your job that you weren't required to do in the last three months? One of the symptoms of simply surviving is just doing what you have to do and nothing more.

Look for opportunities to go the extra mile. Why? Because as Christians we have been given principles by Jesus in Matthew 5 that teach us to be extra milers. Because extra milers are more satisfied and fulfilled. Because it makes you feel good to be an extra miler. Because your boss will be impressed. Because you'll start to thrive when you're an extra-miler.

In Proverbs 14:23 we read, 'All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.' If you only talk about thriving on your job, it will lead you to lower levels than you are now. Talk alone doesn't make anything happen. Jesus said in John 13:17, 'Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.'

Another symptom of survival mode is joining in with the common griping and complaining about the company or boss. Often that's the major topic of conversation in our work environments, and if you find yourself in that mode often, chances are you're just surviving, not thriving on your job.

Let me read you a passage from Ecclesiastes 10, 'Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird of the air may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say.' Solomon is giving us some very good advice here. To paraphrase, he says: Don't talk about anybody behind their backs, particularly people in authority and control. Those words seem to always get back to them.

Well, ask yourself, do I just try to get through each day, and wait for the day to end and live for the weekends? If so, my guess is you don't really radiate the joy of the Lord to your coworkers and your life doesn't really tell people that Jesus makes a difference. Remember, your attitude toward your job makes a big impression on other people.


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
How to Thrive from 9 to 5 - Monday, August 9th, 2010
As written and presented by Mary Whelchel

Are you thriving on your job-or just surviving? Don't you think that if Christians are truly more than conquerors through Christ, we should be doing more than just getting by, even in a difficult job situation?

Many people are just surviving on their jobs. It's a daily battle for them to simply get out of bed and face another day in that office or classroom or plant or hospital or truck or school-or whatever environment they're in. I've done my share of 'surviving' too. Finally it dawned on me that since I have to spend eight hours (or more) a day in that spot, it would be much better to gain and grow from it rather than just trying to live through it.

Our jobs can be growing, thriving places if we will learn and practice some basic principles. That's especially true for Christians, because we have the added immense benefit that we can do our jobs to the glory of Jesus.

First, ask yourself, 'Am I just surviving?' Here are some symptoms of survival mode: If you talk about your job as boring, or often say 'I hate my job,' or never have a positive word to say about working, it's a good sign you're just surviving.

Right now, will you consciously tell yourself at least one good thing about your job? Come on, I know you can think of one. You need to break that deadly survival habit of thinking too much about the bad and not enough about the good.

If most of your work days start off on the wrong foot, you're in survival mode. Make a point to start your days in positive mode. That may mean getting up a little earlier so you're not always in a mad rush. It certainly should include some quiet time with the Lord, where you focus on him first thing. And it means you have to stop the negative talk.

Ask yourself these survival questions: Do you often:

- arrive late for work?

- turn in assignments late or miss deadlines often?

- take long lunch hours?

- make too many personal phone calls at work?

- leave your workstation unattended to chit-chat with others?

If you let yourself get sloppy in these areas, it would indicate at least a carelessness on your part, but it might also show a wrong attitude toward your responsibilities and duties as a worker. The Bible tells us to do whatever our hands find to do with all our hearts.

If you would like to order Mary’s book How to Thrive from 9 to 5 please call us at 1-800-292-1218 or order online at www.christianworkingwoman.org.


Well-Known Member
Good thread ladies! I am just leaving it up to Him.

I am waiting to hear from a company and getting really anxious but this morning I just prayed about it again and now I am leaving it.

He has already set things up so no matter what happens He will take care of me . . . wont starve, bills paid. Just waiting.



Well-Known Member
God has been really revealing some things in regards to my employment situation. I am here for a reason and I HAVE to stay here until God comes to get me out. In the mean time, I have to pray for this place so that it can have peace, so that I can have peace.

It is soooooooo hard at times to bite my tongue and withstand the abuse, drama, micromanagement, BUT God wants me here. He is pulling out of myself some things I need to deal with AND he is helping me learn to rely on him and not on me because "me" wants to quit and collect unemployment and hustle my bill money through 50-11 online streams of income BUT He knows I need to learn how to deal and keep it pushing.

God this is harder than child birth. lol I just look forward to the day when He comes to free me and move me to a better experience.


Well-Known Member
I never did get a full time job after I graduated college in 2008. I've worked part time in retail and seasonal jobs off and on. I've applied to all kind of jobs, tried employment agencies, networking, and still nothing. I'm in grad school now but it would be nice to make a salary one day.


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Today, I dedicate this song to all job seekers who are feeling discouraged:


Psalms 121 and Psalms 123 ... Let us keep our Eyes lifted up

I pray that no one allows Satan to deceive them into negative thinking...I ask the Holy Spirit to put into captivity every thought that goes against God's Word concerning His Children. Our Father is our Jehovah-jireh, El-Elion, the Most High God! He will always perfect all which concerns us. Abraham stepped out in faith and climbed that mountain with a heavy heart, to kill his own son, because he believed God. What is for you is for you and what is not is not.. Keep climbing that mountain, even with your heavy heart.

Please trust God...because He is a God of His Word.

...and Praise Him in the meantime.


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
The unemployed and underemployed are always lifted up....

If you have any encouraging testimonies, job leads, inspirational Scriptures or quotes, or prayers, feel free to share with others what God has placed on your heart. Amein.


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Keeping the career ministries at every church lifted up in prayer....Blessed are they coming in, blessed are they going out. Blessed are the work of their hands.

Sharing some great links for the Atlanta Metro area: Hiring for Hope | Facebook

This church's career ministry is awesome...I've attended a couple of their networking workshops.
RUMC Job Networking

Job Search Network: Find Jobs, Careers, Calling with Crossroads Career Network

If you know of similiar places in your state or local area, you're welcome to share....


Active Member
Just want to share my testimony:

I was laid off January 2009. I worked in the commercial banking Industry and my job downsized by laying off 10% of the company - I was the ONLY one laid off in my department. I left feeling hurt and rejected although I was happy and relieved about not having to stay in such a stressful environment. Anyway, I received unemployment benefits for almost 2 years! Everytime my money ran out, the government either extended payments or created another "tier" for benefits. I searched for jobs and wasn't getting many bites. I always made it to the last interview only to hear that they closed the position. I thougt that was crazy and felt like companies were taking advantage of jobseekers and playing with their emotions. I even had someone rescind a job offer just because I counteroffered the salary agreement. I had to move with my parents which was very humbling but I was able to pay my car note and other bills. I stayed extremely busy during this time because I was now available to do various things for my church. I traveled to a few church conventions during this time and even helped my other unemployed friend plan a wedding! ( only by God was I able to afford these trips)

Anyway, last November I received a call from a company who saw my resume on monster. We had a phone interview Friday, and i had an interview in office with the manager the following Monday. The next day, God made a way for me to attend another church convention in st Louis - when I landed in the city, I had a call from the company stating that they wanted to move forward. By the end of the week( Friday) I had an offer and everything was final - I was to start the next Tuesday! In the span of a week I had a job. I only took a slight paycut below my previous salary.... God is so good! I love my job and it is sooo much better than the last and it was exactly what I was looking for.

I want to encourage everyone that God is faithful to perform His word. I went through many periods of depression during this time and I can't say that I always trusted God to give me a job, although I knew he would provide my basic need. He remained faithful to His word even when I wasn't faithful to it and He showed up right on time. There's much more to this testimony but didn't want this to be too long, lol!


New Member
I don't have a scripture to give right now and no great success story, just a little word of encouragement. When it feels like you got what you prayed for but then it turned sour, you still might be where He wanted you for a short season. This happened to me and I got the revelation that I was in the right place for that time. We can always pray for better but sometimes, we're right where He placed us, even if it looks like we were wrong about it.

How funny, because I'm at a later place where my own post is ministering to me.:blush: I need to take my own encouragement and advice and learn from this...still.


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Beauty4Ashes .. Thanks for taking the time to share that awesome testimony...it's very encouraging. :yep:

Guitarhero, you're not alone... I tend to minister to myself in old posts, too. :laugh: That's all good...

God bless you both

Highly Favored8

Well-Known Member
My testimony. I was unemployed in 2008 I worked on my job for 10 years I was laid off from my job however, God made a way for me and my family out of no way. I have 4 college degrees and put 300 applications and out of them I had 25 interviews. Glory be to the Lord b/c when the Lord says he is Jehovah Jireh! He is that. When God says he will make a way out of no way- Our Abba Father, in heaven will!

My Pastor preached a word today out of Gal.1:17-18 and the word for today was " I can't stop I won't stop my blessing is on the way! God spoke and said "This word is for you HF8:yep:. I was in the wilderness the dry place and in that place I truly had/have manna from heaven God took me to that place to show me who He truly is. It has been 3 years and now I am on my way for double peace/double portion. I confessed to my son "what the devil has stolen from us that the Lord will bless us double and the 100 fold blessing" Right after we left church!

Oh yes, when you pray you will be blessed with what you say good or bad- you/we must be careful with your/our words. Well, I prayed for a specific career to the Lord and wrote the vision and made it plain. Well, I have been blessed to be on my new career for 60 days:yep:. I am very humbled- God is so Awesome and amazing. This career is everything I prayed,sowed,confessed and believed God for. God is able ladies- it is important to know what seasons that we are in and NEVER EVER Forget God in those seasons good, bad, high,low always give God the Glory and be thankful!

To God be the Glory!

My favorite worship



Active Member
I am currently trying to establish a career...I've had jobs, but nothing lasting...most underpaid contractual work. I would love to have a job where I can share the word of God and utilize my expertise fully....helping others and making a difference - I don't just want a paycheck. I want to be effective...does that make sense?


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
^^ yes, you're making sense gvin89.. lol

I live by this Scripture: Colossians 3:23-24
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

I do see God the Father, as my employer, not the folks that cut me a check. :lol: I'm sure He will guide you in the paths to take to establish the "career" that's right for you and open doors that no man can close!


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
How to Thrive from 9 to 5 - Monday, August 9th, 2010
As written and presented by Mary Whelchel

Are you thriving on your job-or just surviving? Don't you think that if Christians are truly more than conquerors through Christ, we should be doing more than just getting by, even in a difficult job situation?

Many people are just surviving on their jobs. It's a daily battle for them to simply get out of bed and face another day in that office or classroom or plant or hospital or truck or school-or whatever environment they're in. I've done my share of 'surviving' too. Finally it dawned on me that since I have to spend eight hours (or more) a day in that spot, it would be much better to gain and grow from it rather than just trying to live through it.

Our jobs can be growing, thriving places if we will learn and practice some basic principles. That's especially true for Christians, because we have the added immense benefit that we can do our jobs to the glory of Jesus.

First, ask yourself, 'Am I just surviving?' Here are some symptoms of survival mode: If you talk about your job as boring, or often say 'I hate my job,' or never have a positive word to say about working, it's a good sign you're just surviving.

Right now, will you consciously tell yourself at least one good thing about your job? Come on, I know you can think of one. You need to break that deadly survival habit of thinking too much about the bad and not enough about the good.

If most of your work days start off on the wrong foot, you're in survival mode. Make a point to start your days in positive mode. That may mean getting up a little earlier so you're not always in a mad rush. It certainly should include some quiet time with the Lord, where you focus on him first thing. And it means you have to stop the negative talk.

Ask yourself these survival questions: Do you often:

- arrive late for work?

- turn in assignments late or miss deadlines often?

- take long lunch hours?

- make too many personal phone calls at work?

- leave your workstation unattended to chit-chat with others?

If you let yourself get sloppy in these areas, it would indicate at least a carelessness on your part, but it might also show a wrong attitude toward your responsibilities and duties as a worker. The Bible tells us to do whatever our hands find to do with all our hearts.

If you would like to order Mary’s book How to Thrive from 9 to 5 please call us at 1-800-292-1218 or order online at www.christianworkingwoman.org.

This message is so helpful. Laela, thank you for sharing these blogs and especially this thread.



"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Keeping the career ministries at every church lifted up in prayer....Blessed are they coming in, blessed are they going out. Blessed are the work of their hands.

Sharing some great links for the Atlanta Metro area: Hiring for Hope | Facebook

This church's career ministry is awesome...I've attended a couple of their networking workshops.
RUMC Job Networking

Job Search Network: Find Jobs, Careers, Calling with Crossroads Career Network

If you know of similiar places in your state or local area, you're welcome to share....

Powerful! Blessed going in / Blessed going out. Blessed are the works of their hands and their minds which are creative as their Father God who is the ultimate Creator. :yep:


New Member
I missed this thread, but this is indeed blessed. Thank you for everything you shared here; I know this has/will bless many people.


New Member
God has been really revealing some things in regards to my employment situation. I am here for a reason and I HAVE to stay here until God comes to get me out. In the mean time, I have to pray for this place so that it can have peace, so that I can have peace.

It is soooooooo hard at times to bite my tongue and withstand the abuse, drama, micromanagement, BUT God wants me here. He is pulling out of myself some things I need to deal with AND he is helping me learn to rely on him and not on me because "me" wants to quit and collect unemployment and hustle my bill money through 50-11 online streams of income BUT He knows I need to learn how to deal and keep it pushing.

God this is harder than child birth. lol I just look forward to the day when He comes to free me and move me to a better experience.

I could have written your post:yep::yep::yep:. And although it's almost 2 years old, I find myself in a similar circumstance.

I am graduating next week, renewing a professional certification and preparing for university in the fall. However, (according to me:nono:) I feel stagnant. I just got off a phone interview that was set up by my temp agency (funny, when i applied directly to the specific company - i was ignored) and the recruiter wants to move me to the next phase. I am disappointed as this would be a lateral move (another temp position, in downtown LA). In spite of that, I am keeping myself encouraged by staying focused on going along to get along. I have a 4:1 interview next week as well as being in a holding pattern for a couple of other Executive Assistant positions.

This is truly a time where I have to sit back and let God be God, as I am presently feeling used and abused.

I stumbled across this thread and I definitely believe this is a nudge from God to remind me again, that His Will will be done in His Time...

God Bless you all and I will hold you up in prayer that your needs continue to be met, and that your prayers be answered.