Emergency: Hair is breaking like crazy.


Well-Known Member
Can someone tell me what is wrong? I shampoo, deep condition at least once a week. I've been stretching relaxers. Now all of a sudden my hair feels like straw and has short patches in the back. My hair is looking stringy. What did I do? Did I stretch too long (3 months):mad: ? I've been using CON shampoo and conditioner. I ready to cut it all off!!!!
CON used to me my favorite, but I stopped using them. I can't say this is the same in your case, but I think they cause too much build up and breakage with my hair.

Then twice after months of not using them, I tried for detangling. Both times, my hair started breaking afterwards. I never have a problem with breakage, so I think it is the balsam or something in the CON shampoo.

Protein treatments and deep conditioners did not help either time.

Clarifying and using my normal products got my hair back on track.
What shampoo and conditioner do you use? Also, I did a protein treatment. I really didn't need it, but it had been 6 weeks since. I'm wondering if thats what set off the exteme dryness.
You're not alone, we've all got a crazying breaking t-shirt. I'd say...
  1. Clarify (as I'm sure everybody's tired of hearing I use Ion Purity Treatment from Sally's twice a week for 5 minutes)
  2. Protein condition (if you haven't tried that already)
  3. Moisture (just for 3 minutes or whatever the bottle recommends don't do a deep)
Uh, is your hair breaking at the DL or from the ends?

Editted to ask: Is it breaking right after you shampoo or a few days out? It might be telling you it wants more poo. It's been windy here and that coupled with all my butters and oils are meaning my hair has a lot more dirt (literally) in it (i.e., breakage).
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Where do I begin? First I stretched a relaxer from November until February. Only the relaxer I put in February didn't take. The new growth is no joke. So my hair is breaking in the middle. The ends are not split. Its just dry and brittle all of a sudden and knotty. I didn't want to relax it again so soon, but maybe I need to. Oh yeah, I did a protein treatment Aphogee. Now its even drier.:eek: and breaking more I think.
Hi. You need to focus on moisture. Keep your underprocessed areas extra moisturized. Maybe try some pre shampoo treatments and some CO washes. S-Curl is great for keeping the NG moist. Stay away from heat if possible.

Also, it could LOOK stringy because the roots are thicker than the ends. My hair gets like that when I stretch. Good luck!
Ariana4000 said:
Can someone tell me what is wrong? I shampoo, deep condition at least once a week. I've been stretching relaxers. Now all of a sudden my hair feels like straw and has short patches in the back. My hair is looking stringy. What did I do? Did I stretch too long (3 months):mad: ? I've been using CON shampoo and conditioner. I ready to cut it all off!!!!

Sounds like a problem with the moisture levels in your hair. Baglady is right, during stretches, your hair will require much more moisture to keep it maintained and break free. This is especially true if you already have underprocessed areas. Targeting the underprocessed areas with moisture and adding conditioner washes between your regular ones will help you increase and control your moisture levels.

If its been awhile since your last clarifying session, you may want to go ahead and do that to sort of "free up" your strands from product. CON is a great moisturizing shampoo, but it often works a little too well. If you aren't clarifying occasionally with this shampoo- you'll get buildup that will hinder your moisturizing efforts. So definitely remove as much buildup as possible by clarifying first, then focus on increasing your moisture sources in your regimen. Be sure that you are actually sealing in the moisture as well. I would lay low on the protein for now because that will only aggravate the dryness you are expericiencing.

Also, once a week conditioning is sufficient for some, but it may not be enough for you. What other types of products are you using to maintain your hair throughout the week? Are you deep conditioning with each weekly wash?
Ariana4000 said:
Where do I begin? First I stretched a relaxer from November until February. Only the relaxer I put in February didn't take. The new growth is no joke. So my hair is breaking in the middle. The ends are not split. Its just dry and brittle all of a sudden and knotty. I didn't want to relax it again so soon, but maybe I need to. Oh yeah, I did a protein treatment Aphogee. Now its even drier.:eek: and breaking more I think.

If it's breaking after protein then it's probably a moisture penetration issue. Clarify and moisturize.
I think breaking is coming from having two different textures: your natural new growth and your relaxed ends.

I would say continue to wash and condition your hair once a week. Leave your hair alone. Sometimes it's best not to use a whole lot of products on your hair. Use a product to keep all of your hair moisturize. Make sure you don't miss any areas in your hair when applying moisture. Avoid excessive combing or rough detangling, also avoid over manipulation (over styling).

Hope that helps!
I always deep condition. Maybe I do need to clarify. My hair doesn't look the same. I has a look of being coated. It never looked like this before. Kind of like a film is over it. I will try clarifying like you guys have suggested.
Ariana4000 said:
I always deep condition. Maybe I do need to clarify. My hair doesn't look the same. I has a look of being coated. It never looked like this before. Kind of like a film is over it. I will try clarifying like you guys have suggested.

Yeah, CON left a film on my hair too.
Ariana4000 said:
Where do I begin? First I stretched a relaxer from November until February. Only the relaxer I put in February didn't take. The new growth is no joke. So my hair is breaking in the middle. The ends are not split. Its just dry and brittle all of a sudden and knotty. I didn't want to relax it again so soon, but maybe I need to. Oh yeah, I did a protein treatment Aphogee. Now its even drier.:eek: and breaking more I think.
I will say your issue is the aphogee. I used aphogee ONCE and my hair was tangled and breaking and just HORRID afterwards.
Yes, my hair is a tangled mess wet and even dry. It has a dry tangled feeling. When I run my fingers through it, the ends feels like they could snap or something.
It's tangled and feels like you're dealing with a spider's web right? What I did was to mix baking soda and water and rinse with that. It helped...
Hi-May I Suggest Using Emergencee By Nexxus Next Time You Do Your Protein Treatment?I :love: Emergencee! It Has Helped My Hair Come Alive Again!!I Didn't Like Aphogee At All:nono:
Ariana4000 said:
Hmm, never heard that. Will try it.
It's because the pH in your hair has gone down from the protein. Your hair is now MORE acidic than normal...the baking soda will neutralize the acidity..basically bring your hair's pH back to a NORMAL hair level...which is 4.5-5.5.
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I'll try that emergencee next time definitely. When I think about it, everytime I do one of these Aphogee or DRC-28s my hair dries out bad. Even though I deep condition. I'm starting to see a pattern. It was dry in January also like this and it took me forever to get it together. Or I'll just wait and see if I get that "mushy" over elastic thing ladies talk about instead of putting it on a schedule.
Ariana4000 said:
I'll try that emergencee next time definitely. When I think about it, everytime I do one of these Aphogee or DRC-28s my hair dries out bad. Even though I deep condition. I'm starting to see a pattern. It was dry in January also like this and it took me forever to get it together. Or I'll just wait and see if I get that "mushy" over elastic thing ladies talk about instead of putting it on a schedule.

ACV Rinse after shampooing stops breakage. It's not as stripping as the clarifying poo.