Dusting split ends


Ladies please help me with this question. When dusting split ends are we focusing only on the end of the twisted section of hair or are we snipping off all the little hairs that pop out of that twisted section going up the shaft. I hope I was clear enough.
Dusting is when one removes split ends wherever they may occur (crown, mid length, bottom edge). Trimming is when specifically the bottom edge is removed.

If you choose to twist your hair and cut off the splits that way, be careful as all the little hairs you'll see poking out will not necessarily be splits...but simply shorter hairs. Examine them carefully.:)
Without seeing your ends, that's a tough call. I will say one thing, I really don't see many split ends after 8 or 9 weeks post relaxer, but after a dusting my hair looks really fresh and crisp. Maybe just a wee bit off will make a difference.
Carlie said:
If you choose to twist your hair and cut off the splits that way, be careful as all the little hairs you'll see poking out will not necessarily be splits...but simply shorter hairs. Examine them carefully.:)

Thanks Carlie i was confused on that exactly