Dudleys DRC 28 Users in here PeAs?!!


Well-Known Member
I have a bottle of DRC 28 (which is extremely pricey..as yo may know) but I guess I am not applying it correctly because I feel like the results are not noticeable as using my aphogee protein treatment. I asked my hair dresser what porportions she used the DRC b/c I found out about the protein treatment through her. And she refused to tell me! I guess she felt that since I took the liberty to purchase a protein treatment at a bss that is stated professional use only that I should figure it out on my own. In fact her own words were, "well you bought it you figure it out". Here was a lady I actually thought was concerned about my hair growth but is only here to rack up dough from weekly visitors. she really pissed me off...one of the reasons I vow to discontinue my relationships with black hair dressers---some of them really think they can say whatever to you because you are black too or because you are younger. Well anyway, if anyone can direct me into the proper use of DRC...please let me know...i dont want to give up on it. :confused:
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Have you tried doing a search? There was a number of threads about this product in the pass.
I always clarify before I do a protien treatment so I can get the full effect :look: So I would recommend that. I then follow up with a detangling shampoo like CON to detangle because proteins tend to leave my hair a bit tangled, just my personal preference. :) Next I wring my hair until its no longer soaping wet. I put the DRC in an applicator bottle measuring 2 oz (my hair is almost bra-strap length) I believe the bottle says use between 1/2 ounce-2 ounces depending on length. I then put my hair in 4 sections. I start applying the DRC sprangling focusing on my ends. I then place a plastic cap on my hair and go under the dryer for 40 minutes
Oh and make sure you wash I mean really wash it out for a good 5 minutes! Follow-up with a deep moisturizing conditioner
virgo_chinwe said:
I have a bottle of DRC 28 (which is extremely pricey..as yo may know) but I guess I am not applying it correctly because I feel like the results are not noticeable as using my aphogee protein treatment. I asked my hair dresser what porportions she used the DRC b/c I found out about the protein treatment through her. And she refused to tell me! I guess she felt that since I took the liberty to purchase a protein treatment at a bss that is stated professional use only that I should figure it out on my own. In fact her own words were, "well you bought it you figure it out". Here was a lady I actually thought was concerned about my hair growth but is only here to rack up dough from weekly visitors. she really pissed me off...one of the reasons I vow to discontinue my relationships with black hair dressers---some of them really think they can say whatever to you because you are black too or because you are younger. Well anyway, if anyone can direct me into the proper use of DRC...please let me know...i dont want to give up on it. :confused:

That's messed up. She could have least answered your questions. That is wrong. Who cares where you purchased it from or from whom. If a client asks a question your stylist should at least try to answer it for you.
bump, how else are people using this effectively? Can you use it without a cap to get your hair hard, like Aphogee?

I've been using this stuff for the past 6 years and it definitely curbs breakage, but I want to compare how others are using it...
I clarify first then use Elucence or Keracare poo.
I always use a plastic cap because this stuff is watery and can runny.
I usally leave it on for 15- 20 min and follow up with a moisturizing conditioner like Elucence or Keracare humecto.
I use DRC -28 A week before my relaxer and 2-3 weeks post relaxer with great results.
I usually use it a week before a relaxer
I clarify first with Pantene Shampoo
Then to put some moisture back into my hair use Nexxus Therappe
Towel dry and put in the DRC 28
Because my hair is only neck length I distribute the DRC 28 with my hand
I make sure my hair is slicked back after I put it in my hair
I go under a bonnet dryer-No shower cap- for 20 minutes
Rinse out and deep condition with Humectress/NTM or Elucence

Even though it gets my hair hard I like that it does not get my hair as hard as Aphogee. I find the smell of DRC much more tolerable too.
This is a good product that has worked for me. I usually use about 1 oz or so on my hair. I make sure that i cover every strand, especially the ends, by applying this product on small sections to my hair. I put on plastic cap and get under dryer for 15-20 minutes and then rinse REALLY WELL for a minumum of 5-10 minutes. I then use deep moisturizing conditioner with heat for about 45 minutes, at least 15 minutes under dryer.