Dryer chair question....Please help!


New Member
I currently have a Venus dryer from Sally's. It is one of those salon style dryers that can be purchased with a dryer chair(has a long rectangle box attached to it).

Well, I have always had a horrible time finding a chair that works with it. I currently have a wooden fold out chair with two blankets and a pillow stacked on top of eachother. And to top it off, my DD's Boppy pillow is my back support. So sad!

I want to purchase a dryer chair ($100-200) that works with this dryer.
My dilemma is most of the dryer chairs come with a cut out on the back to drop the dryer in. Once I reach APL(praying by Dec), I plan to buy myself a Pibbs. Would a Pibbs dryer work with one of these chairs? And if anyone has a suggestion on a chair to buy, please chime in. I am so miserable in my current set up that I plan to buy a chair this week...but I want the chair to work with my beloved soon to be mine Pibbs too. TIA!
I'm not sure I understand your question, but you can adjust the height of the Pibbs so it can work with just about any chair...hth
Nymane, I'm concerned that the cut out in the back of the standard chairs would pose a problem. I don't know how deep this compartment is and I wanted to make sure I can roll the Pibbs close enough behind the chair to use it.
OoOh I see...hmm I'm not sure, do you have a picture of the chair? I think it would probably still work because the hood is also adjustable
if you have the venus box dryer that I think you have this is the style of chair for the box dryers.


http://www.midwestsalon.com/Hair Dryer Chairs.htm they have more styles.

the dryer slides right in. if you have the wheels on it just take those off.

order from one the salon providers just let them know which venus you have. sallys has the chair for that dryer though, sometimes they have them for cheap too.

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It's hard to tell w/o seeing the height of your chair. I use my computer chair with my Pibbs. You can adjust it so it's easy to position correctly under the pibbs. If you do go with a comp chair get one w/o a high back, one of mine has a tall back and it won't fit.
forgot to add with your pibbs you could still use your dryer chair, or maybe just hold out until you buy your pibbs then get the dryer chair that doesn't have the back cut out.

i've been to salons that use the box out chairs for both the box dryer and the regular salon dryers.

disregard my above post just read fully that your not sure of buying the cut out type chair :)