Dry Dry Ends? Try This


Well-Known Member
I have been a member of this board 1 week and already my hair thriving. One of you ladies casually mentioned THE solution to my dry end problem. I tried it this weekend and voila, ends are really soft and good!:grin:

If you fit the following prototype, this solution will def work for you:
  1. You prepoo faithfully
  2. You DC faithfully
  3. You moisturize your hair and ends faithfully
  4. You are picky about the products you use on your hair
Despite all this, my ends felt hard and brittle like. In the passed I just cut them off! Not a good idea if you are trying to grow some hur ladies!:nono:

So, LHCF member X suggested the following:

During the wash cycle, try applying your clarifying product (I use a Baking Soda mix) DIRECTLY to your ends and work that sucker in. If you are like me, during this phase, I used to let the product "run down" from my scalp. The problem is, it's was not getting to my ends.

It made me aware that although I take good care of my ends, they suffer from product build up just like everywhere else.

Thank you LCHF member X.:up:
So, LHCF member X suggested the following:

During the wash cycle, try applying your clarifying product (I use a Baking Soda mix) DIRECTLY to your ends and work that sucker in. If you are like me, during this phase, I used to let the product "run down" from my scalp. The problem is, it's was not getting to my ends.

It made me aware that although I take good care of my ends, they suffer from product build up just like everywhere else.

Thank you LCHF member X.:up:

Good tip. Thanks for sharing. I tend to focus product on my ends so that's probably where I have the most build up too.
I am glad you found what you needed for those ends. I will have to look into that myself.

It's good to see you on the other side. :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::look:
What can I say? I love hair stuff.:yawn:

I've recently changed my regimen a bit. This past month, I havent' used shampoo. Only Baking Soda, lemon, ACV and water. I used to focus on my scalp. This weekend I gave the ends a good scrubbing. I will continue to scrub them based on how they feel. They have a mind of their own. So I can't really tell you exactly.

The farther I get into the hair care game, the more I realized that I need to listen/feel my hair before deciding what I will be doing during my weekly wash regime.

I use about 1 TBSP baking soda, two capfuls of ACV and a squirt of honey. Sometimes I add a capful of lemon juice. Fill the rest with warm water. I use one of those 8 ounce squirt bottles with a red tip.

Make sure you squirt mixture on your ends too. Really work the stuff in all over your scalp to your ends. It's a sure fire way of getting rid of dryness. Let me know how it worked out for you. Take care!:yawn:
Crap! I wish I saw this sooner. I also concentrate my shampoo on my scalp and conditioners and oils on the ends. My hair has been feeling brittle so I got a trim. My ends feel wonderful now:grin: But I wish I had tried this first.
Another thing I tried recently was using Porosity Control just on my ends if they get a little tangly.
I have been a member of this board 1 week and already my hair thriving. One of you ladies casually mentioned THE solution to my dry end problem. I tried it this weekend and voila, ends are really soft and good!:grin:

If you fit the following prototype, this solution will def work for you:
  1. You prepoo faithfully
  2. You DC faithfully
  3. You moisturize your hair and ends faithfully
  4. You are picky about the products you use on your hair
Despite all this, my ends felt hard and brittle like. In the passed I just cut them off! Not a good idea if you are trying to grow some hur ladies!:nono:

So, LHCF member X suggested the following:

During the wash cycle, try applying your clarifying product (I use a Baking Soda mix) DIRECTLY to your ends and work that sucker in. If you are like me, during this phase, I used to let the product "run down" from my scalp. The problem is, it's was not getting to my ends.

It made me aware that although I take good care of my ends, they suffer from product build up just like everywhere else.

Thank you LCHF member X.:up:

That's a very good point! Thanks for sharing that. I will make sure I focus on my ends the next time I clarify. In fact, on my entire hair!:yep: