*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Yep,I find drinking through a straw helps with that "no tasting"! Every little bit helps! Thank you for starting this,let's keep it going! Can't wait for feedback!
can you.. um... scramble the egg, cook it on the skillet, and eat it separately from the other ingredients in the shake? :)
Great minds at work, I luv it.

Yes, put it to good use, the shake will camouflage some of the taste. emphasis on some...that is the worst tasting part, to be sure. Thank God I've learned to gulp stuff down, no tasting allowed...:spinning::nono::drunk:

the way that i do it, it is actually tasteless, and i will either eat or drink my yogurt smoothie(very yummy) afterwards. it's more mental than anything. getting over the idea of swallowing a raw egg, yuk. but honestly it is tasteless and i am pretty much over the mental part now. i treat it like a supplement. eggyollk is very rich in biotin, so that pretty much takes care of the biotin thing, just dont take supplements with biotin in it at the same time, do that at another time of day. i know for a fact this works because i only had a few bag of tricks that worked and this was def one of them. i did a BC a few years ago and went natural. i only did this 2x per week then, (pretty much when i remembered), and my hair grew well past bsl within 2yrs -and that was without stellar care. what care? i barely looked at it then and would cut out my tangles. now ofcourse i permed it and ended up back with damaged hair. i didnt have the other piece of the puzzle at that time. now i do, and my hair is growing like wildfire now. so much so, that my poor scalp is on fire with it.
oh, i should say that it is tasteless and fast IF you do not bust that yolk in your mouth. if you do, God save you. but i never do, you get good at it quick because it is actually pretty easy. just break the egg in a cup, without breaking the yolk(if it breaks use the egg for something else. i inspect the egg, smell it make sure that it is fresh, then i open my mouth wide and poor it toward my throat past the front of my tongue, then swallow quickly. so essentially, the white of the egg is very slippery and effective in getting the egg to slide down your throat, you never taste the yolk and the white is tasteless. then reward yourself with something you enjoy, maybe a yummy protien shake.
oh, i should say that it is tasteless and fast IF you do not bust that yolk in your mouth. You are a brave soul, indeed! Just mix it in the blender, on low for 30 seconds, and then it tastes like a shake, the egg is unidentifiable. I throw in a piece of banana or fresh fruit and it's all good. Just don't lick the spoon with wheat germ oil on it because that stuff is ick! But really, throw it in a blender or get a hand mixer and mix it really good, and you would never know you are drinking raw egg. It really is a mental thing. if you do, God save you. but i never do, you get good at it quick because it is actually pretty easy. just break the egg in a cup, without breaking the yolk(if it breaks use the egg for something else. i inspect the egg, smell it make sure that it is fresh, then i open my mouth wide and poor it toward my throat past the front of my tongue, then swallow quickly. so essentially, the white of the egg is very slippery and effective in getting the egg to slide down your throat, you never taste the yolk and the white is tasteless. then reward yourself with something you enjoy, maybe a yummy protien shake.
Remember, throw it all in a blender for 30 secs, and then drink up! It's actually not so bad, no worse than a protein shake!
As some of you may know, I am healed of alopecia and on the path to regain 7 times what the devil stole from me. Literally. ~*Br*nze*~

I know that's right. I had the same sentiments three years ago when all of my hair came out due to overprocessing. I truly believe I'm reaping the results of my faith and God's graciousness.
can you.. um... scramble the egg, cook it on the skillet, and eat it separately from the other ingredients in the shake? :)
Allright, Pookie, now you read that destroys some of the benefits. Trust me. It isnt bad! Blend it all for 30 seconds and you won't even see or smell the egg. It is just like a regular protein shake, just kinda thin. It's mind over matter, literally....
I know that's right. I had the same sentiments three years ago when all of my hair came out due to overprocessing. I truly believe I'm reaping the results of my faith and God's graciousness.
You are a gal after my own heart, Hillytmj, it's amazing what faith in God's grace and mercy can overcome!
Great minds at work, I luv it.

Yes, put it to good use, the shake will camouflage some of the taste. emphasis on some...that is the worst tasting part, to be sure. Thank God I've learned to gulp stuff down, no tasting allowed...:spinning::nono::drunk:

oooh girl, you workin' on your body too? That's awesome. I can't wait to get into the full swing of things. I already started my Tae Bo exercises and stair climbing again. I need to slowly incorporate some light jogging/running.
Allright, Pookie, now you read that destroys some of the benefits. Trust me. It isnt bad! Blend it all for 30 seconds and you won't even see or smell the egg. It is just like a regular protein shake, just kinda thin. It's mind over matter, literally....

No I hadn't. Which is why i asked the question in the first place. Thank you for answering, though.
I think there's a powdered egg product for making shakes. I used to drink raw egg shakes but got nauseated then stopped. I'd prefer to just eat a boiled egg. But I know that wheat germ and lecithin really push out the hair fast. I used to make my breads with lecithin and just drink the wheat germ in milk. Kinda gross, but nutritious.
i am up for the challenge. since i am used to downing the egg straight, i will continue that and consider adding another egg to the shake on some days - other wise i will chase it down with the shake. do you know how this shake tastes w/o the egg? is it good or should i plan to add a little more flavor. when are we beginning the challenge? i need about a week to pick up the rest of what i need. i also ordered this book.
No I hadn't. Sorry, hon, I thought you were kidding around, actually others have asked this, i think it would be a great thing to add more protein through eggs to your regimen, but for this, i think for maximum benefit you should consume raw. Which is why i asked the question in the first place. Thank you for answering, though.
Sure. I know that even with drinking high-protein shakes, my hair thrived, so your question is more than valid, chica. Forgive me.
i am up for the challenge. since i am used to downing the egg straight, i will continue that and consider adding another egg to the shake on some days - other wise i will chase it down with the shake. do you know how this shake tastes w/o the egg? I think it would be kinda bland. It would just be wheat germ and wheat germ oil and fruit, which is okay, but nothing major. is it good or should i plan to add a little more flavor. add flavor, even stawberry or chocolate syrup when are we beginning the challenge? how about next week? i need about a week to pick up the rest of what i need. i also ordered this book.
i'm thinking of adding lecithin to this, as well, thanks to all the great comments of the ladies...
I think there's a powdered egg product for making shakes. I used to drink raw egg shakes but got nauseated then stopped. I'd prefer to just eat a boiled egg. But I know that wheat germ and lecithin really push out the hair fast. I used to make my breads with lecithin and just drink the wheat germ in milk. Kinda gross, but nutritious.

Scrolling down to get to end and then SCREEEEECH! I thought you were supporting those crazy people! WHEW! I see it says McDesperate...

ETA~ I'm talking about the two knuckle heads that are trying to change the world with two heads that don't equal to one!
My mom and her friend used to do this all the time. I remember trying it a couple of times when I was younger. They used to crack the egg into a glass cup, mix a little can carnation evaporated milk in it, give it two stirs with a spoon and gulp it all down in one swallow. I remember the taste as being yummy. Also I remember my God-Mom used to crack raw eggs and mix it into our cream of wheat cereal for breakfast, that was so yummy too. I was a kid then so I figured it was something adults did so I've never tried raw eggs as an adult. I might give it a try soon though.
My mom and her friend used to do this all the time. I remember trying it a couple of times when I was younger. They used to crack the egg into a glass cup, mix a little can carnation evaporated milk in it, give it two stirs with a spoon and gulp it all down in one swallow. I remember the taste as being yummy. Also I remember my God-Mom used to crack raw eggs and mix it into our cream of wheat cereal for breakfast, that was so yummy too. I was a kid then so I figured it was something adults did so I've never tried raw eggs as an adult. I might give it a try soon though.

give it a try, join us! I've heard of that recipe, so it's pretty yummy, huh? isn't that a British-culture thing>not really sure, just asking...

Hair Cocktail Ingredients:
3/4 glass of whole milk (I used SilkSoy Vanilla)
1 raw egg
1 tblspn raw wheat germ oil
2 tblspns raw wheat germ
for flavor, you may add a piece of fruit in season

This recipe sounds like a Gastrointestinal Disaster. I had to calm my stomach down, cuz my eyes sent the message to my brain and my brain got my stomach all riled up. I said to my stomach, I said "stomach, I'm not going to drink that, I was just reading about it- chill out" She's better now.

I would though, love to read that book and I guzzle and chow down the promising beauty concoctions without whole mill/raw eggs involved.:grin:
Most of us eat raw eggs already in Egg nog,Mayonnaise,Cold Chiffons or mousses,hollandaise sauce,ceasar salad,cake frostings and Tiramisu.I LOVE Tiramisu and Eggnog with lots of Rum...yummy.:lick:

I'll join the challenge too.
:lachen: more power to brave ones!

the thought has me like :barf:

eta: salmonella poisoning and biotin defiency set aside (since those risks have been disputed) my gag reflex connected to my thought process is too strong
This recipe sounds like a Gastrointestinal Disaster. I had to calm my stomach down, cuz my eyes sent the message to my brain and my brain got my stomach all riled up. I said to my stomach, I said "stomach, I'm not going to drink that, I was just reading about it- chill out" She's better now.

I would though, love to read that book and I guzzle and chow down the promising beauty concoctions without whole mill/raw eggs involved.:grin:
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This is very interesting. I'm just too lazy for all this lol. But I would love to stay updated on your success with it.