Doggy Chewed Looking Ends


New Member
Hey all-

I need some pointers. Back in February I pretty much cut a couple of inches of my hair. Its grown back, thought I would have nice ends but I dont. To me looking at my hair ends makes me think of maybe a dog chewed on em lol. I have used it twice in the last 3 monthes just for a change up and to see my hair growth. I dont brush my hair, I comb only after I wash and a few other times if my hair just because tooo tangled, I usually dampen my hair too nad use a detangler. My ends are ugly, how can I solve this? I tryed baggying for bout a month that didnt help .
What products are you using to moisturize your ends and how often? the best moisturizer imo are the water based products(s-curl, ORS hair lotion) then i follow up with an oil (olive oil) to seal.
Thanks for the responses :)

I do air dry, I put my hair in twists.

I use Vatika oil and this Ors olive Oil lotion stuff.

I do a protective style sort off. Hair is usually up, I use bobby pins to kind of tuck my hair in. I often cover my hair as well .

Maybe I need to blow dry a tad , almost have dry. Or I may need to seal my hair after I mositurize.
My hair didn't do very well with the ORS Olive Oil lotion. Maybe try putting your hair in a ponytail and roll the ends around a magnetic roller. Make sure the ends are soaking wet and roll the hair flatly along the roller.

This helped my ends. Before I rolled I sealed the ends with Chi Silk infusion.
kandi1280 said:
My hair didn't do very well with the ORS Olive Oil lotion. Maybe try putting your hair in a ponytail and roll the ends around a magnetic roller. Make sure the ends are soaking wet and roll the hair flatly along the roller.

This helped my ends. Before I rolled I sealed the ends with Chi Silk infusion.

This is EXACTLY what I was gonna suggest.:)
I would also suggest that you stop using the bobbypins as well. That metal could be chewing up your ends too.

lol! i felt the same way about my ends when i joined. i started washing almost daily and DC'd like every 3 days when i joined. Prior to this i was washing maybe twice a month. I think it really helped my hair and helped stimulate growth. I also stopped using heat for about 4 months. I just put in some moisturizer, sealed with oil, put my hair in two twists and let dry.
WHOA!!!:eek: This may sound incredibly stupid but I can't believe that LACK OF MOISTURE is my problem.

I got my hair cut a month ago. I've been washing at nights, air drying, sleeping on a silk scarf. In the mornings I wear my hair in a bun and in an attempt to "protect" the ends, I slick them back with WGO. That ish isn't moisturising my ends at all - it's just sealing in moisture, moisture which is absent b/c I've been sparse with my application of leave ins since I relaxed my hair.

DANG, I really can't believe this. I noticed my ends were looking bad, which surprised me. I've learned my lesson the hard way... :wallbash:

I'm going to buy a bottle of either NTM deep conditioner or some Nexxus and DC for an hour. Then I'm going to use a leave in generously.

Here's hoping I can save my ends.

OP, thanks for this thread.
I had to cut my ends off twice; 1.5 inches the first time and 4 inches the last time. Basically that hair was so neglected no amount of product or baggying could save it. Right now there's only about .5 inches of hair from before I started my haircare journey left. Sometimes you just can't save hair that's been badly damaged.