Does Weather Dictate Your Hairstyle??????


Active Member
For me, it absolutely does.

For those of you who live in the NYC area, you know it has been raining almost every day for the past four weeks. My hair has been bunned almost every day...... When it rains, snows, or is hot and humid, I bun my hair. when it is cool with fair humidity, I wear it out in a doobie....

Does the weather dictate your hairstyle??????
Oh yes, let's see last week Friday it was so humid and of course it rained, I had the nerve to wear a braid out, by the time I got to work my hair was about 20 inches higher. I'll never do that again.
Yes it sure does. today it is raining and i have it all back and last night i wraped my hair.
Not as much as when I was relaxed....but since I've learned to love wearing my hair back whether it is humid or raining... I believe that even if I was still relaxed I wouldn't have a problem.
I wear my hair straight about once a month in the winter. In the summer I wear my hair natural so even if it's humid I usually don't have a big just gets curlier.
Not as much as when I was relaxed....but since I've learned to love wearing my hair back whether it is humid or raining... I believe that even if I was still relaxed I wouldn't have a problem.
I wear my hair straight about once a month in the winter. In the summer I wear my hair natural so even if it's humid I usually don't have a big just gets curlier.

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Sweetcocoa -- do you ever wear a bun?????
One day when I acquire length, I'm sure it will! But right now, I've been wearing an Instant Weave (3/4 in wig) needless to say, my hairstyle has not been affected by the weather!
Child YES! Whereas I use to listen to the weather to find out what to wear the next day, I'm now also listening to find out how to wear my hair the next day. Lately in the rain/humidity it's been skinny invisible like headbands, hair clips, cute bucket hats and my trusty hair sticks. Oh well, at least it's less manipulation.
I live in DC (and it rains almost everyday this summer), and I don't even bother to wear my hair straight anymore. If a drop of water touches it, I'll be sporting frizzy curls before I know it. So, I've been experimenting with wet setting, or just putting it in a ponytail after airdrying it. I may wear it out, but there's no use in wrapping it or flat ironing it, or doing anything to make it look good for that matter.
Karonica, I live in Alexandria and I know exactly what you mean. The crazy rain here along with the humidity...any type of wrap that I would do wouldn't stand a chance, so I've just been doing twist outs and waiting until I get to work to untwist them. Especially this morning since it was drizzling and humid.
Not as much as when I was relaxed....but since I've learned to love wearing my hair back whether it is humid or raining... I believe that even if I was still relaxed I wouldn't have a problem.
I wear my hair straight about once a month in the winter. In the summer I wear my hair natural so even if it's humid I usually don't have a big just gets curlier.

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Sweetcocoa -- do you ever wear a bun?????

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Yes...when I wear it back is is usually in a loose bun or ponytail(sorry I should of metioned that). I also just flatwists the sides going back and clip them together in the back..leaving the back out . I did this curls in the back were frizzed a little...but it didn't bother me...the fizz gave my hair some body. So being natural I'm finding some(not alot) frizz helps my fine hair look thicker. Now when I wear it straight forget it...bun all the way...
That is so true. Frizz can actually be very beneficial to certain styles. I'm sporting a homemade straw set
and the frizz gives it a certain more natural, voluminous look, rather than the typical "I just stepped out of a hairdresser" polished look. Like that look would last anyway, with all this rain...
ditto to sherrylove's first statement--all of it holds true for me. may i ask where you get your doobies done? i have yet to meet someone who attends my salon.
Ditto... Sherrylove. But sometimes I live dangerously and keep my hair wrapped in the doobie until I arrive at work and take it down... then doobie it again when I leave. But I like the buns the best ;-).
From now on it will, I learned the hard it is muggy and raining, I roller set my hair last night, wrapped it for a few minutes this morning, unwrapped and styled, as soon as I stepped out the door my hair frizzed up, I am at work now and my hair is a big frizz ball, it looks a mess, so I just used a clip and put it all back....
(not that I have that much to begin with
The last time I wore my hair out in the rain, I went into a state of "afrodom (my hair looked a bit better than beyonce's though)......
It was a MESS--frizz city!! I do not want to relive that....

If this rainy weather continues,I am going to be a regular bun wearer....and the only time I take my hair out will be to take pics.....
It has happened to me before but nnnooooooo I wanted to be all but I do see some women who have their hair out and it doesnt even look frizzy, I wonder what they do?
Ditto... Sherrylove. But sometimes I live dangerously and keep my hair wrapped in the doobie until I arrive at work and take it down... then doobie it again when I leave. But I like the buns the best ;-).

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i'll do the same occasionally........
Ditto... Sherrylove. But sometimes I live dangerously and keep my hair wrapped in the doobie until I arrive at work and take it down... then doobie it again when I leave. But I like the buns the best ;-).

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I do that in the winter when I have my hair straight and it rains. I wrap s black silk scarf around my hair first, then a black baseball cap. Nobody even notices it.
Weather dictates my hair about 80% of the time. The other 20% is based on whatever event I have for that particular day.
Well, for me I would say not really because I wear my hair in a bun almost every single day.

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Ok, Miss Bun Lady...........
Hi Karonica-

Do you do your own strawsets or go to a salon? If you do them yourself, how long does it take?

I can't beat the weather either. I thought if I took my time with my roller sets and put the right products on my hair, rolled them neatly and extra tight - stayed under the dryer the whole time without cheating... it would at least look nice while I was in church.

Let me tell you, I leave out the house with nice, voluminous, soft curls, I drive to church with the AC on low, walk from the car to the doors of the building and end up tucking one side behind my ear b/c it fell. By the time I get in there and in my seat, I had to tuck the other end. And thank GOD I found a couple of hair pins in my robe bag, because by the time I got up on stage to change into my robe, my stuff was so poofy AND stringy that I had to pin it up. My stylist is on the praise team with me so she put a few quick finishing touches and it was okay.
Sherrylove I am currently wearing braids. Reason why???
I has been raining non stop for the past 2 months!!!!!!

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Smart Lady......
It's a combination of the weather and adjusting to a new work schedule for me. I wear my hair in a ponytail (usually twisted and pinned). It's been raining in OH for the past 4 weeks as well.
Please make it stop...somebody do a rain dance.