Does relaxed hair REALLY have more growth potential than natural hair?


New Member
I've been 100% natural for a year and a half, I am around 2" from BSL and have noticed that my hair has grown a lot more than it did when I was relaxed (maybe that was done to not taking care of my hair the way I do now....).

I've read alot of posts where it is thought that relaxed hair is easier to grow long than natural.

But my hair is becoming really thick, and combing it is such a hard task I'm thinking about texlaxing or relaxing- There would be less tiny knots, therefore less potential for breakage, and the straight hair would retain more moisture on the strands.

But, is relaxed hair REALLY easier to handle, care for and gain length, than natural?
I don't think it's easier. I think it just seems easier because relaxed hair is chemically straightened. I think it's harder if anything because of the extra care it entails.
I think it may seem like relaxed hair grows faster cuz the hair is changed after being's thinner and made to stretch which makes it longer, but natural is just as long...but not streched...which makes it seem shorter. I hope I don't sound too confused and that you all know what I'm trying to say.
To answer your first question, I don't think it's necessarrily true that relaxed hair has more growth capability. I just think that it's easier to see growth with relaxed hair because you aren't dealing with the shrinkage factor. I'm sure that in two people with healthy hair, one relaxed, and one natural, their growth rate would be about the same.

I can't really answer your last question because I've never been natural, but I think the term "easy" is relative. Relaxed hair is easy for me to take care of because I like to wear my hair straight. Other than relaxing every 3 months and deep conditioning, I don't have to do much to it. If I were natural and wanted to wear my hair straight, it would probably take more work for me.

However, if I were natural and wanted to wear a TWA, or twists, or any other natural style, I imagine my hair would be easy to take care of because I would be working with the natural texture instead of against it.

So no, I don't think one is necessarily easier than the other to grow or take care, depending on your hair goal. JMO
Wishin4BSL said:
I don't think it's easier. I think it just seems easier because relaxed hair is chemically straightened. I think it's harder if anything because of the extra care it entails.

I agree. I think it's easier to see growth, meaning length, because you can actually see the hair gain inches.
Thanks everyone for the responses, big help.

Because I generally wear my hair straight, and I don't really like twists, twa etc styles, I think I'm going to.....*deep breath*..... relax!

This would make caring for the hair easier in terms of less heat as the hair would be already straight, and its true, I'd see the length I gain month by month more than I do now. My goal is healthy ,thick waist length by 2007:).

A lot of relaxed ladies here have healthy, thick BSL and longer hair, maintained by constant proper haircare.

Although I know after relaxing I'd have to make sure I deep condition every week, trim ends, keep moisture in the hair without failing, I think that that time has come, I'm tired of having to use heat to get straight hair.

In the long run, relaxing is healthier than constant heat usage.
And hopefully, I'll be able to do long stretches.

Now I have to find what relaxer is the best.....:confused:
Lauren450, since you've never been natural, the relaxer you use must be doing good for your hair, which one do you use?
1god1 said:
I think it may seem like relaxed hair grows faster cuz the hair is changed after being's thinner and made to stretch which makes it longer, but natural is just as long...but not streched...which makes it seem shorter. I hope I don't sound too confused and that you all know what I'm trying to say.

Yeah I know what you mean:lol:
I hope I can retain my thickness though:perplexed
Oh my!

Lauren450, I've just viewed your Fotki.

Ur hair is so beautiful!!!!! Your hair is great evidence that you can have real thick healthy relaxed hair.

I know who my vote for feature of the Month goes to!!!!
My hair grew at 1/2 an inch per month when I was natural and now that I'm relaxed. But I agree that relaxed hair looks like it grows faster because there are no shinkage issues. But I found natural hair more time consuming. A 20 minute touch-up every 4-6 months isn't that big of a deal.

I can make arguments for each, but it really just depends whether or not you prefer straight styles. The heat required to make natural hair straight is more damaging than a relaxer and rollersets IMO.
Summa Bliss said:
I've been 100% natural for a year and a half, I am around 2" from BSL and have noticed that my hair has grown a lot more than it did when I was relaxed (maybe that was done to not taking care of my hair the way I do now....).

I've read alot of posts where it is thought that relaxed hair is easier to grow long than natural.

But my hair is becoming really thick, and combing it is such a hard task I'm thinking about texlaxing or relaxing- There would be less tiny knots, therefore less potential for breakage, and the straight hair would retain more moisture on the strands.

But, is relaxed hair REALLY easier to handle, care for and gain length, than natural?

WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! t took you a year and a half to get to bra strap? Hold the calvary! How'd u do that or were u transitioning for a while before then?

Back on topic... I think its easier to do whatever you put your mind too. I think relaxing hair makes it harder to grow length but it can be done. On the flip side its hard to show length with natural hair due to shrinkage and the bad effects of heat usually used to straighten the hair to show length
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Ever since I've seen the thread about sassy's hair (the lady with the tailbone length thick relaxed hair), I've been thinking about relaxing. I think I might b/c I can't do anything with my natural hair.. it's just too thick.
For me, relaxed (texturized) hair was harder due to dealing with the 2 textures, and I dreaded touch up time (spending all day in the salon, hearing the hair dresser complain about my hair). For some reason, I was never able to straighten my hair on my own either---I could only get straight hair through roller setting, which was also time consuming. Now, I wear my hair the same way I did when I was texturized, but I don't have to worry about touch ups, so I'm happy.
I would have thought natural hair had more growth potential because it's not weakened with chemicals. I dunno though...I've never tried to grow my hair natural.

I personally don't think either one is easy (well if it was we wouldn't be here right?)

IMO, care plays a big part in how much hair you can retain.

Honestly, I think that hair is going to grow regardless of whether it's natural or relaxed. I agree with the folks who say that it's easier to see length with relaxed hair.
I agree with JCoily because the hair is growing out of the scalp NATURAL and doesn't get relaxed until after it has already grown out and become visible. Scalp damage from relaxers is another issue, but there are relaxed haired ladies with healthy scalps, and I would imagine that their growth rate and a natural's growth rate would be the same, ceteris paribus.

I also agree Arcadian that the illusion of growth or lack thereof has a lot to do with how the hair is being cared for.

I thought it was a matter of RETENTION vs. growth.... So it might be reasonable to speculate that both types of hair GROW at similar rates, but the potentiality of greater retention (less breakage, etc.) is on the side of natural hair because of the avoidance of chemicals and/or heat.
JCoily said:
Honestly, I think that hair is going to grow regardless of whether it's natural or relaxed. I agree with the folks who say that it's easier to see length with relaxed hair.

ITA...I was natural until age 16 and my hair grew just as it does now. I would get it pressed to straighten it out, but the only difference is that my hair tangled less when it was natural.
[QUOTE=beyondcute]WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! t took you a year and a half to get to bra strap? Hold the calvary! How'd u do that or were u transitioning for a while before then?

I started growing my hair from just above neck length in December 2004 via
Hair Lady Robin's Crown and Glory Method- I did cornrows under weaves.

I had transistioned from weak, relaxed hair 6 months prior to strteing my Hair Journey tho. So when I actually started growing the hair in December 2004, it was 100% natural.

And now the longest part of my hair which is the 'kitchen' is 1-2" from BSL. The hair is in a V-U shape so it may take a few more months to reach Blunt BSL.
Summa Bliss said:
Now I have to find what relaxer is the best.....:confused:
Lauren450, since you've never been natural, the relaxer you use must be doing good for your hair, which one do you use?

Well, right now I use Vitale Lye, which I love. My old stylist was using Affirm, which was fine on my hair. It was the frequency of the relaxers that was causing problems. Now I stretch at least 10 weeks each time, and that has made all the difference.

Also, I see you mentioned trims. Only trim when you absolutely need to. My old stylist used to trim me with every relaxer, and that really hindered my growth.

Summa Bliss said:
Oh my!

Lauren450, I've just viewed your Fotki.

Ur hair is so beautiful!!!!! Your hair is great evidence that you can have real thick healthy relaxed hair.

I know who my vote for feature of the Month goes to!!!!

Aww, thanks!
I think they both grow the same speed.

But with a natural you are less likely to have that weird period when your hair brushes you shoulders and clothes causing it to break off. (because it defies gravity, typically) But as with relaxed hair it is stretched and brushed clothes and break's off.

Not to mention the amount of heat people use on their hair. Most naturals don't use a lot of heat.

But if you can curb the heat habit and ripping through your hair, not to mention the rubbing against clothing. Keep the hair moisturized.

There should not be any problem growing your hair with a relaxer.