Does anyone apply emergencee after neutralizing ?


New Member
Hi ladies,

Compared to a regular day I had really bad breakage the last time I relaxed and after yesterday's relaxer. In order to get it back to a manageable level the last time I relaxed, I used emergencee 3 days after relaxing after my July relaxer. However this time I used it one day after relaxing.

I use phytorelaxer and am considering just using emergencee instead of the milky reconstructor the next time I relax. Has anyone used emergencee as a reconstuctor immediately after relaxing? I remember reading a thread by Supergirl about not using proteins within a week after relaxing. However emergencee isn't really a protein. I'm thinking this should be ok since Affirm users use 5 in 1 during the process but just want to get feedback. Using emergencee within a week has not yet caused any noticable reversion. TIA
I did once after trying to texturize with elucence mild and the emergencee made my hair revert back to a fro, which is what i wanted. Be cautious, that stuff is hella strong...but 3 days after a relaxer is fine since the relaxer is done processing after 72hrs.
I did it the day of my relaxer after I neutrazlized. I shampooed with my Breakthru, because that stuff soaks your hair with oils and silicones to work through the stifness of the protein. Then, I deep conditioned for about 40 minutes after. My came out fine without stiffness.
Thanks icephren. I can't afford to waste 60 bucks and emergencee so I'll hold off for at least a day. It seems to be fine this time.