Do you think you'll ever stop being a product junkie?

I have definitely, definitely slowed my roll. I threw away a lot of products that I didn't like and no longer used last year. Now, I only by essentials and new haircare products when I run out of something. Of course, I still like experimenting but I don't go out and purchase something just because its raved about once on the boards. One realization that I have come to is that there is no miracle product that will completely transform my hair. It takes time, dedication, and patience. That alone has helped me to almost cure my PJism. That, along with being broke.
i think I have slowed down tremendously! lol now I kinda have an idea of what my hair 'likes' so I don't need to run out and get everything...however, there is the 'shopper' in me that I'm sure will always try new stuff....I probably will have a bit more control and wisdom when shopping. e.g. if I know my hair loves water, then if something isn't water based, i would be less likely to try than something that is!
i was a budding pj for about a year to a year and a half after i found the hair boards. i am no longer. in the past 3 months i've bought maybe 2 or 3 products. oh, and i got to try one out from a lhcf meeting. after many products, i came to realize that there isn't anything that is so much different from something i already have tried.
I stopped a year ago. I make my own hair butters (water-based), and they work better than any other moisturiser I ever spent ££ on. Braiding my hair has also helped. It's still fun to read reviews, though :).
Yep, I'm definitely slowing down. As a natural, I think this is just part of the process...trying to find what works in YOUR hair. :yep:

I'm comfortable with the products that I've found...and I'm currently considering them as "staples." There are more things that I'd like to try but they're not too high on my priority list.

Incidentally, I bought some KCCC recently and hated it. Left a white residue on my hair...will try it again later. :ohwell:

This is my issue. I'm not a product junkie per se; I'm just trying to find what works for me. I have the pre-poo treatment/oil, the shampoo, the clarifying poo, the conditioner, the oil for the ends, the leave-in, the moisturizer, and the cowash condish for after I've worked out (I think; btw, this isn't as much as it seems to be b/c many of the I use many of the products for more than one thing). Now, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that KBB Luscious Locks Hair Mask will be able to make the cut as a deep conditioner.
i dont think i'll ever stop. i buy products because i like to buy stuff, not because im looking for staples. i already have my staples.
Like others said, in trying to find what works, you'll be a PJ for a minute. Once you find out what works I hope your sickness doesn't evolve into what I have. Now that I know what works....I hoard. I don't EVER want to run out of anything. When I purchase online, they think I have a salon or business. "Nope, this is all just for me, a little old consumer....":drunk:
I believe that it is a part of the process of finding out what works with your hair and what doesn't. I have recently discovered from going through so many products what ingredients in products work with my hair, so now after creating a spreadsheet--I can immediately identify what will work with the hair and what won't. Also, that is too much money to waste--balance is so important.
I really do like to think that one day I'll stop being such a huge PJ. But perhaps that's just my sickness talking. :drunk:

I feel like the reason I buy so many products is because I'm newly natural, and I'm trying to find what works best for my hair.

I think once I find my HG I won't buy so many hair products. At least that's what I like to tell myself! :grin:

What about you all? Do you think there will come a day when you aren't a PJ?

I dream of K.I.S.S but I know I'm a PJ til I get what works for me. in due time, til then I'ma keep roaming the hair care aisles.
Honestly for me I don't think I will never stop, it's very addictive. Also, there are so many dog-gone products out their for consumers it's almost impossible. I would think that I will slow down once I find the right combo of products that works well for my hair but now NO. I enjoy too trying differents things. So I am just enjoying the ride of the newer ones and the ones so many ladies are raving about. But to tell the truth I would just like to keep it as simple as possible, but we all know that's not the case most of the time. At least not for me.
i was a budding pj for about a year to a year and a half after i found the hair boards. i am no longer. in the past 3 months i've bought maybe 2 or 3 products. oh, and i got to try one out from a lhcf meeting. after many products, i came to realize that there isn't anything that is so much different from something i already have tried.
I had to comment on yr hair, it is already thick, but gosh girl it's getting long too! Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!:yep:
i dont think i'll ever stop. i buy products because i like to buy stuff, not because im looking for staples. i already have my staples.
I have my staples too but I enjoy buying all types of things including hair products.

Once you find out what works I hope your sickness doesn't evolve into what I have. Now that I know what works....I hoard. I don't EVER want to run out of anything.
This is me :grin:!
I been buying hair products way before the boards. Just knowing I'm a PJ. Didn't think it was nothing wrong. lol
I think my pj-ism is over. I only started about 5 months ago and I have enough stuff that all work for my hair.
Like others said, in trying to find what works, you'll be a PJ for a minute. Once you find out what works I hope your sickness doesn't evolve into what I have. Now that I know what works....I hoard. I don't EVER want to run out of anything. When I purchase online, they think I have a salon or business. "Nope, this is all just for me, a little old consumer....":drunk:
I AGREE with ya Girl :yep:
I hoard products that I know work for my hair and I stockpiled them.
I have bins of products that work for my hair that are discontinued or formula changed.
I am now known as a stockpile PJ.
I wonder if I am the only one that still uses Suave Milk & Honey and Daily Defense Tender Apple conditioner.