Do You Pray Multiple Times for Something?


New Member

I was working out one day and a lady started talking to me about GOD. She said that she prays and prays and prays and prays for the same thing and never gets an answer from GOD. I told her about my relationship with GOD. When I pray to GOD, I try to pray one time and have faith. For me and my relationship with GOD, I believe that HE hears me the first time I pray. As a matter of fact, HE knows what I will pray for before I pray.

Any thoughts?
I pray for my family and myself in general on a regular basis, but if there's something specific that I need I try to ask once, and trust that I will receive it.
Yes, I confer, God might not be always there when we call However, God is always on time. I Place my prayers in Gods hands and move on! I trust God's Will for my Life.:yep:
I have prayed over and over for the same thing and feel like I didnt get an answer. This past week I finally feel like He answered by saying "Walk by faith not by sight". So I didnt get the type of answer I was looking for as in a definite lined out answer. But He showed me I need to have faith that He is directing my path.
My old pastor had a sermon about that. He said to leave God alone! You only have to pray ONE time and he heard me the first time. Pray and leave it to God.

Trust in your faith that he heard you the first time and will give you answer. You keep asking him then it kind of shows how unfaithful you are. Like a 5 year old who keeps asking for a dollar. He heard you, he's just waiting for you to shut your mouth so u can listen and recieve his word and blessing.

Also, I used to get upset because i felt like God never "answered" my prayers when someone finally said that he already did! I just didn't like the answer and i was still waiting around for the answer that I wanted.

God answers you. It may not be the YES that you were looking for. He can tell you NO and that still qualifies as an answer..just not the one you wanted. I've been told NO several times. That was his answer.

God's outcome for you may not necessarily be Postive in your eyes so you feel like he didn't answer you when in essence he did.

I've learned that when something seems a little off and negative in my life, I have to believe that God set that up for a reason and answered my prayer by NOT giving me that job, by NOT giving me that extra financial blessing, by NOT giving me that new car or house. And this is his answer.:ohwell:

It gets frustrating, but he knows what he's doing so I usually just fall back and have to learn to be content and quit asking him so many questions.
I once read (don’t remember the name of the book off the top of my head) that we are to pray and then thank God for the answer. We should thank Him as though we have already received the answer. That is faith to walk and praise Him like we’ve already received the answer no matter what the answer may be. When I was in college I worked at a department store. One of my co-workers became pregnant. She was very young (I think about 19 or 20) and couldn’t decide what she wanted to do about it. I told her to pray to God and ask Him for an answer. A few days later she and I were talking and she was telling me how she didn’t know what she was going to do. I asked her if she prayed and she told me yes, but she felt like she hadn’t gotten an answer. I told her to thank God for His answer because He’d already heard her request. The next time I talked to her she told me that she was going to keep her baby. I asked her how she got her answer and she told me that one morning she woke up and she just knew what she was supposed to do.

Sorry to be so long-winded, but something else I’ve learned is that our hearts have to be open to whatever the answer may be. When I was in college me and this guy were dating and we broke up. I took the break up pretty hard and kept asking God to let His will be done. I was expecting His will to be that me and this guy get back together. One day, I was in my car, crying hysterically, begging God for His will to be done right then and there. That was when God spoke to me and said, “This is my will.” We have to be open and receptive to whatever His answer may be. It could be yes, no or not right now.
Everyones situations and answers are lining up with what I was questioning recently. I was asking over and over for some things, but the asking wasn't lining up with the faith scriptures I had been meditating on.
I had to ask for clarification from my friend and she told me the same thing about asking once :yep: Although I had heard a preacher from TBN speak about asking over and over again :ohwell: I think it got me confused. :spinning:
I think my issue was me never (hearing) a clear answer so that I can stop asking. I'm such a work in progress....
I wrote a thread called

P.U.S.H (pray until something happens) problem and someone responded with Don't P.U.S.H (tffy2004) both in 9/2007.

Both of those threads had a ton of insight and opinions. Now after praying about the very subject I pray and just leave it with God because I realized that when I was praying multiple times I may have been begging or worrying about it and the Bible says

Be anxious for nothing, but by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

I took that as pray about it once, and peace should come over you because you know it is finished.

Now, I still do get anxious a ton but I'm still a work in progress...
I do that...but I mean I do, do it to my mom too...knowing that she heard me.

It's something I'm trying to work on...cuz I know I have to be getting on God's nerves. Especially with what I've been dealing with...AGAIN God told me my answer and this is the third time he's said....I figure since I realize the answer now I better shut up and keep it moving :lachen:

Even today at work I've had to repeat myself three or more times without the person who needs to respond to me even noticing (I work in a bank) and it's been getting on my LAST I can only imagine what GOD feels like.

I'm gonna stop...somehow I will.
While I don't think it's necessary to repeatedly pray for answers to a specific concern ,I don't think it's harmful or upseting to God. He knows how His kids are:grin:. Some things make us a little anxious and we need His reassurance. He's gonna do what He's gonna do. Our asking only once or repeatedly isn't gonna change His mind one way or the other:look: Most of the time I can just pray once and go on about my business knowing that He has heard me but sometimes I want to scream, "Uh Lord, don't you see this train headed straight for me? Can you do something about this disaster TODAY???", lol
I thank God that He's paient with me even when I'm impatient with Him,lol