Do you have a personal relationship with God?


Well-Known Member
This week I started a study series called, The Christian Atheist, by Craig Groeschel. He defines a Christian Atheist as a person that says he believes in God but lives as if He doesn’t exist. To that person God, is an after thought, there’s no real relationship, understanding or trust. You can look at the first session here, The Christian Atheist pt.1

This series has made me realized that that is who I am, a Christian Atheist. This is not who I want to be. :nono::nono: I want an authentic personal relationship with God. I want to know Gods heart and walk in the fear of Him. I want my actions to reflect and honor God. Lastly, I want to know, that I know, that I know that without a doubt,God loves even me. :bighug:

You know, every time I read Matthew 3:17, I think,” how cool” I imagine Jesus’ baptism was such an important event that his Dad had to make it know to everyone around, just how honored He was. He opened the heavens and descended upon Jesus and announced, this is my beloved Son, and I am well pleased with him. I want Him to say that about me.

I need help with this..

So, my question to you is, Do you have a personal relationship with God? If so, how did it develop and how do you maintain it? If you don’t have a true relationship with God but desire one, how will you facilitate one?

So, my question to you is, Do you have a personal relationship with God?
Yes, I do.
If so, how did it develop and how do you maintain it? Well, I have my part and He has his part:yep: You see, for me I had to get to a place where I understood that I needed Him and life and all the things I thought that encompassed did not fulfill some things deep inside. I got hungry for knowledge concerning Him. I wanted to know for myself if some of the things I'd heard were real. I started talking to Him. Though I felt really foolish at first. I started reading the bible and asking Him to help me understand it and help me know if He was really real or not. I told Him I would be open minded & wait to hear from Him. Things started happening. A song here. A word there. A stranger who said something that struck a chord deep within. Finally, there were personal encounters. I prayed asking to be led to a real church with a real pastor so I could grow up spiritually. Then I learned to maintain it is a never ending cycle of seeking, renewing my mind, reading, praying, praising, fellowshipping, but He changes you through it all. You become more like Him. You make mistakes, learn from them, and keep going. I know this is a very short summary but basically that's what happened.
great thread OP!!!

I always say a true relationship is shown behind close doors, not just in front of people. But a relationship with God has to be formed and built. Its not going to happen over night. It has to be fed and nurtured. A relationship is built through obedience and spending time together. Its not just going to happen going to church 2 days a week. But a love and passion for God is built through that quality alone time. The more you read the bible, the more you learn who God is, and the more you learn Him, the more you fall in love with Him.

In prayer is where you learn His voice. That is where He speaks to you, comfort, instructs , and purge you. The bible says we are His friends when we follow His commandments. When you are walking in obedience with the word of God you are able to commune with God. If our lives are full of sin and transgression its hard to hear from Him.

Dont compare your relationship with God to no one else's but the word of God. I made the mistake of seeing other's walk with God and I was trying to make mines match their walk. It's ok to admire someone's devotion, but seek God to find out how he would like to commune with you. This isnt about competition but connection.

But take this walk, ONE DAY AT A TIME! God will lead you into all truths. Its starts with sincerity and obedience

To answer the question :look:

I do have a personal relationship. Im still developing my relationship. But I learned God the most through my trials and afflictions. I learned Him when my back was against the wall and I had to trust to Him. I learned him in those "quiet places". I had to learn to not seek Him to say Im seeking God, but to seek God because I need Him. I desire to know Him and His will for my life. I wanted to know God for myself and not just from what people told me about Him. I maintain it by getting in my word DAILY, even if its just a few verses, i got to have the word DAILY! Surrounding myself around TRUE believers, keeping myself saturated in prayer. And just praying constantly and making sure He is on my mind alot.Keeping myself from the cares of this world and from alot of carnal things.
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I do have a personal relationship with God, but I can say within the last six months I stopped fighting to be "loved and accepted" by God. For years, I use to feel that I had to "earn" God's love through good behavior. It was so hard to believe God really loved me because I would "mess up" or just not be consistent with anything. My sister told me about Joseph Prince Ministries, a pastor from Singapore, the way he shared scriptures showed me a whole other side of God that I didn't know. My life has not been the same.

I would encourage you to get a bible that you can clearly understand and just read it every chance you get. When you come across something that sounds to good to be true, meditate on that scripture, purposely bring it before your mind every chance you get over time it will become a reality on the inside of you.
Yeppy...I have a relationship with Christ. I am a proud member of the body/bride of Christ. I'm still a work in progress but in the 10 years that I've been saved, I've learned that I must depend and rely on the Holy Spirit, as he leads and guide me through my journey as a Christian. Also learning to be in the world but not of the world. This world is not my home, I'm just passing by. It's great to know that when the roll is called up yonder, I'm going home to be with God in heaven. No matter what Satan throws at me, I have an unspeakable joy that continues to shine on.

I pray that all souls that don't know Christ will give their lives to Christ now before it's too late. Today is the day of salvation, now is the acceptable time.
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So, my question to you is, Do you have a personal relationship with God? If so, how did it develop and how do you maintain it? If you don’t have a true relationship with God but desire one, how will you facilitate one?

Do you have a personal relationship with God? Yes, I have a personal relationship with God, but it was strained. Some things happened last year that made me become a "Christian Atheist" temporarily. I felt as though the Lord had abandoned me. I then thought to myself, well, "I know He exists, but since He's abandoned me, I'm going to live like He doesn't exist". I'm no longer a "Christian Atheist", but Him and I are still working through repair.

If so, how did it develop and how do you maintain it?
My relationship developed through reading the Bible consistently and seeking Him in prayer. Those are times that increased my trust in Him and connection to Him. However, since the strain, I haven't read the Bible as consistently as I used to. There is fear in getting that close to Him again. Right now, I'm largely in prayer and refraining from temptation. If I see Scriptures here or online, I do refer to my Bible and meditate on them. However, I haven't returned to my daily reading. Him and I are dealing with that area.
I have a very strong personal relationship with god. I talk with and meditate on his word daily. I dont go to church but I have church at home. Honestly he's my best friend. My connection with god is so strong that I can just sit there meditate and words come in my mind. I write them down and they make sense.

I dont really know how my relationship with god was developed. I think I've always been close to god even as a child. I've always felt his spirit with me. To this day I feel the same closeness if not more.
Prudent1, Alicialynn86, Lissa0821, makeupgirl , loolalooh and BronxJazzy

Thank you ladies for responding. I'm sorry for abandoning this thread, somethings popped up and I couldn't manage it.

I thought about the information you ladies shared and it has really helped me. I pray now just about what I want or what's bothering me, I share my good moments and tell God how much I thank Him. The whole conversation is different now. Now I listen for His voice, not just during prayer but throughout the day and He's there. This last week has been incredible. I think I just had to be willing.