Do you clip your own ends

If so whats your technique, I'm dying to clip mine, but I don't want to jack my hair up. Whenever my stylist does it I always look like I just got a haircut.
i dont... im going to start soon thought.. cause where i go to the salon they dont understand the word trim.. but usually i see them comb your hair at the top in the front of you and all the way around... on the side and back. and they take one piece at a time and slide their finger to the end and clip off the slip ends. It will probably been hard to get the back ofyou hair but i think you can just pull you hair around... i think imma getmy mom to help me... at least i know she wont cut it all off.
I usually do my own s&ds but my mum does my dustings and trims. I never get trims at the salon anymore.