Do LHCF Members Believe they Can Reach Their Hair Length Goals?

Country gal

Well-Known Member
I got this question yesterday from my co-worker. She wants to know do we really believe that we can reach bra-strap or waist length? I told her we do believe that. I wanted to confirm and see if members really do believe they can reach their hair desires. My co-worker thinks it is all in genetics and that I won't be able to reach bra strap length. I told her I can't measure my hair length by genetics because maybe the women in my family could not take care of their hair. I told her everybody's hair grows but the trick is retaining your length.
Not only should we all believe it, there are many of us that HAVE reached our goals and beyond. I believe that every woman should leave this forum with healthy hair, whether long or short!!! My desire was always for bra strap and I thought Id NEVER make it but I did, not Im shooting for waist, something very rare in my family. I do have hope, Im very close, and patience is a virtue!
The women in my family have fast growing hair but they dont know how to care for it and they can only maintain shoulder length hair. The length of your hair is determined my 35% genetics (meaning growth rate and growth period) and 65% retaining (thats just my theory) I used to think that my hair can only grow to SL but I'm at SL now and I have so much NG well over an inch in most areas so the race is on! I believe it is possible to be atleast BSL if you do all the right things and close to BSL is alright with me.
My desire was for healthy shoulder-length hair. When I measured and saw that it was past shoulder length and almost arm pit length, I revised it to arm pit length and then to BSL -- just for fun (smile)... And, although, it is "just for fun," just to see how long it can grow, I believe I can get there.
Anything after APL will be ok with me. I believe I can reach that goal by this time next year-I really desire hair that is AT LEAST APL anything more I will accept though. :)
Babygurl said:
Not only should we all believe it, there are many of us that HAVE reached our goals and beyond. I believe that every woman should leave this forum with healthy hair, whether long or short!!! My desire was always for bra strap and I thought Id NEVER make it but I did, not Im shooting for waist, something very rare in my family. I do have hope, Im very close, and patience is a virtue!

Your hair alone is proof that we can reach our goals.

I believe I can make it to waist length true many people will tell you that your never going to be able to because they have been conditioned into believing that “black” hair can never be long. They are completely WRONG just looking at all the beautiful hair on this board alone proves it.
With the proper diet and care I am confident that any woman can make it to BSL and beyond.
My goal is to be a couple of inches past my shoulder. somewhere between SL and APL and I'll be happy. With everyone else reaching BSL and WL I believe I should be able to attain my goal with a healthy diet and TLC.
I absolutely believe it!
My first goal was waist length hair, and I reached that.

My next goal was hipbone length hair, and I also reached that.

Now my goal is classic length, and I don't have a single doubt that I will get there also. Probably within the next two years.

With proper hair care, minimizing heat and damage, no drastic cuts or trims... there's no reason we can't all reach our goals.:)
Absolutely! And for all those who think we can't, it's just great to swing the proof right in their face! Luckily, my family members believe much of whatever I tell them because they know I am trustworthy. I speak passionately about what I believe and know, and what I dont know... well, I just keep my mouth shut! :cool: But i'm very careful who I tell what. Some people aren't safe and aren't good to be transparent with. Something like this may be sensitive to certain people on this board, and I would suggest, as I do in other areas of my life, being selective who I tell what and who I let in.. give them a little and see what they do with it! that's just my bag baby...
B4 this board I would have never, ever thought that my hair could make it anywhere near WL. I always had long hair but it never went further then APL. Last year I started telling tellin my family members and friends that I want to try to grow to WL and some would laugh at me or give me that 'yeh..right,u r delusional' smile.
sylver2 said:
B4 this board I would have never, ever thought that my hair could make it anywhere near WL. I always had long hair but it never went further then APL. Last year I started telling tellin my family members and friends that I want to try to grow to WL and some would laugh at me or give me that 'yeh..right,u r delusional' smile.

LoL...they must not have seen you lately!!!
Yup I am determined to have bsl 2-strand twists on my natural hair(without stretching them). It will take a me a while because twists make the hair look shorter but I know I can do it. My hair is the longest it's ever been and I'm going to keep taking care of it and grow it out. I neglected it for a while and I will never do that again.
senimoni said:
LoL...they must not have seen you lately!!!

I love your hair and progress girl:)

sigh...Yeh they seen me, which prompted MY OWN father to ask me if this was all my hair:ohwell: He was always the one arguing other people down when my hair came into hes questioning
I definitely believe in my goal, and everyone elses on the board. If you do what you always do, you'll get what you always get:) I know I have to have PATIENCE and really put the effort in. I've only been seriously doing this a couple of months, and while I don't have the length I would like, my hair is healthier than it has been in a LOOOOONNNGGGGG time. And I believe health will come first, then I will get the length
Yes I believe I will make it to my goal of waist length! I try to be realistic about it though and understand that it will take TIME and I 'may' even suffer a setback here or there.

But I will keep at it until I get there! If I didn't believe I could make it to my goal, it wouldn't be a goal.
Yes I believe I can obtain my hair goals.:D
I know it will take displine, time, and patience but I know I can do it ;)
Yup i will reach my goal, ever since shaving it and starting again my hair is thicker, even, and grows faster, no breakage and all i do EVA is wash, condition and spray NOTHING else and its thriving...
When I want anything in life I am always my biggest believer. With anything in life, wanting something is never enough. I believe that I and everyone else on this forum will reach their goals. this is because we are empowered with knowledge and the willingness to work hard towards any goals we set ourselves.
Crissi said:
Yup i will reach my goal, ever since shaving it and starting again my hair is thicker, even, and grows faster, no breakage and all i do EVA is wash, condition and spray NOTHING else and its thriving...

i agree. i shaved my shoulder length hair off and it is thriving as well.
i want at least brastrap length unstretched natural hair. My ultimate goal is to have a thick waist length braid swinging lol . I know with patience you can have achieve your goals. you can look at fellow members and see how it is possible.
I really do believe I can achieve waist length hair. This site helped me reach my goal of getting waist length hair! I know I've been trying for three years-- and to some people it's like I will never get to waist length, but I am very confident. My hair is the healthiest it's been in almost twenty years.

Sometimes I get discouraged when I get a trim, but it always grows back. I am sure that by the end of 2007 I will reach my goal.

We can reach our goals. Let's remember that we're doing this for ourselves... not others.
Yes indeed. As mentioned, many of us have surpassed our goals. My goal was only to restore my hair to health, at any length. I believe we are only limited to our imaginations.
Of course we do, many ladies here have. I do believe that genetics plays a part of course. Growth cycle and what not do play a part in how much we are able to grow each year but I do also believe that like everything in nature things can be tweaked. It has already been proven that certain vitamins and amino acids extend the growth phase of our hair cycle so genetics be damned, I am going to grow me some hair. Alot of ladies here have grown their hair to long lengths even without additional supplements and they might not have even shoulder length hair before in their lives before coming here and learned different methods to care for what was already there. It might take me a minute but I totally believe that if I eat right, stop dying and frying, and have patience, I will have the hair of my dreams in time. My hair now is the longest it been in my life and I am not even shoulder length. All my life people have just chopped me into all sorts of bobs and toni braxton cuts so I don't even know what my hairs full potential is; but I am going to find out;)