Do I really need a different shampoo to remove chlorine?


Well-Known Member
A shampoo that specifically advertises that it removes chlorine. Is it just me or is this really not necessary? I went to be stylist earlier this week and she asked if I go swimming frequently. I told her that I do go swimming from time to time so she said that I should get the Paul Mitchell Shampoo Three to remove the chlorine. She said that it is specifically advertised as a chlorine advertiser. So I'm thinking, does this imply that other shampoos do not remove chlorine?

I declined from purchasing it at first because I wasn't sure if it is actually necessary. For some reason I feel like if I use a clarifing shampoo I could easily remove the chlorine. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with this Pual mithell product. I just don't know if its necessary to buy a whole new shampoo for the purpose of chlorine. (Please correct me if I'm wrong)

Of course, my mother who still believes in the old wives tales about black hair and hangs on to every word that the stylist says, bought the Paul Mitchell Shampoo Three. So I figured since its in the house already, it can't hurt to ask the board and find out if its actually worth using in place of my other shampoos to remove chlorine. In addition, does anyone have experience using the Paul Mitchell Shampoo Three to remove the chlorine?