Difference Between Judging Others & Dealing With Their Sin


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
The Bible consistently tells us not to criticize people by gossiping or making rash judgments. At the same time, however, we are to judge and deal with sin that can hurt others. Paul's instructions are not to be used to handle trivial matters or to take revenge; nor are they to be applied to individual problems between believers. 1 Corinthians 5 are instructions for dealing with open sin in the church with a person who claims to be a Christian and yet who sins without remorse. Examples of immorality: fornicators, malice, wickedness, covetous, idolater, railer, drunkard, extortioner. The church is to confront and disciple such a person in love.

Situation 1
Unintentional error and/or private sin

Situation 2
Public sin and/or those done with prior knowledge and flagrantly

Steps to carry out (Matthew 18:15-17):
1. Go to the brother or sister, reprove him or her in private
2. If he/she does not listen, go with one or two witnesses
3. If he/she refuses to listen, take the matter before the church

After these steps have been carried out, the next steps are:
1. Remove the one in error from the fellowship (1 Corinthians 5:2-13)
2. The church gives united disapproval, but forgiveness and comfort are in order if he/she chooses to repent (2 Corinthians 2:5-8)
3. Do not associate with the disobedient person; and if you must, speak to him/her as one who needs a warning (2 Thessalonians 3:14-15)
4. After two warnings, reject the person from fellowship (Titus 3:10)

Do we follow these steps? Does your church follow these steps when dealing with sin?
It's very important to pray and be led by the Holy Spirit before reproofing. My church gave a sermon on this onetime on reproofing others and said that make sure you heart is pure and you do it out of genuine love. When some people reproof others they do it to make themselves look good and high, this is wicked . You should also not gossip about it with others. And also , if you really care , follow up and pray with them. If you don't feel comfortable or close enough to reproof someone , then tell their close friend, if you are close with them. Keep the person in prayer. If no improvement is made , then tell another brother,or elder who can be trusted.If the person willingly wants to live sinfully after all attempts , then have nothing to do with the immoral borother as he chooses to walk in darkness. Above all pray, and don't make reproofing a constant thing as we all fall short of the grace of God. Do not confuse messing up one in a while with backsliding. It should be done with deep conviction, out of love, prayer and guidance from the holy spirit.
Janice said:
It's very important to pray and be led by the Holy Spirit before reproofing. My church gave a sermon on this onetime on reproofing others and said that make sure you heart is pure and you do it out of genuine love. When some people reproof others they do it to make themselves look good and high, this is wicked . You should also not gossip about it with others. And also , if you really care , follow up and pray with them. If you don't feel comfortable or close enough to reproof someone , then tell their close friend, if you are close with them. Keep the person in prayer. If no improvement is made , then tell another brother,or elder who can be trusted.If the person willingly wants to live sinfully after all attempts , then have nothing to do with the immoral borother as he chooses to walk in darkness. Above all pray, and don't make reproofing a constant thing as we all fall short of the grace of God. Do not confuse messing up one in a while with backsliding. It should be done with deep conviction, out of love, prayer and guidance from the holy spirit.

:clapping: Good stuff. :up:
My pastors have spoken on this area before, and try to follow the Biblical guidelines. But they also set boundaries to prevent people from standing up in services and calling out other people, because people use open rebuke as opportunity to hurt rather than help people. Janice is right, we must always check out motives prior to rebuking people, it can sometimes be out of pride, jealousy, bitterness etc.
Great Thread!

I also agree that we have to make sure our heart is pure and check our motives before going to an individual.
You made a good point about having a pure heart before reproving others. There are people out there that do it to try and make themselves look good...that's the wrong motive. That is so true that we must pray and be guided my the Holy Spirit. :yep:

Janice, thanks for sharing your input!!! :up:
Your welcome Poohbear.The way in which we reproff other is also a sign that we are maturing in Christ' love if done God's way

Poohbear said:
You made a good point about having a pure heart before reproving others. There are people out there that do it to try and make themselves look good...that's the wrong motive. That is so true that we must pray and be guided my the Holy Spirit. :yep:

Janice, thanks for sharing your input!!! :up: