Did this preacher give him the correct advice? and debating God's law


Well-Known Member
I'm just looking for some outside opinions. My mother and I had a debate about the following (true) story:

My mother told me about a man she knows. The man was basically a dog (for lack of a better term). She said he married woman #1. They had two children. While he was married to woman #1, he met woman #2. He left woman #1 for woman #2, allegedly because #2 had money. They had one child. While he and #2 were married, he cheated on her (the man was basically a serial cheater).

Anywhoodle, I guess he was tired of his lifestyle because he gave his life to Christ and became a saved man. Enter, the preacher. The preacher was ministering to him about his cheating, and the man asked him for advice about his philandering and his wife. I'm not sure if he directly asked the preacher (and i like to imagine that he did), but the preacher told him that he should tell his wife the truth. So, he did. Woman #2 decided that she didn't want the man anymore, and they divorced. He is now happily married to wife #3.

BTW, wife #2 was completely unaware of his actions until he confessed. The man genuinely wanted to work things out with his wife, but as I stated she did not want him anymore.

Now, here's the debate:

I said the preacher did give the man the correct advice, and the wife deserved to know the truth. I mean, I would definitely want to know.

My mother says (and I'm rolling my eyes as I type this, but hey, some of you may agree; if you do agree, don't feel disinclined to state just that) that the preacher gave the man incorrect advice. She says that since the wife was completely unaware of the man's actions, the preacher should have told him no. Essentially, telling the wife the truth would unnecessarily compromise his marriage, his finances, and his relationship with his child. In God's eyes, the man was absolved of his sins so nothing else matters.

Now, I would put a little blue eye-rolling emoticon after that last sentence, but what is really being debated is God's law (and that is not something that I would roll my eyes at). I reason that just because God has forgiven the man doesn't make him exempt of the consequences of those sins. I used murder as an example. Let's say a man commits murder. He can repent to God and be forgiven (because there is only one unforgivable sin according to the Word of God). However, he would still be punished. He would still be held responsible for his actions in the eyes of man.

Basically, the man's repentance to God isn't a free pass to act like nothing happened. I think the man recognized that, and that willed him to tell his wife the truth.

As I am typing this, I picture myself being wife #2. I picture us sitting at dinner and me being totally unaware of the person that I am sharing my life with. I picture me looking at him and smiling. And, he smiles back too, only his body is the wool covering the wolf. I wouldn't want that to be me. I'd rather feel the emotional turmoil than live a lie.

I'm all for the truth. As Jesus states, He is the way, the TRUTH, and the light. In most cases, the truth WILL divide.

It is no guarantee that if he had not told Wife #2 that he cheated that she would not have found out another way down the line. So yes, it was best for her to hear it from his mouth, and for him to admonish himself of the sin not only to God but to her as well. He did an admirable thing giving her the choice to stay or leave. She made her choice. He is also at no fault in finding or being blessed with a new wife to live his new life walking in Christ with.

In my opinion, it all worked out for the greater good. I can't get into debating God's law, because through Christ we are dead to the law and alive to God. Romans Chapter 7 (I believe) This is not to say we are not responsible to keep the laws, the chapter will explain. God's will is God's will and that'll always be done so it's also no use debating that.
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I agree with you. There are consequences and sometimes it comes to the open and sometimes not. I wonder if he told #3 about his past philandering ways?

I'm all for changed lives but I'd be hard-pressed to say this man received a blessing of a new wife. He might still have a lot of inward changing to do.
I agree with you. There are consequences and sometimes it comes to the open and sometimes not. I wonder if he told #3 about his past philandering ways?

I'm all for changed lives but I'd be hard-pressed to say this man received a blessing of a new wife. He might still have a lot of inward changing to do.

You are entitled to your concerns. I understand not every Christian is going to have complete wisdom, knowledge, and understanding but if you are a person that does, the bolded are not thoughts that would cross your mind.

#1. When you concern yourself with a born agains past, or judge him according to that, you are doubting the power Christ and the Holy Spirit has to create a new creature. Remember Saul/Paul. Think of yourself even. Faith, encouragement, love, and trust can very powerful antecdotes against years of any habit.

#2. God's ways are not our ways. No you and most women wouldn't WANT to call this man's third marriage a blessing. But that doesn't mean that it wasn't. God's grace and mercy is everlasting.
I think it's a right thing to tell #2 the truth. It's a good thing for him and a good thing for her too.
So #2 will know that "You shall not covet your neighbor’s house ... or anything that belongs to your neighbor."

This man was married with #1 when they met so what was she expecting?

My mother told me about a man she knows. The man was basically a dog (for lack of a better term). She said he married woman #1. They had two children. While he was married to woman #1, he met woman #2. He left woman #1 for woman #2, allegedly because #2 had money. They had one child. While he and #2 were married, he cheated on her (the man was basically a serial cheater).
This man LEFT number 1 for number 2 I am sure number 2 knew that he was married to number 1 so I don't know why she should be so suprised when this happened to her. But he has left behind 3 children and a trail of broken hearts and tears in his wake.
This man LEFT number 1 for number 2 I am sure number 2 knew that he was married to number 1 so I don't know why she should be so suprised when this happened to her. But he has left behind 3 children and a trail of broken hearts and tears in his wake.

GREAT POINT!! Makes perfect sense now how it all turned out. Although it seems unfair because of the damage he did in his past, #3 may have a better chance of success with him since it sounds like they started out on a clean slate with each other.
^^ I was just about to ask didn't wife number 2 know about wife number 1?

Full disclosure is best when it is possible in order to start anew. I sure hope this man has an accountability partner. He is going to need one.