detangling new growth - HELP!!!!


New Member
Ladies please, my need is dire. I am being rebraided on Thursday. In the meantime, I am enjoying washing and conditining my hair. My problem is combing out the four inches of new growth. I swear I don't know how you natural ladies do it - kudos to you.

And that is my question - how do I comb/detangle the hair? Last night, I spent almost an hour after unbraiding. While I had what seems to me to be a very reasonable amount a shedding considering the hair had been braided for three weeks. So far, no breakage - which is good as I still have a couple of inches of old relaxer left.

Does it really take that long? I am starting at the ends and working my way up, but I have not combed more that 8 weeks of new growth ever - this is new to me and I am at a lost. I usually love washing my hair during this little unbraided period, but this is different. I'm afriad I'm going to break my hair.

Suggestions, comments, advise?


New Member
Ladies please help. I kow thre are some relaxers who stretch for months and natural ladies who know this.

Please help!


New Member
My best advice is to put conditioner in your hair while dry. Then use a wide tooth comb and start to detangle starting from the ends. So once your relaxed hair is detangled then you can tackle the ng. Be gentle and do it in sections. HTH


New Member
if all else fails, with your best detangling product in your hair, stand under the shower stream, seperate with your fingers, and start working your way down with a shower comb. If possible, you can come back with a smaller comb, shampoo brush, or denman brush to get all the shed hair loose.


New Member
Thanks lady, I'll give your suggestions a try. I have to admit that this is making me want to relax right now.


Well-Known Member
CAPlush said:
if all else fails, with your best detangling product in your hair, stand under the shower stream, seperate with your fingers, and start working your way down with a shower comb. If possible, you can come back with a smaller comb, shampoo brush, or denman brush to get all the shed hair loose.

This is what I do and it works so well. I use a regular detangling comb, though. My shower comb has little balls on each tooth that don't really get down to the roots when I have a lot or new growth. That is the only time I can use a detangling comb, otherwise it pulls my hair too much.


New Cut for '09
I finger comb my hair, and put my hair in plaits. I shampoo in plaits, and detangle with conditioner on my hair. I find that Lekair Cholestoral has detangling properties, so even if I'm using a different condition, I slap this on get my cake cutter and use the pressure from the shower, to detangle new growth. I apply wildgrowth, to my scalp dailly. This stuff keeps my hair soft and detangled.



New Member
Dove and Pantene have some good detanglers, which helped me during my 12 week stretch.


New Member
Thanks bunches ladies. I've never needed a detangling conditioner before - I'll have to go buy one. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I transitioned for 2 years, so I know all about dealing with new growth. First, you need the proper tools. I would recommend a K-cutter comb. It has nice long teeth to help comb out thick hair. Make about 10 small sections on each side of your head. Comb out each section gently with the k-cutter then braid it up. Let it dry then wear a braidout. Oh, and I like to use regular conditioner as the "setting lotion."