deciding between Kinky-Curly Curling Custard and Blended Beauty


New Member
Have any natural 3cs used Kinky-Curly Curling Custard and/or Blended Beauty Curly Frizz Pudding or Blended Beauty Curl Styling Butter? If you have I would love to hear your reviews. I use lighter products in the summer, but am looking for a product that will give me a little more moisture for the winter TIA. ETA or MYHoneyChild Honey Love Pomade
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I have fine/thin 3c hair.

Kinky-Curly -- Gives it a nice curl definition and it lasts longer than a day. It makes my hair curlier. No frizz. It is like a gel. Cons -- If I use too much, my hair gets hard and it sticks together.

Blended Beauty -- Smells nice and my hair is soft and no frizz. It doesn't make you hair curlier. It is like a moisturizing creme. Con -- The style does not last longer than a day.
thanks tatiana, I think i'll try the curling custard- I am definitely looking for something that makes curls last more than one day.
Are there any other reviews of the Blended Beauty Happy Nappy and/or Curling Pudding? I am looking for a moisturizing styler. I have my co-wash routine and product(s) down and also my leave-in and looking for that nice styler to just finish the wash and go off.

Unfortunately I do not have much time for anything else with 2 children in the home! Calgon take me away!!! :yep: