Dear Retention, Please Don't Do Me Like This!!! ((PICS!!))

SSK is one of the downsides of being natural. I am presently 19 months post and now experiencing this. I have read several threads, posts, hair articles on the issue. And it seems to just be the way it is for some naturals. I for one cut out the ssk so I don't get additional knots. I have also read leave in conditioners and stretching the hair can reduce the amount of knots. I love wash n gos and I notice alot of ssk when I wear my hair like that. I continue to wear wash n gos BUT...I now stretch my hair by using a blowdryer with difusser. A cheap $19 walmart brand. While my hair is wet I pull the curls and blowdry in place until about 80% dry. I have WAY LESS KNOTS as I used to by using this method maybe about 5 compared to 50. Hope you find this helpful and happy hair growing.