Daily Co-Washing vs. Weekly Rollersetting

Which is more conducive to faster hair growth?

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I think both are great depending on your hair type. I love rollersetting my hair and being able to wear it out in curls but I hate the detangling and hair I lose when I do. So I try to keep it to every other wk or so. I agree w/ you when you say your addicted to washing. I cant wait to wash my hair even if its freshly rollersetted. I am about to start washing/rinsing my hair everyday due to my work out schedule. However, the water is hard here so Im more worried about that then manipulation because I think I have that down with my hair. Thats the key, I think, if you have been successful with something keep doing it. It doesnt hurt to try something different here and there but your making great progress with what your doing so I wouldnt change a thing.
I just started doing daily co-washing...and boy has my hair improved...i mean improved within a week of adding this step to my regimen...

Thank you SouthernTease...

i am back transitioning and i have a short cut(it was tapered very low in the back)...and i have fine hair..well it wasnt looking and feeling so nice before i started cowashing....if i would put oil to my scalp my hair by touch you would see the oil on ur hand but in some places i guess with the new growth it was just still dry and had a hard feeling to it..

now that ive started cowashing it seems that my hair is more softer, moisturized, with just air drying and applying a little oil my hair is straight without a blowdryer, and my hair looks 100% better and the ends, and it now looks as if i have enough of hair finally in the back to be able to get it braided without any braids slipping :) ...oh and i dont have that much hair that im losing and thats on my hand or in the comb :)

That's sweet but Don't thank me...
let's all thank the fabulous genius
who thought of it first... whoever she is...
Thank you Miss Inventor of the Co-Wash!!!
Wow daily co-washing seems like a lot of manipulation, now that I think about it. I used to do it every day last summer, and it did make my hair grow but it wasnt worth all of the hassle, so I quit it
. I don't get how weekly rollersetting promotes growth, though. :look: It also depends on how you keep up your rollerset throughout the week. If you wrap it every night using the old method you'll actually lose more hair due to thinning.:ohwell:

I did wrap my rollerset during the week to maintain the effect. How else should I maintain??? give me tips I dont want to lose any more hairs on the counter:cry3:
I cowashed every 1-3 days from March of this year until just recently and I must say that my hair grew a lot...but I too am afraid of too much manipulation. I have clogged up the shower drain several times so that tells me I must be losing a lot of hair during the process. Im trying to find one of those things that trap the hair so I can track how much gets caught in the drain. I would like to compare how much I lose in a week daily cowashing versus rollersetting.

those that daily cowash, what are u doing to style your hair afterwards? I was doing a lot of wash n go's applying leave in and styling aid, scrunching and going.

The pros to cowashing: stimulated scalp, always clean fresh hair, fast growth, always moisturized.

Pros to rollersetting: smoothed out cuticle, hair and ends smooth, less shedding througout the week when I manipulate my hair. Looks neater.
I did wrap my rollerset during the week to maintain the effect. How else should I maintain??? give me tips I dont want to lose any more hairs on the counter:cry3:

Maintain it with pincurls. It works like a charm and it maintains the rollerset a lot better than wrapping IMHO. I even do this when I flatiron now. I put it in big pincurls so that it looks feathered when I take it down in the morning and it has so much bounce!!!!:drunk:
Is everybody that cowashes and get tangles how are you achieving that- The porpose of the co-wash is to provide a slippery environment so that hair doesnt tangle.
I have dense hair- my hair never tangles. I section my hair into sixths and hold each section with a banana clip. It also helps to have a hand held shower head so the water can assist in the smoothing process. When i did comb- I dont anymore- I would only comb hair that was dripping wet and loaded with conditioner. And Id use that hugh shower comb like macherieamour has in her videos.
I'm baffled. This is the first time I heard that conditioner washes caused tangles.
Is everybody that cowashes and get tangles how are you achieving that- The porpose of the co-wash is to provide a slippery environment so that hair doesnt tangle.
I have dense hair- my hair never tangles. I section my hair into sixths and hold each section with a banana clip. It also helps to have a hand held shower head so the water can assist in the smoothing process. When i did comb- I dont anymore- I would only comb hair that was dripping wet and loaded with conditioner. And Id use that hugh shower comb like macherieamour has in her videos.
I'm baffled. This is the first time I heard that conditioner washes caused tangles.

I only wash in in fourths when I have time or feel like it (RARELY).
CO-washes can cause tangles if you're not doing in sections and
you just do it straight back which I do more often than not...
I'm out of my element... I've been moving a lot.
The shower where I'm living now... the water goes out super
slow... it's a really old house and probably can't handle the
amount of hair I shed everyday...
so I can't really take my time like I did in the past...
it sucks ;o(
Daily co-washing works best for my dry and frizzy hair. I had to find conditioners that make detangling a breeze and so I don't lose a lot of hair at all from doing this.

I do roller-set when I want a different style. But I have to wash by 3rd day anyway after a rollerset because my hair gets too dry and tangly.

You must be my hair twin. My hair does the same and about the 3rd day my hair is a mess after rollersetting. I did cw when I first started and my hair thrived. I may go back to it.
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Daily co-washing is the way I maintain my length and thickness. I condition wash my hair with it lying flat against my skin. Next, I rinse it lying flat, squeeze out the water and gently twist up and clamp until is starts to dry. I cannot manipulate my hair while it's soaking wet or it will break. After it starts drying then it get strong again and I can bun or french roll or whatever. Occasionally, I will condition wash in a loose braid. I let it dry that way and then take it down for wavy ends.
Before LHCF and before I went natural I rollerset my hair every week and was able to go from SL to BSL 2 separate times in about 15 months. Since being natural I cowash often and great growth too. The key is moisture for my hair cuz even with the rollersets I moisturized my hait every day.
I've been doing Daily CO-Washes for almost 4 months.
I'm thinking of changing my regimen to weekly Rollersetting.
Because I have to detangle my hair everyday in the shower,
I could be losing a lot of hair. If I did the rollerset I wouldn't
need to comb everyday and I can't do the twist or braidout thing...so...

Which method do you think is more conducive to
faster hair growth... Daily Co-washes or Weekly Rollersetting???
Same reason I will never co-wash daily. I definitely think weekly rollersetting is the better way to go:yep:.

ETA.....Oops, I think I already voted and replied in here. Ha Ha, let me go back and read what I said the first time.
I started co-rinsing daily last week to see how it works. So far so good. What I have noticed is my hair responds better if I co-rinse it ever day rather than every other day. Something happens when I skip a day, it's like my hair goes all weird and doesn't feel right. This is a surprisingly nice change from my weekly rollersets. I'm challenging myself to do this until my next relaxer 7/17, and then it's back to rollersetting!
Co-washing is a no-no for me. My scalp needs shampoo. All that conditioner just lays on my scalp and it caused alot of itching.

Now that i am relaxed all i do is rollerset once or twice a week. A comb doesn't touch my head until there is conditioner in it on wash days. I use a baby's brush on my edges.

My hair seems to be retaining length very well.
This thread really shows it's different for everyone. For me rollersets are too much manip, especially when trying to maintain the straight style. I don't mind CW or at least water rinsing daily (or as close to it as possible) and using poo once/wk, chelate once/month. This is all I've ever done in the summer months and have always had good results. I don't lose hair in the shower either :nono:. I'll detangle every other day or so if needed, but usually my cond and the water do the work for me. I suppose if I did, maybe I'd stop doing it so often but as long as I don't see any hair, I'ma keep it moving!
I was rollersetting but then I had to wrap it (doobie) everynight to keep a nice shape and keep from using curling irons etc so it was alot of manipulation. You could rollerset,scarf down edges,pin set the rest and put another scarf on top of it so as not to wrap it.??
I got great growth from cw daily but so many single strand knots. Now I'm all about trying to retain my growth so I'm all about the weekly rollersets! if I could some how avoid these knots, then I would cw daily FOREVER!:grin:
I do both..but this summer I did a lot of daily co-washing and I loved it! I just didn't detangle daily. I'd do my co-wash and then a braid out. I'd detangle maybe once a week.
I tried doing the dailey co washes and it really didn't work well for me. I think I lost more hair doing that although it did stay moisturized. I now rollerset with heat twice a week...my hair loves it and I will never stray again :)
Less manipulation=retained growth for me...I wash and rollerset weekly, when I tried cowashing and airdrying, my ends were raggedy and snapping left and right.
There isn't a 'right' answer to this question that fits everybody.

I am a weekly rollersetter and my hair has really benefitted from it, however I do do the ocassional co wash when I feel my hair needs it,
Co-washing is a no-no for me. My scalp needs shampoo. All that conditioner just lays on my scalp and it caused alot of itching.

Now that i am relaxed all i do is rollerset once or twice a week. A comb doesn't touch my head until there is conditioner in it on wash days. I use a baby's brush on my edges.

My hair seems to be retaining length very well.

conditioner laying on my scalp makes my hair itch too!!! soooo....to get around this, I simply wash twice a week. I airdry my hair in a simple braid...it works well for me, and is a pretty cute style.
I got great growth from cw daily but so many single strand knots. Now I'm all about trying to retain my growth so I'm all about the weekly rollersets! if I could some how avoid these knots, then I would cw daily FOREVER!:grin:

This is why I airdry with a braid.....when I would airdry in a ponytail I would get a ton of single strand knots.....my hair is a lot longer now than the siggy pic....i've had about 16 weeks worth of growth since then, but when my hair was shorter, when i started....boy oh boy, it would make a ton of single strand knots to comb out....I imagine now the problem would be worse...i want to wear a wash n- go pony, but to do so, i would really have to put my hair in twists first...air drying= single strand knots..
i voted for weekly rollersetting. daily cowashing would make me lose too much hair due to tangling. plus my ends would always be dried out no matter how much coconut oil i used. cowashing is just not something i can master.

i prefer roller setting because i detangle my hair once every 5 days when i wash, and my hair is tangle free until my next wash.

rollersetting has allowed me to retain length and keep my ends moisturized. rollersetting = great retention.
I've never rollerset before, but my hair has always done well with daily co-washing and protective/low manipulation styles. Adira is a soldier, she's survived so much damage over the years I'm surprised I'm not bald (and yes I did name my hair lol).
How are you ladies co-washing in the winter and not getting sick. I tried it at night and I still wake up stuffy. Spill
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