Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 reason)

Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily?

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Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea

For those of you who are relaxed and cowash daily, how are you drying your hair? Airdrying only? If so, how are you airdrying? Winter is approaching and it's a bit hard to have your hair dryed by the morning.

Bumping ! I would like to know too how those who are relaxed, in particular relaxed 4Bs are drying ?airdrying their air ?
Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea

@Diva_Esq, do you detangle your hair everytime? I maybe over thinking this but I'm thinking about skipping days and just buning. my hair is very easy to detangle in the first place and maybe that will cut down on to much manipulation.

Yes, I detangle my hair daily in the shower while it is wet with condish in it with either a wide tooth comb or my tangle teaser.

I plan on cowashing every other day! Cowashing has help me in the past with moisture and growth! i do want to do everyday just to see if I can benefit like Njoy!

How often are you ladies deep conditioning! I am deep conditioning 2x a week and when I do 1 i will normally do a light protein treatment!

I deep condition 1-2x per week and protein 1-2x per month.
Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea

I just did my second BC and the curl pattern is more defined after it's washed in my opinion. Once it gets a little longer, ill cut back on the washes.
Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea


I've co-washed twice in a row this week with good results. and I would continue to cowash daily b/c my hair thrives off conditioner and being washed...but it hates shampoo hence the co-washing. Also nothing like a head to toe clean feeling after a workout

I've been lazy lately, but I'm a firm believer in the benefits of daily water saturation for my hair. When I first started wearing short hair, both texturized and natural, just massaging it under running water and spraying it down with Elasta Penetrating Moisturizer really helped it thrive. This was when I didn't know what a hair forum, much less "cowashing," was.

I admit that, as others have suggested, this technique is particularly effective for short hair. I don't know what I'll do once it gets longer, but since I plan to maintain a wigging regimen for quite some time, I'll probably just start cowashing in braids and cut it down to every other day. Guess I'll find out once I get there. :drunk:
Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea

My hair is APL and I still cowash daily.
Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea

I workout daily so I have to co-wash daily to rinse out the sweat. I never really put the conditioner on my scalp though, just the length of my hair.
Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea

For those of you who are relaxed and cowash daily, how are you drying your hair? Airdrying only? If so, how are you airdrying? Winter is approaching and it's a bit hard to have your hair dryed by the morning.

Good question, that is what I would like to know.
Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea

I co-wash daily, I feel I see BETTER growth when I do so, also I think my curls look much better ~
Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea

I had no idea co-washing daily could actually be good for the hair. My hair thrives on regular moisture, but I would think the regular detangling would be bad for the hair. My hair tangles easily and its hard for me to see retaining length that way. I co-washed daily for years at one point and my hair stayed at the same length.
Is everyone detangling after cowashing?

I haven't been at all... I just let the water do it and hope for the best. So far that's been fine. I only cowash every 4-7 days a week in the late spring to early fall.

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Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea

I rinse daily as I love feeling immersed in water every day but don't cleanse. I end by pouring an aloe water mix over my hair and spritzing my face and body with it as well (I follow body spritz w/coconut oil). Post shower my staple heavy moisturizer is KCKT before sealing so maybe it's an indirect co-wash of sorts :)
I co wash every day. I do a gentle detangling with my fingers daily but a few times a week ill run a wide tooth comb threw it. I use shampoo like twice a month though.
Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea

I must either wash or cowash after I work out at the gym. I go to the gym about 5 times per week.
Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea

"I like to feel water on my scalp everyday!" in the summer as it helps me to keep cool and feel refreshed.
Ok, I use to go was daily and loved the feeling. But after so long I noticed it weakens my hair and it tarted becoming more fragile, and eventually started to fall, this was when I was relaxed. Now I'm texlax
Re: Daily Co-washers: Why do you choose to co-wash daily? (Can choose more than 1 rea

I'd like to try cowashing again....I did when I first did my BC and I loved how my hair felt.