Congratulations to January 2010 Feature of the Month - Kami11213


Admin (November 2020 Photo)
Staff member
Congratulations to January 2010 Feature of the Month - Kami11213:yep:
Congrats! Here, here!

May be good to post a link to her blog, bio or something. I mean, I remember the name here and there in '09 but I can't recall a face. :yep:
Yaaaayyyy!!! Congratulations to my hair idol Kami. As you already know I have always been a fan of your tresses. You are truly an inspiration. You grow girl...!!! :trophy:
Congrats!!! You've done an inspirational job in growing waistlength, AA hair:yep::yep:

Thank you for sharing your journey with us all last year!
Congratulations Kami!!! You hair is beautiful and you are one of my inspirations for getting my figure in check along with caring for my hair's health. Congrat's !!!!