Conair Infinity design hair dryer review.


New Member
A couple of weeks ago I purchased the Conair Infinity design hair dryer.

Oh my holy wow. I needed a better handheld dryer and wanted one I could use with a comb attachment because I am just not coordinated enough to blow dry and use a comb with my other hand and this was on sale at Rite Aid. It retails for I think around 35$ and I got it on super clearance.

Ladies, this dryer is fantastic.

I have very thick multi textured, texlaxed somewhere between SL and APL hair that takes forever to dry and I was done with my whole head in about a half hour. The attachment looks freaky but it works really well.

The dryer is powerful, has a cool shot and the straightening comb head is really good. I did not tear out any of my hair and my results were pretty straight even my roots which for me is a huge thing because normally blow drying makes my hair a poofy mess.

For those who like to use the tension method it makes it really easy. If you're not coordinated like I am it's easy. I think this one is a winner.

This is an excellent bargain tool. I was all ready to pay more for something that works and I'm really glad I don't have to.
Thank you for the review!!! Kept looking at it in the store but was too afraid to try. Do you have any pics after you've done the straightening?
I can take a couple when I get home. or if you don't mind waiting I'll take some after my next wash on Friday/Saturday. I'd say that it was probably about 30% straighter than the section of my hair in my siggy pic.