Clay Washing And High Porosity Hair

I tried this clay wash yesterday:
It's basically supposed to mimic Terresentials.
I honestly prefer the clay wash with less ingredients. This one was so messy because there was a bunch of little bits of Grit mixed into the clay wash. I can't imagine this sand-like texture being good for my fine strands.
French Green Clay-Mask, Recipes, Powder, Soap, Benefits, Uses &Side Effects
Wondering what French Green clay is? Herein Find what it is, benefits, uses, mask recipes for skin, hair, Internal for detoxification, forms including powder, reviews , side effects where to buy and more.

What is French Green Clay

What it is, constituents (minerals) and structure

Previously referred to as Illite and currently also known as sea clay, French clay is a detoxifying clay which is used internally and sometimes externally most especially by alternative medicine practitioners.

The main components of French green clay are calcium, sodium, magnesium, silica, aluminum oxide, Sulphur, potassium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, arsenic, and zinc. French green clay is given its color by decomposed plant matter and iron oxide. Montmorillonite is a major constituent of green clay.

French Green Clay

How it is made/how it forms
This clay is mostly extracted from quarries in France. However, there has been traces of this clay in other parts of the world like Europe, Montana and China. Its main feature is that it comes in a green color and hence the name green clay. It is clay that occurs naturally on the earth’s surface like any other form of clay.

Overview of main uses & benefits
As will be discussed below, there are various benefits of using green clay and they include, detoxification, removal of skin blemishes, nourishment of the scalp, relieving of stomach acid problems and as well, improving blood circulation in your body.

French Green Clay Mask Benefits, Recipe & Review

How is the mask prepared and used?
To prepare a green clay mask, you will follow the guidelines below. Always remember that adding other ingredients to clay powder when making the mask, and as long as the ingredients have proven excellent, makes the mask more effective.


    • 3 teaspoons French green clay
    • Essential oil (jojoba oil, almond oil, or argon oil)
    • Mineral water
    • Into a glass bowl, and depending on the area you mask is expected to cover, add the 3 teaspoons of French green clay. If you are using the mask for the face, 3 teaspoons are enough for a single coverage. However, if you wish to apply the mask on a bigger area like the neck region, you will need to add more clay powder.
    • Add mineral water into the clay as you stir. Stirring as you pour in the water is crucial since it aid s you in forming a smooth paste which in the end is easy to apply on the skin. The clay box will contain some instructions and you must follow them as well.
    • After you have a mixture that is neither too drippy nor too stable, add an essential oil so as to ensure you experience a moisturizing effect upon application of the mask. It also aids in giving your face a smooth feel.
When preparing this mask, remember not to use any metallic apparatus, whether a bowl or even a stirring stick. Stick to plastic and glass items.

Green Clay Facial mask

How to apply the mask

    • First of all steam your skin area where you want the mask applied so as to allow the skin pores to open. You could possibly do this by lacing a cloth dipped in hot water on the skin for a few minutes.
    • Apply the mask on the skin evenly using your hands. Ensure however, that your hands are clean before dipping them into the mask. As well, if you are applying the mask on the face, avoid the eyes and lips area.
    • When you are done applying the mask, relax by lying down and giving the mask time to work.
    • After sometime, the mask starts to dry on your skin and hence, you begin to feel as though your skin is being stretched. An average waiting time for the mask to dry is fifteen minutes. Even that, you can stay a little longer if your face does not feel tightened yet.
    • Dip a washcloth into warm water and use it to wipe off the mask. It not only gets rid of the mask but it is also a way of exfoliating the skin. Thereafter, you can rinse your face further with some cool water. Do not rub a rough cloth on your skin to dry it but rather, pat it until it dries.
    • When you are through, apply a natural oil such as Rosehip oil on your face to moisturize it.
What are the benefits of green clay mask?
    • Purification of the skin
French green clay mask draws away impurities from the skin pores. In such a case, you will refer to the mask as a purifying French green clay mask. This clay sucks dead cells, stale sebum, bacteria, and dirt from your skin.

Uses of Green Clay for Hair + Shampoo

How is green clay used for hair
Just like for the skin, French green clay is great when used for hair. Below are the steps on how should apply green clay on your hair;


    • Make a your French clay powder with a small amount of water to make a thick paste
    • Add an essential oil if you have since it improves the effectiveness of the clay mixture
    • Massage the clay into your hair right into the roots
    • Repeat until all the hair is covered. You can adjust the amount of clay mixture until all the hair roots are covered
    • Without letting it dry, leave the clay on your hair for about five to ten minutes
    • Rinse with warm water. If in your disposal, you can rinse your hair with herbal tea and apple cider vinegar mixture
Benefits-How does it help hair?
To begin with, green clay is good for scalp detoxification. Its positively charged ions attract t toxins from your scalp leaving it well cleansed. When applied on the scalp following the procedure above, it pulls out toxins and you will realize this since your scalp starts to feel free and cleansed.

Green Clay Mask on hair

Additionally, green clay aids in removal of dead cells that are on the scalp giving room for regeneration of healthier scalp cells. When your scalp is free of dead cells, there is proper aeration and blood circulation and this is what you need to maintain a healthy scalp.

Green clay shampoos
As an alternative to the normal shampoos, you are advised to either make a shampoo using the French green clay or purchase a shampoo made of the clay. As opposed to the other shampoos, green clay shampoo gets rid of dirt, dead scalp cells, product build-up, and excess oils from your scalp without taking away the natural oils from your scalp.

Most shampoos sold in the market rob you of the natural oils. In other words, they are too harsh to the scalp. You can comfortably substitute such shampoos with French green clay shampoo.

French Green Clay Powder Benefits, Liquid & Capsules

The available forms of French green clay include powder, liquid and capsules

Green Clay Powder Benefits & Uses
Powder is the most popular form of green clay available in stores. It is mostly used in spas. Most of is non-irradiated and it said to absorb substances better especially when used externally.

Liquid green clay
In addition to powder, there is also liquid green clay. This form is usually used for facial mask. One of the most popular liquid green clay products is GG Mask. This mask comes with healthy and uncommon ingredients like probiotics, organic green tea and B Vitamins

Green Clay Capsules
The capsules are primarily used for detoxification programs. The clay absorbs unwanted substances in the GI tract leaving it clean

Any other Benefits & Uses of French Green Mud

Generally, the major benefits of the green clay to the skin and hair are discussed above. Other benefits you get from using green clay include;

    • This mud once applied on your skin opens up the pores and the end result is proper aeration all over the skin.
    • French clay also improves blood and lymph circulation by absorbing impurities from the body
    • After body cleansing by the green clay, your connective tissues are strengthened
    • The analgesic and anti-inflammatory powers of green clay explain its ability to relieve you of any form of swelling, muscular pain or generally, rheumatic conditions.[1]
Green Clay Side Effect, Safety & Dangers
Is green clay safe?
Green clay is very safe to use as long as you follow all the guidelines given. When you purchase a green clay pack, it must be of good quality and you must be keen on any instruction written on the pack. Otherwise, when used in correct amounts, green clay is safe to use both internally and externally.

What are possible side effects & dangers
Even with the numerous benefits, green clay is associated with side effects which include the following;

    • When used on the face, green clay may leave you with some dry flaky skin patches.
    • When taken internally and without an afterward sufficient amount of water, green clay may cause constipation
    • An American group of toxicologists discovered that long-term exposure to montmorillonite which is a component of green clay causes lung damage[2]
Any tips when buying and precautions when using

    • Before you buy French green clay, be careful that you buy quality clay. You must read the ingredients on the box before you can purchase. You must also ensure that the clay you are purchasing is actually green.
    • When using the French green clay, you should never use any metallic substances since they react with the clay reducing its quality and effectiveness.
    • You are also advised not to use green clay when pregnant unless your doctor allows you to do so.
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I'm high porosity and I use terressentials. I want to pick up some olaplex shampoo today for this weekends wash, but my hair always responds well to clay washing and even if I fall in love with Olaplex shampoo I will more than likely alternate between the two.
is anyone still using clay?

I recently started clay washing and now do it almost exclusively. My hair really responds well to clay cleansing and my curls have never had so much life! I make my own mixes and use bentonite, rhassoul and white kaolin. I typically mix with ACV or distilled water. Tried coconut milk for the first time a week ago and like that as well.
I recently started clay washing and now do it almost exclusively. My hair really responds well to clay cleansing and my curls have never had so much life! I make my own mixes and use bentonite, rhassoul and white kaolin. I typically mix with ACV or distilled water. Tried coconut milk for the first time a week ago and like that as well.

When you mix with ACV, do you also add water?
I recently started clay washing and now do it almost exclusively. My hair really responds well to clay cleansing and my curls have never had so much life! I make my own mixes and use bentonite, rhassoul and white kaolin. I typically mix with ACV or distilled water. Tried coconut milk for the first time a week ago and like that as well.
Do you just wash your hair as usual with this mixture or do you use it as a detox and leave it on for a period of time? If so, how long?
When you mix with ACV, do you also add water?

@snoop, no I normally only use ACV to get to the desired consistency. Going to order some pH strips as I learned some things from you ladies in your posts here and want to make sure my final paste isn't too acidic.
Do you just wash your hair as usual with this mixture or do you use it as a detox and leave it on for a period of time? If so, how long?

@Sally. I separate my hair into 4 sections and fully coat my hair from root to tip. I also massage into my scalp. I put on a plastic cap and let it sit 30 minutes. I rinse in the shower with water only first for about 10 minutes then I use Wen 613 to lightly co-wash. I follow that up with deep conditioning or do an ayurvedic gloss then deep condition.
I recently started clay washing and now do it almost exclusively. My hair really responds well to clay cleansing and my curls have never had so much life! I make my own mixes and use bentonite, rhassoul and white kaolin. I typically mix with ACV or distilled water. Tried coconut milk for the first time a week ago and like that as well.

Hey @Daina thanks for this.
When you mix your clays do you use more Bentonite or more Rhassoul? I was thinking about using Green Beauty's recipe, but I haven't seen many people review it. Her recipe calls for more Rhassoul clay (i think it was 1/2 cup rhassoul to 1/3 (or 1/4) cup of bentonite). Have you ever done a mix with more bentonite clay than rhassoul? How was it?
@Sally. I separate my hair into 4 sections and fully coat my hair from root to tip. I also massage into my scalp. I put on a plastic cap and let it sit 30 minutes. I rinse in the shower with water only first for about 10 minutes then I use Wen 613 to lightly co-wash. I follow that up with deep conditioning or do an ayurvedic gloss then deep condition.
last question: do you do the clay mask on wet or dry hair?
Hey @Daina thanks for this.
When you mix your clays do you use more Bentonite or more Rhassoul? I was thinking about using Green Beauty's recipe, but I haven't seen many people review it. Her recipe calls for more Rhassoul clay (i think it was 1/2 cup rhassoul to 1/3 (or 1/4) cup of bentonite). Have you ever done a mix with more bentonite clay than rhassoul? How was it?

@WaistLengthDreams, I typically do a 50/50 mix of rhassoul and bentonite. My hair is WhiP length and thick so I typically need 3-4 spoonfuls each of bentonite and rhassoul; kaolin I only use half as much.
Just did a clay wash last night and once again it didn't disappoint! Used bentonite, rhassoul, and kaolin mixed with ACV. Divided my hair into 4 sections and fully coated hair and scalp and left on for 25 minutes. The poppage of my curls was just ridiculous! I followed up with rice water and on top added SM Hipo mask doctored with honey and grapeseed oil. My hair was so soft, defined and detangling was a breeze!
Do any hi-po heads feel like moisture DC yield no lasting results?
I’m considering dropping the moisture DC and only do lite protein when needed. My hair gets tons of moisture when I layer my leave-ins etc...

Haven't deep conditioned in over a year, I just use leave-ins and protein spritz my hair. Deep conditioning was a waste of time and money for me.
It's funny that you asked this. I'm normal po, but I don't get anything ot of deep conditioning. I tried one last weekend for the first time in years and nothing.
I Have a few Pre-Made Clays to use up (in no particular order):
SM's (Original) Purification Hair Mask
Bel Nouvo Detoxifying Mint Clay Wash
Koils By Nature Detoxifying Mint Clay Wash
JMonique Naturals Rhassoul & Bentonite
APB's Ayurvedic Mud Mask
Naturelle Grow's Pink Clay
Oyin Handmade Ginger Mint
I'm hi-po (although it's been beginning to act more and more normal recently) and I still use clays. I really only use moisture DCs whenever I've done something to harden my hair like henna or a strong protein. Most other times i realise I don't need DCs and that leave-ins work just fine for me.