Christian Book Club?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone started a Christian book club on here? I've been reading non stop and have been wanting to discuss some of these books that I've been reading but no one else is reading

So far I've read/ am reading
Get Out of that Pit by Beth Moore
Boundaries in Dating by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend
I picked up Lord, I want to be whole by Stormie Omartian out of my mom's basement (she's a book fanatic) and it seems pretty good, almost like an autobiography type of book.

I've been reading my Bible more and more these days, but every time I've done a challenge to read the Bible by such and such time, I've failed horribly. For some reason right now I have to read the Bible along with other books that have commentaries on the scriptures or an amplified version of the Bible with study guides for better understanding.