Chinese Beauty Supply Store


New Member
I am starting to realize that buying your hair care products from the Chinese Beauty Supply Store may be the worst thing for your hair. I am starting to think they bootleg their hair products. Tell me if you agree or not agree. (Hell they can copy Gucci and Prada why not hair Products) Black Hair Care is a Billion Dollar Business - Tell me What You Think!!!:ohwell:
I didn't know the Chinese were in the BSS business. I thought they only exported hair?

Now Korean on the other hand:rolleyes:
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oh well most of the beauty supply store are Chinese and Korean Own...But I really believe they all know how to copy hair products. and every thing else!!!
There has been threads dedicated to talking about bootleg and expired products in BSSs- do a search, it's true- some do bootleg products.
Damn it's a shame.. i guess the only place I should buy my hair products is Sally's and JCPenny...Target and Walmart...But JCPenny do not sell Protein treatments.. You have to have a one of their Hair Sylist to apply the treatment.
Evalina1, I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING! That is why i do not buy from NONE OF THEM. I order my products on-line or go to my hairdresser to get them. But i get a better deal ordering on-line.

Here are the web-sites i use to purchase ALL my KeraCare Products. Their may be a little pricing, but it pays to look GOOD and to have HAIR on your HEAD by using the NON-BOOTLEG HAIR PRODUCTS!!!

Good luck!
I didn't know the Chinese were in the BSS business. I thought they only exported hair?

Now Korean on the other hand:rolleyes:

Right. They are pretty much all Korean. I have NEVER met any of them that are Chinese - NEVER. But, you know what she is talking 'bout girl! :spinning:LOL
How can you tell a product is bootleg? Unless the packaging looks totally jacked up I don't know if I could tell.
I haven't been in a Korean owned beauty supply in about 3 years, because I hated that as soon as you walk in the keep a close eye on you or ask you to leave your bags (even purses) at the counter - WTF. Everybody don't steal, dammit. I'll take my business elsewhere.
I didn't know the Chinese were in the BSS business. I thought they only exported hair?

Now Korean on the other hand:rolleyes:

They aren't as far as I know. Perhaps the OP means Korean. The two are clearly not interchangeable, so I'm asking for clarification.

If we are talking about Korean BSS, I've heard a lot about bootleg products being sold at some of them. I really don't know how they go about doing this. Maybe they deal with shady vendors? Not sure. I don't shop in BSS anyway, though, simply because they don't sell the products I want. If you are concerned, just shop elsewhere.
In all my years stalking a BSS owned or operated by Koreans I have never received a bootleg product. Just lucky I guess.
They aren't as far as I know. Perhaps the OP means Korean. The two are clearly not interchangeable, so I'm asking for clarification.

If we are talking about Korean BSS, I've heard a lot about bootleg products being sold at some of them. I really don't know how they go about doing this. Maybe they deal with shady vendors? Not sure. I don't shop in BSS anyway, though, simply because they don't sell the products I want. If you are concerned, just shop elsewhere.

they buy from korean vendors who emulate a good product and sell it at a cheaper price to the korean bss so they can take the other vendors (the ones w. the good products but at a higher price) out of business.
In all my years stalking a BSS owned or operated by Koreans I have never received a bootleg product. Just lucky I guess.

It hasn't been my experience either. I usually buy one product or so from there and if it is "bootleg"...I must say it's a darn good imitation. :look:
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the key is knowing what you're buying. check the smell the labels , etc. not all asian shops bootleg. and the ones that do , sometimes only bootleg certain products. brand name products usually have seals and ceratin packaging, so all you need to do is pay attention. not to mention , ive been in certain BLACK owned stores and seen more than a few expired products sitting on the shelf. just pay attention thats all
I've never had a bootleg or imitation product from a Korean Beauty supply. It's the same stuff I can get at Sally's or the black owned ones.
Please be very careful when ordering from Sheldeez. They have a very shady track record. Check out their profile at the Better Business Bureau.

I second this advice... I actually live about 15 mins from their 'store' (it's the size of a shoebox). I excitedly visited for the first time about 3wks ago and it was a HAM :nono:. Looked like a tornado hit it, with products strewn all over the floor and empty shelves. I overheard the clerk telling someone inquiring about their order on the phone that they hadnt had a shipment in over 3 wks.
To be honest, I buy very few things for Asian shops, maybe at the time was Surge 14 plus, most of my hair products, I buy either salon or products aimed at the European market, shampoo and conditioner for curly/permed/coloured hair.
The only things that I purchase from korean owned bss are scarfs. When I was wearing weaves I use to go to the korean stores all the time, now I really dont have a need for them. Most of the products I buy I get from curlmart, qvc, sally's or the vitamin shoppe.
The only things that I purchase from korean owned bss are scarfs. When I was wearing weaves I use to go to the korean stores all the time, now I really dont have a need for them. Most of the products I buy I get from curlmart, qvc, sally's or the vitamin shoppe.

same here. I will stop in there if I need something in a pinch, like if I forgot to pick up a relaxer kit or something. Maybe if i run out out gloves or plastic caps and did not realize it. I never just go in there to do my regular shopping. I notice that those BSS just are not busy like they used to be. many are trying to step up their games though - carrying salon products, etc. They do need to lower prices on those though.
When I called Mizanni and Dudley they both infomed me that only a license beautician can sell Mizanni Conditioners but the license Beatician must apply the perms and Protien Treatments. They also said please report stores or vendors that sell perms and treatments. I am just trying to inform people that you should be very careful of putting bootleg treatments and perms in your hair. Just be careful..if you question my findings please call Mizanni and Dudleys or other hair care company and ask..You can find the number on the internet!!!Just trying to help!!!:look: But if your hair is fine and you have no plobems do not let my info stop you!!! GoodLuck!!:yep:
I have been pretty lucky then. I buy most of my haircare products from the Koreans and I haven't had any negative experiences w the quality of the products.