Carol's Daughter reviews: HHB and HM


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Carol\'s Daughter reviews: HHB and HM

I folded like a cheap umbrella and bought Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter (CDHHB/HHB) and Carol's Daughter Hair Milk (CDHM/HM). I was looking for a product that would keep my super-dry hair moisturized while I continue with my protective styles, and by George, I think I've got it!

But first, the basics of my hair:
Type: 3B/C
Texture: I'm currently transitioning and have almost two inches of new growth. As for the rest of my hair, it's mildly relaxed with LYE. I never leave my relaxer on for more than three minutes tops, therefore my hair is more of a pooffy straight than a stick straight texture.
Condition: Dry as a desert due to a lose of judgment back in September in which I decided to use permanent dye on my hair.

And here we go:

Carol's Daughter Hair Milk: Because this arrived nearly frozen, I figgered the smart thing (later determined not to be a smart thing) to do would be to put it in some warm (read: probably too warm) water. It separated a little bit, but I figured it would have happened sooner or later because others were complaining of separation.

This did not affect the performance, however, just the aesthetics. I applied this to freshly washed and deep conditioned hair and it glided through like butter. I was careful not to overdo it because a smidgeon too much will result in greasiness. My hair was easy to comb through, soft, moisturized.

That was yesterday. This morning, as my hair is now dry, it doesn't feel as moist as it did yesterday. But in terms of "Would you say your hair is moisturized or not?" I would have to say "Yes, although it's nothing to scream about."

Complaints: Strange separation issue. Smells like cheap lemon scented dishwashing liquid.
It drove me nuts. I was almost ready to wash my hair again. Moisturizes the hair, but the level seems to change depending on how damp the hair is. Easy to over-grease. For this product, a little goes a long way.

The Verdict: 4 out of 10
I can honestly say that my tried-and-true staple, Salerm Silk Protein Leave-in Conditioner, has performed leaps and bounds better than Carol's Daughter Hair Milk. Even days later, the Salerm leave-in keeps my hair moist, wet or dry.

I won't be using this product again. I'm going back to my Salerm leave-in.

Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter: This comes in a neat little glass jar. It's white, thickly creamy (even if you go to take off a little, you get just a tiny bit more than you bargained for). On dry hair, as well as on wet hair, it's a little difficult to spread around due to the wax. You may have to rub some together in your hands, first, before applying it to your hair.

After adding the HM to my damp hair, I put it in a ponytail and then twisted the hair around to make a column. As I twisted, I put HHB on my ponytail starting from the top and going down to the ends. My hair was moist, soft and shiny.

This morning when I took down my bun, my hair was still mildly damp and slightly less moisturized than the day before, but no less soft.

Complaints: The smell!

The Verdict: 6 out of 10
I will definitely use this in my regimen to moisturize my ends. I even put some on the canopy where the HM had lost its moisture and now it's soft and moisturized again. Even though my hair doesn't have many (sometimes if any) fly-aways, it will keep the few that I do have down. In this way, it is reminiscent of Wanakee's Hairline cream, in that it will tame frizzies and fly-aways on the canopy.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter reviews: HHB and HM

Thank you for being generous with your review. Those were the kind of details I was looking for. It's good that it wasnt a total waste and that you found reasons to keep using the products. Your hair is beautiful btw
Re: Carol\'s Daughter reviews: HHB and HM

Great reviews B. I always enjoy reading your product reviews
. I just ordered the same two products a few days. Should be recieving them next week sometime. I ordered them mainly to use on my daughter's natural hair. I will be able to test them both on both of our heads and I'll be posting a review too. Thanks!
Re: Carol\'s Daughter reviews: HHB and HM

No problem, Allandra

@ArmyQT: I hope you and your daughter like it!

@HoneyLemonDrop: Thank you! I will give the HM to my sister. Maybe it'll work better for her (3c/4a).

I think it was Hairlove that posted in her journal that she had gotten different colors of HHB (white, off-white, yellow, beige, etc.) and that it was just the way the color of that batch turned out. Mine is white.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter reviews: HHB and HM

Thanks for the wonderful reviews, I purchased the 2 oz size of both of these products to try them out. Hopefully all will go well.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter reviews: HHB and HM

THANKS for the review I am still trying to decide which
Carol's Daughther products to purchase.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter reviews: HHB and HM

I wish that I would have read your review before I purchased the hair milk. I bought the 4 oz bottle for $8, and paid over $6 for shipping (which took forever). I think I should have stuck to my first plan..and got the Elasta Mango Butter.
The hair milk is an excellent moisturizer...but it made my hair feel weighed down and greasy (I only used a little too). I guess it all depends on hair types ect. Maybe it is better when used on natural hair (I relax mine). To me...this product smells like flowers. Not an over powering scent. Ahhh...maybe it will just take some getting used to. I will try it on my hair again...but not anytime soon.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter reviews: HHB and HM

That was a great review, Boadicea.

I really like the Hair Milk and I'm going to order another bottle soon. What I don't like about the Hair Butter either is that it's hard to spread. I guess that's why I'm liking the Hair Milk more because it just goes on your hair without the hassle.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter reviews: HHB and HM

I have not tried the HHB but Some of Marguerites Magic and Mimosa Hair Honey are great products.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter reviews: HHB and HM

I bought the HHB and the Hair Milk. I like both, but my favorite is the Hair Balm. Has anyone tried this yet?? Its smells so good, I love it.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter reviews: HHB and HM

I just went ot Carol's Daughter today and bought the HHB and Mimosa Honey. My hair is braided right now but I used the HHB on my scalp and I am officially in love. I also bouhgt my mom a gift set for her birthday and got a free candle too. I give Carol's Daughter two thumbs up!
Re: Carol\'s Daughter reviews: HHB and HM

I loooove the HHB! I let mine sit at room temperature so it is creamy when I use it on my wet hair. When my hair is 90% dry I 'seal' in the moisturte with the Mimosa Hair Honey(and a little of my own butter). My hair stays moisturized. When I want to roller set I do the same routine but then let my hair dry in a loose bun while at work, then in the evening I mist my hair with distilled water and set it. My hair only takes a half hour to dry this way(I hate sitting under a dryer when my hair is completely wet) . The heat from the dryer makes the products soak in my hair which leave it soft and shiney. I didn't like the Hair Milk or Margeruite's Magic at all.