Car Accident - Car totaled


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies:

I was in a car accident yesterday. I will be at fault. I hit someone at an intersection. I stopped looked did not see anything. As I started out a car was in front of me. His car is fine.

Yesterday was my last day on my old job. I start a new job on Monday. I am emotionally drained. First the fire in my apartment building in May and now, the car yesterday. I don't count this as bad luck as someone said to me. I can only see this as God wants me to be an example to someone. God is showing me things. So I should count it all joy. Why he chose me for this test I don't know but I have no choice but to count it as joy. I feel as though, I have to have new things in 2007. ( it comes with a little drama) :perplexed How can I be pure gold without going through the fire.

I had a license plate on the front of my car that says Jesus saves. It was all bent up and in the street. the police officer aske me what it said and I said Jesus Saves. his reponse was he sure does. then he told me the whole story of how he came to Christ. i was almost intears but i kept it together. I told him that he blessed me because I was feeling really bad about the accident.

My Mother told me that the devil meant it for bad :nono: but God meant it for my good :drunk:. My mother was actually praying for me and the car at the same time that I was having the accident.

In closing I am asking for your prayers. I am going through another transition. Please pray that it will be a smooth one, I will find favor, and that I will hear what God is saying to me.
I'm so sorry this happened. I'm glad you are ok. The care is replaceable - you aren't. I will make sure to agree with you in prayer as you requested. :)
The Lord is about to Bless you.

I got in an accident Memorial Day of 05 I was going to the store to purchase some dress pants for an interview I had the next day. I was flying up to Ohio from Florida. My face was all busted up I thought all was lost. I had 30 days to get a job and move. The Lord Blessed me. My car was totaled. The Lord did it all for me in 30 days above what I could ask or imagine.

The Lord is about to Bless you. He has prepared the road ahead for you. This is how he starts to prepare you for the blessings to come.

Funny thing is when I got into that accident I also has a police offer that gave me words of encourgement.

The Lord is about to Bless you.
I'm sorry to hear you were in an accident, but if I ever heard anybody be positive in the midst of a bad situation it's you.

I thank God just for your outlook on the situation and I will pray for your continued strength and growth.

Be blessed.
Sorry this happened to you Zeal.. Just be grateful you or anybody else wasn't seriously injured...
Don't get me waving and clapping over here.

The Lord is about to Bless you.

I got in an accident Memorial Day of 05 I was going to the store to purchase some dress pants for an interview I had the next day. I was flying up to Ohio from Florida. My face was all busted up I thought all was lost. I had 30 days to get a job and move. The Lord Blessed me. My car was totaled. The Lord did it all for me in 30 days above what I could ask or imagine.

The Lord is about to Bless you. He has prepared the road ahead for you. This is how he starts to prepare you for the blessings to come.

Funny thing is when I got into that accident I also has a police offer that gave me words of encourgement.

The Lord is about to Bless you.

I just came back from getting my belongings out of the car. Of course, I was crying.

Thank you Ladies. You always make me feel better with your prayers and words of encouragement.

The enterprise people will be here in 2 hours to pick be up for the Rental.

God Bless You!
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I'm in agreement with you and the other women. I'm glad that you a physically well. I'm also glad that you are not allowing these trials to shake your faith. God bless you sis. God is with you in the midst. These weapons will not prosper against you. He is already turning it around for your good.

You must have a mighty work to do for God's kingdom if the enemy is coming full force like this! :yep:
I'm in agreement with you and the other women. I'm glad that you a physically well. I'm also glad that you are not allowing these trials to shake your faith. God bless you sis. God is with you in the midst. These weapons will not prosper against you. He is already turning it around for your good.

You must have a mighty work to do for God's kingdom if the enemy is coming full force like this! :yep:

:nono: That statement is kind of scary. I don't know what that means. It just that I have had people over the years make comments like this to me. I am like Steve Baldwin. I don't know if you ever heard his testimony. But he bascially said, he did not want to hear his name and the word ministry in the same sentence. Now he has a skate board ministry and is very happy. I am just being honest with you all. That is scary to me. But I ain't trying to do a Jonah either. :grin: That was not a cute story.
First of all, wow what a story. Second of all, I am just glad you are okay. A totaled car sometimes means a totaled life too. Bless you. :kiss:
:nono: That statement is kind of scary. I don't know what that means. It just that I have had people over the years make comments like this to me. I am like Steve Baldwin. I don't know if you ever heard his testimony. But he bascially said, he did not want to hear his name and the word ministry in the same sentence. Now he has a skate board ministry and is very happy. I am just being honest with you all. That is scary to me. But I ain't trying to do a Jonah either. :grin: That was not a cute story.

Well, I can understand how it would be scary. But the "mighty work" could be something that may not be recognized by the eyes of men, but rather in the heart of God. He knows exactly how each person's actions have made an impact on His kingdom.

Take mothering for example. Most of the time it goes unrecognized, but where would we be without Billy Graham's mother and/or the sacrifice of his own wife Ruth.

Another mom that has impacted the kingdom: Susanna Wesley (mother of 18th cent. evangelist John Wesley and his brother Charles). She had 19 children. She is known as the Mother of Methodism although she never preached a sermon or wrote a book. This revelation (by men) comes 200 years after her death.

I'm not saying that preaching, teaching, or writing a book is out of the question. Only God knows for sure. Whatever path he sets your feet on-- I'm sure he'll give you perfect peace about it. So long as you love God and love his people, I don't think you'll be pulling a Jonah. :grin:

Jonah made his mistake because he could not love a group of people that God had created...
Such an awesome testimony girl! My car was totaled 2 weeks ago, and I must say it's the best thing that's happened to me in a while.

It's just brought so much clarity to my much direction. Just helped me to really SEE My God blessing me and working in my life bringing to perfection His good work. And God has stepped in an provided everyone and everything I would need during this phase of my life. Not to mention I've been praying for a new car and now I'm getting one!

This experience has taught me what it TRULY means to depend on Him for strength, comfort, peace and what I need. It's made me so much closer to Jesus...rekindled my love affair with Him....I could just go on and on girl...

My pastor said it was time for a new testimony! :drunk: And this has definately given me a new one.

Hello Ladies:

I was in a car accident yesterday. I will be at fault. I hit someone at an intersection. I stopped looked did not see anything. As I started out a car was in front of me. His car is fine.

Yesterday was my last day on my old job. I start a new job on Monday. I am emotionally drained. First the fire in my apartment building in May and now, the car yesterday. I don't count this as bad luck as someone said to me. I can only see this as God wants me to be an example to someone. God is showing me things. So I should count it all joy. Why he chose me for this test I don't know but I have no choice but to count it as joy. I feel as though, I have to have new things in 2007. ( it comes with a little drama) :perplexed How can I be pure gold without going through the fire.

I had a license plate on the front of my car that says Jesus saves. It was all bent up and in the street. the police officer aske me what it said and I said Jesus Saves. his reponse was he sure does. then he told me the whole story of how he came to Christ. i was almost intears but i kept it together. I told him that he blessed me because I was feeling really bad about the accident.

My Mother told me that the devil meant it for bad :nono: but God meant it for my good :drunk:. My mother was actually praying for me and the car at the same time that I was having the accident.

In closing I am asking for your prayers. I am going through another transition. Please pray that it will be a smooth one, I will find favor, and that I will hear what God is saying to me.

It made a year this month that I got into an accident that almost totalled my brand new car. The intial shock was more than I could bear but the Lord helped me through it plus I was going through a whole lot of other things and still is almost a year later but the Lord is good and will provide for his kids. Throughout this past year, I've been in many situations where I was looking up to see the bottom but I never lost faith because God will reward you for your faithfulness. You're in my prayers, keep the faith, and always remember that someone always has it harder than you! Take care!