Can you REALLY re-moisturize hair?


New Member
Is it possible to really and truly re-moisturize dry hair? Or does all the deep conditioning just prevent it from drying out more.
Do you mean that dry hair is the characteristic of the hair, like hair being curly, you cannot change it but only make it appear different?
Say it aint so!!!, cos i think my hair is characteristically dry.... :ohwell:
I have dry hair as well. I don't think there are no fixes to dry hair other than drinking lots of water, and eating a healthy balanced diet. But as far as conditioners, I think that my conds are a temporary fix to my dry hair. Like i'll wash and cond tonight and my hair will be perfectly moisturized for the next 3-4 days and then it'll be somewhat dry on day 6.
So even though we are using these products that swear to alter your hair and moisturize, etc etc, i think the important thing to remember is that these are temporary fixes. You have to use them consistently to have healthy hair.
I understand what you're saying. But I'm not talking about conditioners only. I mean if you start out with dry hair and want to re-moisturize it can you make it do a complete 360 by using any means at all (diet, exercise, water, conditioners...) Doesn't matter what exactly you do...I'm just asking is it possible to make the hair go from dry to soft and it's not a temporary fix. Basically...can you REALLY change the health of your hair.
I think the type of hair that you have affects the level of moisture in your hair.

If you look under a microscope with 4b hair you will find that it has lots of circles in the shaft (like a sugar snap pea) This prevents oils from evenly being distributed through the hair shaft. As a result it requrires frequent replenishment of moisture/oils

Unlike Type 1 hair, this hair type just looks like an open highway with no traffic running thru. Oils freely flow thru. As as result this hair tends to be more oily and require frequent washing to rid excess oils.

I think that the use of heat appliances def sucks the life (moisture) out any hair type leaving it drier and more brittle and more prone to breakage. In addition to permanant treatements i.e. relaxers/perms.

Does this make sense to anyone?
Well, I did it! :) My hair was soooo dry! I went from using oils and creams on my hair and scalp everyday (sometimes twice a day) to using a light oil only once a week. I think it's because of the conditioner washes that I do during the week.
My theory is that type 4 hair has cuticles that are always raised. No matter how moisturized the hair is, its going to feel ruff because of the raised cuticles. On the other hand, type 1 hair, like some asian hair, feels very silky and moisturized because the cuticles lie down very flat.
Dry hair does not equal unhealthy hair. I think dry hair can be healthy or it can be unhealthy. Curly hair tends to be dry for the reasons stated above by Serenity Breeze. It is harder for your natural oils to distribute throughout the hair shaft. I keep my hair moisturized (topically and "internally") for this reason. But I know that my hair is naturally dry as opposed to oily. I don't see that as a hair health issue. But it could become one if I did not take proper care of my hair. Dryness might lead to split ends and breakage. Those are hair health issues.
atl_mulattamami said:
can you REALLY change the health of your hair.

I say yes. All of these looooong manes on LHCF are evidence. If you read what the FOTMs say in their interviews, the first thing they usually mention is moisture. If it were impossible to improve the health of the hair, there would be a lot of baldheaded, dry headed, broken off headed ( :lachen: ) sista on this board...needless to say, there are PLENTY of drab to fab Cinderella hair stories to go around.
Because hair is constantly growing, whatever you start doing, you have to keep doing in order to continue seeing results.
Like Stormy, I had some dryness issues when I first moved to Cali, but I just had to up my water intake and be more mindful of my intake of fresh fruits & vegetables. Since then, the combination of my eating habits and my regular pooing and CO washing, I rarely ever have dryness issues.
I agree with Cichelle...dry hair isn't necessarily unhealthy hair, dry hair can definitely lead to problems.
Just MHO...
atl_mulattamami said:
I understand what you're saying. But I'm not talking about conditioners only. I mean if you start out with dry hair and want to re-moisturize it can you make it do a complete 360 by using any means at all (diet, exercise, water, conditioners...) Doesn't matter what exactly you do...I'm just asking is it possible to make the hair go from dry to soft and it's not a temporary fix. Basically...can you REALLY change the health of your hair.

Of course!! i did!! my hair was SOOOO dry and ginger coloured it was horrible. hydrating products are the best, and a good protein. my hair has done more then a 360. i realised my flat irons were the worst EVER for black hair - GHD FLAT IRONS!!! omg, if you have them, THROW THEM OUT! or use once in 2 blue moons! no heat dial, no naffin. airdrying changed my hair.