Can We Try This Again?-- Christianity & The Law of Attraction


Well-Known Member
I searched this forum and it looks like the last thread that was posted on this was locked. But this has been itching my mind & soul for so long and I really would like to discuss it-- pretty please? I don't want to refute or dispute the LoA. Instead, I would like to embrace it even more, while applying it to my walk with God. I believe that one can be a Christian and believe in the Law of Attraction without compromising his/her relationship with God.

Ever since I read the thread that ArmyQT started about the Law of Attraction, it literally changed my life. After reading books on the LoA and weeks of learning about it, I FINALLY came to the realization of what my mother (a devout Christian) was talking about all this time. She would always tell me to "think positive" and I would hear the words, but it was something I've heard all my life, becoming desensitized to its impact. For the first time, it actually struck a DEEP chord inside of me.

My mother had been practicing the LoA since I've known her and I've witnessed small MIRACLES happen to her ALL THE TIME after she would PROCLAIM them. I am constantly in awe. I thought it was just her luck and her wits and smarts, along with her faith in God. But I've come to realize that it is nothing BUT her faith in God.

The LoA has tremendously allowed me to strengthen my relationship with the Lord and I want to further apply it to my life as a Christian.

Something in my life is happening right now & my faith has been shaken. I'm scared b/c I know that allowing this to continue will not bring about what I want for someone I care about (as I feel like it was my doing that has put them in this current position). Yet, I'm still scared. I'm trying to keep applying my faith and positive thinking, but I feel like I'm just coating my fear and not eradicating it.

So I've been praying and taking steps to change this today and don't want this to ever defeat me. I want to exercise my faith and be able to change my thinking forever.

I would like this thread to be used for us to discuss how we can apply the LoA to our lives as Christians and fuse it together into one big application of FAITH. Can we share thoughts, life experiences, info, scriptures, etc? For those who have mastered it, can you help us novices out? Thanks & God bless.

ETA: My limited thought on this is that the Lord is our source and that our faith is the only key that can unlock the source.
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To get it started, I've found some info online that has already helped me. I got it from:

Beyond Positive Thinking

August 16, 2004

By Jim Collins, Beyond Positive Thinking (EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is an excerpt from Jim Collin’s new book, “Beyond Positive Thinking: Success and Motivation in the Scriptures.” I highly recommend this book. If you would like a FREE, no obligation copy of the book, please respond at the end of the article.)

Much has been said about positive thinking, which has given way to humanism and the New Age movement. Positive thinking is simply the world’s term for what God calls “Faith.”

Positive thinking begins and ends with the human mind. Faith allows you to tap into the force that created the universe through your re-created human spirit. Positive thinking says, “My ability to think positive thoughts will bring me happiness.” Faith says, “The God that spoke the universe into existence lives inside me and because I have His ability in me, I am full of joy unspeakable and full of glory.” Positive thinking teaches us to think in a positive manner. Faith teaches us to think according to the word of God. Positive thinking gives the credit to man. Faith gives the credit to God. Positive thinking strives to win in life based on the ability to maintain a positive attitude. Faith has already secured the victory through Jesus Christ, and responds to the circumstances in life with triumphant exuberance and thanksgiving.

Faith is the vehicle that allows you to drive down the highway of life and receive everything that God has already given you. When you receive eternal life, by receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, your re-created human spirit is filled with God’s life and nature. You receive God’s ability. Can you imagine what it would mean to you if you had the ability of God, the Creator of the universe, at your disposal? Think about that for a second. What can’t God do? He can do anything, right? You have the same ability living on the inside of you!

Did you decide to be born? If not, then why are you here in this life? You are here on planet earth because you are an individual miracle of God. God created you to do something with your life that nobody else can do. Nobody else can fulfill your unique destiny. God created you to have fellowship with Him through the process of realizing your God-given dream.

Your dreams are simply God seeking expression through you. God would not give you a dream if He did not also give you the ability to achieve it. That ability is released through faith.

What is faith and how does it work? The Bible definition of faith states, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Faith gives substance to the things that I desire in my life. Faith says, “My heart’s desire is a reality even though I can’t see it yet.” Faith brings God on the scene and causes the necessary events and circumstances to unfold according to the image of my dream. Hope confidently expects my dream to come true. Faith confirms that I have it now. Hope is in the future; faith is in the present. I pray to God hoping for something and I leave with it in my possession.

How does faith work? If faith is the vehicle, what is the gasoline? What is the secret ingredient that causes faith to produce results in your life? The Bible tells us that faith works by love. Faith is activated, energized, and expressed through love. (Galatians 5:6) Love is the gas that powers the vehicle of faith. Faith is the vehicle of life and love is what makes it go and grow.

The one Scripture that is repeated more than any other in the Bible is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” The first person you have to love is yourself. If you hate yourself, you cannot love your neighbor. You cannot give someone something you do not have. When you have a healthy self-image and a high level of self-esteem, then you can give them away by loving others. God is love, and Jesus commanded us to love one another with the God-kind of love. (1 John 4:8, 16 and John 13:34)

The characteristics of the God-kind of love are described in First Corinthians 13. The God-kind of love is patient and kind. It does not envy, it does not parade itself, it is not puffed up, it does not behave rudely, it does not seek its own, it is not provoked, it thinks no evil, it does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth. The God-kind of love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.

The characteristics of the God-kind of love culminate with the victory cry: “Love never fails!”

(1 Corinthians 4:8) God is love and God never fails. When we live a life of faith and energize that faith by walking in love, we never fail!

When you learn to live a life of faith and activate it by walking in love, the same power that created the heavens and the earth will be at your disposal.
I look forward to an enlightening and provocative conversation here.... I'm also curious about this from a Christian perspective. As for me and my house, we serve the Lord Jesus Christ... and yet there's some aspects of this that I'm interested in discussing....

Thank you for posting this topic.
It seems like one of those principles where you have to take the time to seperate the baby from the bath water.
The positive thinking aspect of LOA is great, but not unique. Lots of books, the Bible, Pastors, Teachers, Friends and my Mother have talked about the power of positive thinking though the years.
The fact that you are directing your thoughts to the "universe" and the affiliation with new-agism and other religions is also sketchy to me.

I belive faith and positive thinking (not neccesarily LOA) go hand in hand. For example you pray to God for success in a new venture and you have the faith that God can do it for you.
However, you also have to believe YOU can do it by the grace of God and thats where positive thinking comes into play. I think positive thinking can be considered a day to day manifestation/reminder/supporter/encourager of your faith.
There have been many time when I have prayed to God for something and I have faith that he can do it, but my day to day thought process would not be supportive of that faith I claimed to have in God. I have to read books like Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind, talk to my Mum or read some straight talking Proverbs or Psalms to help me let go of my negative thoughts.

I am just learning about being a serious Christian so I probably don't know much. However I think there are sooo many other books a Christian that wants to adhere strictly to the monotheistic principles of the Bible can read about the power of positive thinking, without crossing the lines that the LOA principles cross.
I think LOA is faith in action. However I am very cautions in using the LOA ideas I prefer to be spirit lead.

But for me I practice ,
Hab 2:2 Write the vision make it plain . . .
Speak those things that are not as though they are. . .
As a man thinketh so is he . .
Lean not unto thine own understanding . . .
Without a vision the people parish. . .
just a few scriptures off the top of my head.

being a doer of the word is visualizing, speaking, seeing it etc. coupled with the rest of the word of God.
Omoge said:
It seems like one of those principles where you have to take the time to seperate the baby from the bath water.
The positive thinking aspect of LOA is great, but not unique. Lots of books, the Bible, Pastors, Teachers, Friends and my Mother have talked about the power of positive thinking though the years.
The fact that you are directing your thoughts to the "universe" and the affiliation with new-agism and other religions is also sketchy to me.

I belive faith and positive thinking (not neccesarily LOA) go hand in hand. For example you pray to God for success in a new venture and you have the faith that God can do it for you.
However, you also have to believe YOU can do it by the grace of God and thats where positive thinking comes into play. I think positive thinking can be considered a day to day manifestation/reminder/supporter/encourager of your faith.
There have been many time when I have prayed to God for something and I have faith that he can do it, but my day to day thought process would not be supportive of that faith I claimed to have in God. I have to read books like Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind, talk to my Mum or read some straight talking Proverbs or Psalms to help me let go of my negative thoughts.

I am just learning about being a serious Christian so I probably don't know much. However I think there are sooo many other books a Christian that wants to adhere strictly to the monotheistic principles of the Bible can read about the power of positive thinking, without crossing the lines that the LOA principles cross.

For the bolded, I believe this also and my mother's life has made me see this. Also positive thinking isn't really "new age" and this is something I've also known from reading various sources and by simply looking at the world around me. However, I must acknowledge that had it not been for "The Secret", my eyes never would have been opened.

For the underlined, YES! :yep: This is why I started the thread. There were so many things that I disagreed with while reading up on LoA or better yet, positive thinking. I decided to omit them from my mind as I read and only pick up what I believed help me become closer to God. But I would like to find books and info from people that do this omitting for me and help me better apply it to my faith.:)

Eta: I am also a 'baby' Christian and don't want anything to deter me from maturing in Christianity. this is why I am here asking for guidance. :)
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StrawberryQueen said:
What I've know from it was that it runs parallel to Christianity with corresponding scriptures to the LoA.

Last night, I tried to find some scriptures that corresponded as well. It was very enlightening.
RelaxerRehab said:
I look forward to an enlightening and provocative conversation here.... I'm also curious about this from a Christian perspective. As for me and my house, we serve the Lord Jesus Christ... and yet there's some aspects of this that I'm interested in discussing....

Thank you for posting this topic.

You're welcome. :) I just hope no one takes it the wrong way as if I'm trying to get the wrong things out of positive thinking that are not in line with God. This is not my intent. But I do believe that it is from God b/c my spirit has been led to so much enrichment ever since I've found out about changing my mind and way of thinking. It has helped me better apply the laws in the Bible that used to be so difficult for me to do. It is definitely helping me become a better Christian.
gn1g said:
I think LOA is faith in action. However I am very cautions in using the LOA ideas I prefer to be spirit lead.

But for me I practice ,
Hab 2:2 Write the vision make it plain . . .
Speak those things that are not as though they are. . .
As a man thinketh so is he . .
Lean not unto thine own understanding . . .
Without a vision the people parish. . .
just a few scriptures off the top of my head.

being a doer of the word is visualizing, speaking, seeing it etc. coupled with the rest of the word of God.

Thanks for this!! This is the direction I need to get me started!

For the bolded, I know what you mean. So maybe coming here and saying LoA was the wrong thing to say as I want to convert it to my faith in God. As you said, it IS faith in action and that probably should have been my title for this thread.
secretdiamond said:
For the bolded, I believe this also and my mother's lofe has made me see this. Also positive thinking isn't really "new age" and this is something I've also known from reading various sources and by simply looking at the world around me. Hwoever, I must aknowledge that had it not been for "The Secret", my eyes never would have been opened.

For the underlined, YES! :yep: This is why I started the thread. There were so many things that I disagreed with while reading up on LoA or better yet, positive thinking. I decided to omit them from my mind as I read and only pick up what I believed help me become closer to God. But I would like to find books and info from people that do this omitting for me and help me better apply it to my faith.:)

Eta: I am also a 'baby' Christian and don't want anything to deter me from maturing in Christianity. this is why I am here asking for guidance. :)

Try Joyce Meyer's "Battlefield of the Mind", the book also has a daily devotional and scriptural reference for everyday. It talks about being constantly aware of your thoughts and the damage or good that can occur in you life due to your thought process. It made me finally realise I have control over every single thought that comes into my head. I always used to say, "but I can't help how I feel", and one negative thought would end up spiraling out of control and mess up my outlook on things for days. The book made me see otherwise.

That means I have control over whether I want to be happy or sad today,regardless of whats goingon around me.
On days when I am alert and aware (unfortunately, not every day yet)
I choose to be happy, choosing to be happy means I am more productive, joyful and attractive to others. It means I can focus on my dreams and goals, instead of focusing of whats wrong with me. It means I can see the good in people around me and I am less critical and more forgiving. It meansI am thankful to God and I want to show my appreciation to him more.
It takes practice, however I am trying to be more consistent until it becomes second nature to me.
Omoge said:
Try Joyce Meyer's "Battlefield of the Mind", the book also has a daily devotional and scriptural reference for everyday. It talks about being constantly aware of your thoughts and the damage or good that can occur in you life due to your thought process. It made me finally realise I have control over every single thought that comes into my head. I always used to say, "but I can't help how I feel", and one negative thought would end up spiraling out of control and mess up my outlook on things for days. The book made me see otherwise.

That means I have control over whether I want to be happy or sad today,regardless of whats goingon around me.
On days when I am alert and aware (unfortunately, not every day yet)
I choose to be happy, choosing to be happy means I am more productive, joyful and attractive to others. It means I can focus on my dreams and goals, instead of focusing of whats wrong with me. It means I can see the good in people around me and I am less critical and more forgiving. It meansI am thankful to God and I want to show my appreciation to him more.
It takes practice, however I am trying to be more consistent until it becomes second nature to me.
Thank you so much!!! I am DEFINITELY going to look at that book. (off to google it right now) Your post seems to answer a lot of my questions. I want to be like that too.
"I believe this also and my mother's lofe has made me see this. "

Aren't mothers amazing, the way they are constantly persistent and never give up on us. I used to roll my eyes whenever she used to preach to me, and she preached consistently for almost 16 years before it finally started to stick. I thank God for her everday and I'm learning not to take her for granted.
I only pray I can be as good a mother as she has to me when that time comes.
I'll just put this out here.... I certainly agree with what has been said about the biblical scriptures that so readily apply to what has been labeled "law of attraction". Some folk (not Christians, per se) would debate on Who or what came first? Various deities or universal law. I do believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega...Creator of EVERYTHING, including the so-called "universal law" and that He is true to Himself and His word that He would not violate that universal law because He ultimately gave us FREE WILL... so He's not going to IMPOSE anything on us...and He's not going to necessarily stop us when we spiral downward with negative thinking....

This (that He does not stop us from negative thinking) is what sticks out to me.... I have been having temper tantrums about why God's promises had not manifested in my life...because it's not TIME yet? Negative thinking? What? What is it? I know some of these promises are LONG OVERDUE and so I am at the point where I've got to stop the insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result) and DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.... And so one thing I appreciate that has become clearer to me is MY ROLE, ACCOUNTABILITY TO MYSELF that (maybe) I let doubt/negative thinking stop the flow of blessings and promises....

ETA I have more to talk about concerning this but one thing that I wanted to add is that I'm really DONE with all of the so-called Christian books, authors, preachers, etc. and the variety of cliches.... I think that's been part of the issue: an OVERDEPENDENCE on these preachers that have moved so many people into a place of laziness and apathy about the personal/individual part of that personal relationship with the Lord and the flow of blessings into one's own life.
-End of mini-rant--
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secretdiamond said:
Thank you so much!!! I am DEFINITELY going to look at that book. (off to google it right now) Your post seems to answer a lot of my questions. I want to be like that too.

You are very welcome, it was extremely helpful to me when I was going through a difficult time, things are a bit stable now and I slacked of. I need to get back on track to being a consistently happy and joyful person.
I have always genuinely admired people who are naturally inclined to be positive about everything.
Omoge said:
"I believe this also and my mother's lofe has made me see this. "

Aren't mothers amazing, the way they are constantly persistent and never give up on us. I used to roll my eyes whenever she used to preach to me, and she preached consistently for almost 16 years before it finally started to stick. I thank God for her everday and I'm learning not to take her for granted.
I only pray I can be as good a mother as she has to me when that time comes.

Yep! I grew a new level of admiration for my mother that I never had before and never imagined. Just thinking abut it makes me want to cry. (I'm a sap) But now that I see how much she cared for me and has tried to steer me in the right direction, I am sooo grateful for having her as my mother. Whenever I think negatively, she quickly chastizes me, saying that I am losing my faith in God and should always trust in Him to deliver me.

Mothers ARE wonderful and I;m sure you will make a wonderful one!

Now that I'm typing this, I think I should write her a letter, letting her know how I feel and my appreciation. Thanks ladies for this discussion! :kiss:
RelaxerRehab said:
I'll just put this out here.... I certainly agree with what has been said about the biblical scriptures that so readily apply to what has been labeled "law of attraction". Some folk (not Christians, per se) would debate on Who or what came first? Various deities or universal law. I do believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega...Creator of EVERYTHING, including the so-called "universal law" and that He is true to Himself and His word that He would not violate that universal law because He ultimately gave us FREE WILL... so He's not going to IMPOSE anything on us...and He's not going to necessarily stop us when we spiral downward with negative thinking....

This (that He does not stop us from negative thinking) is what sticks out to me.... I have been having temper tantrums about why God's promises had not manifested in my life...because it's not TIME yet? Negative thinking? What? What is it? I know some of these promises are LONG OVERDUE and so I am at the point where I've got to stop the insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result) and DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.... And so one thing I appreciate that has become clearer to me is MY ROLE, ACCOUNTABILITY TO MYSELF that (maybe) I let doubt/negative thinking stop the flow of blessings and promises....

ETA I have more to talk about concerning this but one thing that I wanted to add is that I'm really DONE with all of the so-called Christian books, authors, preachers, etc. and the variety of cliches.... I think that's been part of the issue: an OVERDEPENDENCE on these preachers that have moved so many people into a place of laziness and apathy about the personal/individual part of that personal relationship with the Lord and the flow of blessings into one's own life.
-End of mini-rant--

hmmmm... could you please elaborate further. I have never really read Christian books and have always stuck to the Bible for my answers. But recently I personally feel like I need more guidance on using the Bible and finding and interpreting what is in there to better my life. The book Omoge posted seems really interesting, They even have one for teens, which I would love to get for my sister.

Eta: If these books don't seem right for you, perhaps talking and discussing one-on-one with others in your life or church, or even your pastor may help.
secretdiamond said:
Yep! I grew a new level of admiration for my mother that I never had before and never imagined. Just thinking abut it makes me want to cry. (I'm a sap) But now that I see how much she cared for me and has tried to steer me in the right direction, I am sooo grateful for having her as my mother. Whenever I think negatively, she quickly chastizes me, saying that I am losing my faith in God and should always trust in Him to deliver me.

Mothers ARE wonderful and I;m sure you will make a wonderful one!

Now that I'm typing this, I think I should write her a letter, letting her know how I feel and my appreciation. Thanks ladies for this discussion! :kiss:

Thank you, I am sure you'll make a great mother too...I actually believe a lot of the women on this forum are/will make good mothers, just because of the need for self growth and development that brings a lot of us here. Yeah, am going to call my Mum this evening, even though I just spoke to her yesterday. I know, am a big ole baby too.
secretdiamond said:
hmmmm... could you please elaborate further. I have never really read Christian books and have always stuck to the Bible for my answers. But recently I personally feel like I need more guidance on using the Bible and finding and interpreting what is in there to better my life. The book Omoge posted seems really interesting, They even have one for teens, which I would love to get for my sister.

Eta: If these books don't seem right for you, perhaps talking and discussing one-on-one with others in your life or church, or even your pastor may help.

There are some wonderful book and resources written by Christian authors that are very helpful for your Christian walk. I apologize and PLEASE FORGIVE ME for my words that may lead you to believe otherwise. I have plenty of them! I think I'm just venting.... I do apologize.
I just found this article online that may help me and hopefully others out:


Apparently, it's a pdf file, but it won't open so I had to post the HTML/cached version.

ETA: @ RelaxerRehab: I totally understand. No need to apologize. Everyone should do what works for them. I was simply curious to know if there is anything out there I should be weary of or avoid. Thanks!
I first learned the words "Laws of Attraction" around 10 years ago when reading the works of Christian minister Catherine Ponder (she's ordained in the Unity Church). While some LoA teachers want to appeal to the masses and are reluctant to use the words "God" or "Christ", she is the opposite. Her biography states:

Catherine Ponder writes from a Christian perspective. Pagans may wish to substitute their own diety form where Ponder mentions God. Those uncomfortable with religion can substitute "The Universe".
She's been writing on LoA since the 1960s. Her affirmations are Christ-based and her examples are from scripture. Some of her books:

Open Your Mind to Receive
Dynamic Laws of Prayer
Prospering Power of Love
The "Millionaires of the Bible" series

Some of my favorite affirmations/prayers from "Open Your Mind to Receive":

"I do not depend on persons or conditions for my good. God is the source of my supply and God provides his own amazing channels of good to me now."

"I let go of everything and everybody that is no longer a part of the Divine plan of my life. I now expand quickly into the Divine plan of my life, where all conditions are permanently perfect."

"I am the rich child of a loving Father."

"God is so good, life is so wonderful, and I am so richly blessed."

Since some of the LoA conversations in other areas have been so heated, I was reluctant to share this resource for fear of ridicule or negative comments. But then I realized that I must be true to my own journey and share what I feel is good with people who might understand.

Love and Blessings to all!
Disclaimer: I believe in postive thought and focusing on sucess in life. How could anyone who follows the Bible not do this?

Christian women--just be cautious about things that try too bleach the sacrifice, love, and power of JESUS from any aspect of faith.

We are Christian because of Jesus Christ. And through him, postive thinking is a wonderful thing that we are entitled to. In Him, we can do everything. Without Him, we are just dust and ashes and worldy success in no real gain.

If one doesn't believe the salvation and the power comes through Him, then they are practicing another type of faith. If one believes in God and the power of God, but does not accept Jesus as the one whose sacrifice allows it all, then they are studying another type of faith. Maybe one that is related to closely, but not the Christian faith.

I think confusion sets in because many in the world are "Christians" (using the label) but are not followers and believers in Jesus Christ. We must all decide whether we want to be followers or not. And if you are aware of the choice and choose no Jesus, okay then. But remember that being a follower of Christ is different than being a "Christian" nowadays.

Guys, I do recommend Battlefield of the Mind, along with many others in Joyce Meyer's eries. These books will change your life! I am a proponent of positive thiinking and claiming victory--but I bow and give the glory to the One who gives me the sword and shield.
Um...I've got more to say so I'll be back later but for now I VERY highly recommend The Power of Positive Thinking to any person wondering about Christians and LOA. The Bible says "As a man thinketh, so is he." which is essentially the premise of LOA. TPOPT takes all of those things a step further and gives solid Biblical support for why Christians are called to have a vision and use techniques to being those things to fruition.
I'm sitting here crying and laughing at the same time. God is good!

After I posted my message, I received an email from a friend asking if I knew anyone who wanted a free, almost new recumbent exercise bike. I'm recovering from an illness and have prayed to regain my strength and lose this extra weight.

I haven't seen this friend since I was diagnosed and she had no idea I was in need. She is cleaning out her house now because after watching Oprah the other day, she's trying to make room for new blessings to come to her life!!!:yay:

I'm sitting here grinning like a fool and feeling rich beyond belief. I just called her up and my friend listened to me while I cried and gave thanks. Now she's giving me a yoga mat too! Thank you all for giving me a opportunity to share this -- it may seem silly, but this is a real miracle for me right now.:grin: :grin:
I have a LOT to say about this. A lot. But I can't right now. All I know is I have mixed feelings. It seems like a lot of the principles are good; I just feel like some people may get caught up in the idea that all they need is themselves, not Jesus Christ. God wants us to think positively; speak positively; do positive things...but above all He wants us to believe in Him.

When I'm done with some things I'm going to come back on this board. Just becareful what you accept into your spirit is what I tell myself when I read a lot of these things...
togethernessinchrist said:
I have a LOT to say about this. A lot. But I can't right now. All I know is I have mixed feelings. It seems like a lot of the principles are good; I just feel like some people may get caught up in the idea that all they need is themselves, not Jesus Christ. God wants us to think positively; speak positively; do positive things...but above all He wants us to believe in Him.

When I'm done with some things I'm going to come back on this board. Just becareful what you accept into your spirit is what I tell myself when I read a lot of these things...
You have stately exactly how I feel on the subject. I think it is great for people to move toward the positive but we as Christians know that GOD is ultimately our source. If we direct our energy toward serving Him we will be amazed at the blessings he will pour into our lives. Q
queeny20 said:
You have stately exactly how I feel on the subject. I think it is great for people to move toward the positive but we as Christians know that GOD is ultimately our source. If we direct our energy toward serving Him we will be amazed at the blessings he will pour into our lives. Q

But this is exactly how I feel as well (I stated that in my first post and other posts after). I just want to be able to do it better.

If there are people who disagree with the idea of this thread, feel free to express so and why (as I'm trying to learn from all points of view and a healthy discussion/debate fosters learning). Everyone sees things differently and that's alright. As long as we know for ourselves that we are here to serve God and that ultimately HE is the one who knows our hearts.
Divine Inspiration said:
Um...I've got more to say so I'll be back later but for now I VERY highly recommend The Power of Positive Thinking to any person wondering about Christians and LOA. The Bible says "As a man thinketh, so is he." which is essentially the premise of LOA. TPOPT takes all of those things a step further and gives solid Biblical support for why Christians are called to have a vision and use techniques to being those things to fruition.

Thanks for the book suggestion. I really appreciate it. I will add this to the books I'm gonna read. Right now (and for months to come), I have NO free time to do a lot of things b/c I've been sooo busy, BUT I will make time to read up on this topic b/c it means so much to me.

Thanks again.
This is just a quick post. I have to run in a few minutes, but I am interested in reading The Power of Positive Thinking (suggested by Divine Inspiration).

Another person mentioned a Christian book club on this forum, but we haven't done much since. Is anyone game for reading it & exchanging their ideas with me?

One of the hardest parts of opening myself to receive God's blessings has been practicing forgiveness. I found myself holding on to memories of the painful words and actions of others and it was blocking my blessings. I could say the words "And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us." but some parts of me still held on to those past hurts. Catherine Ponder writes of inviting Jesus into your memories to heal them. This may not be for everyone, but it helps me:

How To Be Blessed With Forgiveness

If you have not gained the peace of mind or satisfying results you feel you are entitled to as a child of God, it may be because you have unfinished business in the department of forgiveness. (Most of us do!)

Jesus Christ came to heal not only the conscious but also the subconscious mind, which contains all the memories and emotional blocks that stop our prayers from being answered. Since there is no human element on the spiritual plane, you can invite Jesus Christ into your childhood, into your prenatal life even, into your teens, young adult years, etc., to heal and comfort whatever unhappy or bitter memories linger there: "Come into my life, Jesus Christ. I invite you, Jesus Christ, into my subconscious memory to heal whatever needs to be forgiven, released, redeemed. Cleanse me and free me from it now!"

Then picture the living presence of Jesus Christ going back into your childhood, taking your hand, comforting, loving, forgiving, healing you and those bitter experiences. Thereafter, whenever you think of the process that is taking place, just say, "Thank you, Jesus Christ. The forgiving love of Jesus Christ has now set me free from the unhappy experiences of the past or present(or get specific, "That unhappy marriage, that health problem, financial loss, etc.") and I now go free to be happy."

You will be amazed at the mental, emotional and physical blocks that will be removed, at how happy and cleansed and relieved you will feel. Your prayers will probably then be answered in a rush of happy events!​