Can u have healthy permed hair?


New Member
Hey guys,

I am really in a transition period right now. I have a perm and have had a perm since I was 14. Before I got the perm i did the whole press and curl thing and my hair was long shiny and really healthy. After I got the perm my went on a downward spiral. It slowly got unhealthier (with healthy growth spurts in between if I got braids.) I have been a member of this forum a couple of months and started thinking I could nourish my hair with some TLC to the state it was when I was a kid and keep a perm. My hair has improved some but there is still lots of breakage when I stretch my perms. I am only at 8wks now and there is quite a bit of breakage. :mad: My good friend is transitioning right now and is a firm believer that in order for your hair to grow it needs to be natural. I must admit I am starting to believe this to. :perplexed If I did go natural I would want to do the press and curl thing again. I guess my real question here is can your hair be healthy with a perm? and how do you go about transitioning if I did choose that route? Can you do it with a weave? Would that damage your hair? HELP!!!!!!
When I had a relaxer and I was living where I'd grown up, I had a relaxer and my hair was actually pretty healthy. I used to stretch my relaxer every 4 months. I did my own relaxers so I made sure not to overprocess. I made sure to keep my roots and ends moisturized and my hair did wonderfully. It was the hard water situation when I moved that made my hair fall out and led to my decision to go natural. I know some women have transitioned with weave but it depends on the kind. I've never had one so maybe someone else can shed some light on this for you :)
I think natural hair is the best bet to shoot for if the goal is thick, healthy hair. Relaxing permanently changes the hair which by nature weakens it.
Godsway said:
I guess my real question here is can your hair be healthy with a perm? and how do you go about transitioning if I did choose that route? Can you do it with a weave? Would that damage your hair? HELP!!!!!!

I can't address health, because that's relative (what is the definition of healthy hair) but yes, there are people that can grow long, thick hair with a relaxer. I think much of that has to do with hair care, and some of it has to do with genetics--some people's hair is more sensitive to the chemicals, so no matter what they do, their hair is thin and/or damaged from relaxing. My hair had little to no breakage from the relaxer, and I dogged my hair out.

People transition many ways--by getting braids, a sewn-in weave, or like me, just taking care of your hair and not being that concerned about concealing the new growth. Each decision has its pluses and negatives.

If you really prefer to wear your hair straight most of the time, then maybe you should take another look at your regimen and see if your relaxed hair can be in better shape before you start the transitioning process. Someone once told me that transitioning is not for the weak, and I've discovered that it's the gospel truth! :)