Can someone hair type me please?! [PICTURES]

Is there a guide somewhere online or on these forums that you can use to determine your hair type? The alphanumerical codes are all a mystery to me. TIA!
first of all beautiful it looks 3c with some 4a but with some more growth i think it can better be typed.

Thanks so much!

Hi! we relaxed our hair around the same time, im about two months post and transitioning.

i have been natural before just a couple months before , so i know im a def 3c.

i had to glance in the mirror just now to compare, an i think your new growth is a little more "bumpy" or wavy than mine right now , my new growth is pretty much straightish. with a very barely there slight start of a wave, . plus when i transitioned last time, at one year my newgrowth looked 3b, but i ended up being 3c. so im thinking based on both our new growths that you may turn out to be 4a with a bit of 3c :)

Thank you so much for your response, fyi I think your hair is BEAUTIFUL! I've stalked your fotki many a time... :yep:

Is there a guide somewhere online or on these forums that you can use to determine your hair type? The alphanumerical codes are all a mystery to me. TIA!

Yeah, that's what I'm wondering also. Maybe someone can chime in with some help.
This is just how my hair texture looks inbetween relaxers! I'd say it's a 3c or 4a, but I don't even know myself.