Can Go Tell If A Person Has God In Their Life By Their Countenance?


Well-Known Member
Like if you didn’t even know the person and passed by them could you tell if that person served God or had God in their life. I think I pick up on that but I know scriptures days that God looks at the heart while we look on the outside appearance..
Like if you didn’t even know the person and passed by them could you tell if that person served God or had God in their life. I think I pick up on that but I know scriptures days that God looks at the heart while we look on the outside appearance..

Absolutely! It’s something I have been focusing on lately. We’re not talking about beauty here, but radiance. These type of people never let outer factors determine how they feel on the inside. They keep that childlike faith at all times. This gets harder and harder to do, as time progresses.

People who do not exude this, are constantly run down from chasing material wealth 24/7. They’re constantly stressed + short & snappy as a result. People who have God in their Their face shows that. Whether they’re all dolled up or not, you can tell they spend their time with Him intead of gossiping. I could go on and on about this topic, but I will let the others chime in :lol:.

Others aren't chiming in yet I am again :lol:. Only because this topic is so near and dear to my heart ;).

So, as I was saying, people who are resting are content with their life as is. Even within The Body of Christ: they don't need to be blessed every single year or make blessings + miracles happen. The very fact that they have breath in their lungs + get to pray every single day is the blessing to them.

I once met two very nice ladies at the train station, with huge bags. You could tell they travelled very often, but they had no rest on their face. Their faces looked worn down from worrying but trying to mask it with too much travel + sunbathing as some type of relaxation. When I recounted it to my sister + bil, they laughed so hard. Especially nowadays, with this travel culture. We're constantly bombarded with images that tell us that happiness + rest is...there instead of here.

I've had that mentality before, so I know what I'm talking about. One of the first prayers I made when I moved into my studio apartment was very simple: peace will have to find me here. Not somewhere where I had to spend €500.00+ to get to but right here. As a result, I have not set foot outside of Europe in a decade. You can even see this with women who have this chase + accumulate mentality, especially out here in the Western hemisphere: they chase beauty, career, men, having children, looking like they have it all and so on and so forth. Whereas in other countries, women attract things to themselves and always look peaceful, calm and unbothered.

This is why you can sometimes see a woman who seemingly has it all, but who becomes jealous of a woman who would be deemed...barren on all fronts.
I think this was just revealed to me but I was unsure. And you are right. It’s not physical appearance or even people who may Be churchgoers. It’s like an inner radiance that comes from knowing God which can’t be replicated even if the person is gorgeous or extremely handsome or has nice things.
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To really witness this, you really need to either visit a Third World country or just look at photographs from women of these countries: they are simply content. We have all of the tokens that ought to make us content...but we simply are not. Once you start to radiate contentment and rest, you will have very little need for make up. Beauty sleeps and naps become your skin regimen :yep:.

This is why it's important to spend more face to face time, instead of screen time. That way you become better at reading people's real internal motives and who they are on the inside vs. who they portray to be. Why? Because whatever is on the inside, eventually shows up on the outside. Always.

This is a picture of me, around the time I was diagnosed with schizophrenia:


This is a picture of me, the day I was let go from my job - my only source of income at the time - on the day of my birthday:


Often times people think that Christians have perfect lives and no harm ever hits us. That's not true, the way we respond is just different: we are to never lose sight of Him and the glory that is to come. This is what is meant by being like a tree planted by the water.

When you practice the presence of God on a daily basis, He shows Himself through you and throughout your life. It has nothing to do with material things, but all things spiritual.

Others may not be able to put their finger on it, but they recognize something special about those of us who allow God's Spirit to lead us. And Jesus said when He is lifted up, He will draw all men unto Himself.